Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 102, It's the smell of lying

Chapter 102, It's the smell of lying

"martial artist"

It was not the first time Li Guo had heard this term.

In the past, the impression of a martial artist was basically equated with Sanda master Xiaodong. When thinking of passing on martial arts, one thought of various masters who were slapped by Xiaodong in a fancy way.

And now that these traditional martial arts can be practiced, Li Guo is not surprised. After all, this was originally a killing skill in the age of aura, and it is normal for it to become a beautiful fist and embroidered legs in modern times.

When the spiritual energy revived, Huaquanxiuji changed back to killing skills.

Those orthodox martial arts inheritors are no longer those who are casually beaten by passers-by, but people who possess dragon-slaying skills.

"So this case is very important. It seems that someone is spreading a quick martial art." Ye Tong's face became a little sad.

Converted into words before the spiritual energy revived, the meaning of this sentence is probably equivalent to someone distributing pistols with unlimited ammunition everywhere.

very dangerous.

Li Guo nodded.

"Pindao knows, it is indeed an urgent matter."

"We have received a tip that they will trade at this pier tonight. It is inconvenient to disclose the specific location, so we can only look for the suspect by ourselves." Ye Tong paused and said: "My awakened ability is The seventh sense can perceive many things, including the abnormality between them and ordinary people."

She reported her ability generously.

Li Guo thinks this ability is very good.

"Daozhang, now you can do me a favor."


"Take a stroll around this wharf with me to find your target." Ye Tong said a little embarrassedly: "It's a bit too eye-catching for me to go alone, my colleagues are watching in other places, you know, our department The manpower is very tight, and the pier is so big."

It is indeed a bit of a problem for an urban white-collar worker to hang out in this bustling and extremely busy Kuhaha place.

But Li Guo wanted to say.

Is it okay to go shopping with Taoist priests?
It seems to be more inconsistent!
Of course, Li Guo just complained in his heart, the problem of Taoist robes is easy to solve.

"There's nothing wrong with being poor." Li Guo also agreed with Ye Tong's point of view, just like what she said, those villains are in the pier, and they have to observe secretly to find out those who are skilled in martial arts.

Just when Ye Tong was about to say something, under her unbelievable gaze, the Taoist robe on Li Guo disappeared.

It became the old white shirt and jeans.

"Is this magic?"

Looking at Li Guo's attire, Ye Tong felt as if he had passed away.

This is the first impression, the big boy in the white shirt and jeans.

"Just treat it as magic." Li Guo didn't want to explain anything. His Taoist robe is a spiritual outfit, which can be summoned and disappeared at any time.

After the Taoist robe disappeared, the Taoist aura that came with the Taoist robe disappeared.

But even if the aura that came with the Taoist robe disappeared, the immortal energy still lingered on his body and lingered for a long time.

Cultivate the Tao, the Tao that is in harmony with nature.

"It's changed a lot"

Ye Tong never imagined that such a person would live in such a cheap rental house.

Such a person is really not like there should be in the world.

The last time Li Guo said that he came from the sky, Ye Tong didn't take it as a lie. With her seventh sense, she knew what Li Guo said was true, but materialism taught her one thing, that is, there is nothing in this world. Bulls, ghosts, snakes, gods, ghosts and ghosts.

Maybe just as Gu Taisan guessed, the other party might come from a place that sits high above the sky, and for mortals on the ground, that place is the peak of heaven and earth.

When Ye Tong was brainstorming, Li Guo looked at himself reflected in the mirror wall in front of him, and couldn't help thinking that he was indeed the brightest star even if he didn't rely on the special effects of Taoist robes.

Li Guo groaned softly, and followed the original plan, pretending to be a couple enjoying the scenery with Ye Tong.

Acting and doing a full set, the two of them really chatted along the way.

"How is your grandfather?" Li Guo asked.

"My grandpa..." Ye Tong hesitated. Logically speaking, her grandpa's physical condition should not be casually told to outsiders, but after a moment of hesitation, she still said, "My grandpa seems to have been transferred to the capital to recuperate."

"Is that so?" Li Guo said softly.

"I'm curious about one thing, how did you know my grandfather." Ye Tong couldn't help it.

Li Guo showed nostalgic eyes.

"It's been a while."

That look seemed to say that we have known each other for a long time.
How old is the young Taoist in front of him?
However, the seventh sense once again told Ye Tong that all this is true.

Of course Li Guo didn't know how to answer her.

Do I want to tell you.

Back then, I and your grandfather were in charge?
Then what do you have to call me?

Li Guo found that the more it came to this kind of time, the more he had to keep an unfathomable chuckle, the kind of smile without saying a word, so that the other party would make up the answer by himself, the feeling that everything was in silence
Anyway, Li Guo felt that they had already given him enough brains, and it wouldn't be a big problem to have more.

At this moment, Li Guo suddenly stopped and continued walking.

"Front left, those five people."

"Huh?" Ye Tong reacted, and saw five dock workers who looked like they were resting.

These five people look very strong. It's not normal if the dock workers are not strong.

His face is a bit simple and honest, and his smile is quite kind, but after looking at it for a long time, he feels that this smile looks like he wants to hide a knife.

Most importantly, Li Guo felt the aura fluctuations emanating from them.

They are either Awakened, or the so-called [Warrior].

Li Guo thinks it should be a martial artist. It's not that he has never seen low-level awakened people. He has seen many low-level awakened people in the lecture at the Public Security Bureau last time.

The aura emanating from the five people in front of him was weaker than those of the awakened ones, but Li Guo would not let down his vigilance just because their aura was weak.

"I feel it too."

Ye Tong was a little surprised that Li Guo could perceive the abnormality first.

Obviously her seventh sense is more advantageous in this respect.

After thinking for a while, Li Guo walked towards the five people.

Li Guo could feel that when he was passing by, the eyes of these five people glanced at him, and the muscles on his body tensed up for a moment, and then he still pretended nothing happened.

It was only when they got close that they felt a strong resentment exuding from their bodies, red with black.

Li Guo pretended to be relaxed and asked.

"No, I have three tons of cargo to unload here."

"I don't accept work now. After a day, I'm tired. I'm sorry." The middle-aged man in charge apologized to Li Guo with a simple and honest face, saying that he would not accept orders.

I was tired from receiving work, but I didn't smell any sweat when I got close to my body.

What a liar.

Li Guo would not have believed his words even if he hadn't smelled the bloody aura on them.

The purpose of approaching has been achieved, Li Guo slightly moved his nose, and said lightly.

"It smells like lies."

(End of this chapter)

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