Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 118, I Knock on Heaven and Earth to Open the Gate of Heaven

Chapter 118, I Knock on Heaven and Earth to Open the Gate of Heaven
The world seems to be changing.

Gravity distorts to the naked eye.

On the other side of the sky, a young man appeared.

The young man looked about 30 years old, and his appearance was unremarkable. He belonged to the type that can be seen everywhere. He was wearing a military uniform and looked extremely majestic.

It was the coercion emanating from this ordinary young man that made Li Guo feel very powerful.

"I am invincible to this man." Li Guo commented on the young man at the first sight.

To put it in a more common way, I would be hung up and beaten by him.

Of course, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and the cards cannot be lost.

Under the double fusion of breath expansion technique and Yu Xi, a monstrous coercion that Li Guo couldn't stand radiated out.

Yu Xi is a strong man himself, and with the breath expansion technique, he really has a feeling of coercion from heaven and earth.

Standing opposite Li Guo, standing out of thin air, is the strongest person in the headquarters of Huaxia's special department.

"Boy Zhu Wuxian."

While Li Guo was looking at Zhu Wuxian, Zhu Wuxian was also looking at the person riding on the crane.

Today, the crane is covered by clouds and mist, and its face cannot be seen clearly, but judging from the preached scriptures and some exposed clothes, Zhu Wuxian judged that the high-dimensional life in front of him is a Taoist priest.

Facing the Taoist priest in front of him, Zhu Wuxian subconsciously made an evaluation in his heart.

"I can't beat this high-dimensional life form."

I am invincible.

I can't beat him.

The two just stood there out of thin air.

Zhu Wuxian chose a polite way of speaking based on his inner judgment, and said: "Shangxian is here, visiting the territory of our country, why don't you come to the house to have a talk, friends are here, good wine and good food are good to entertain."

Zhu Wuxian specially emphasized the word "friend", only friends can have good wine and good food.

Li Guo, on the other hand, prepared the lines that he had thought about a long time ago, and just said it lightly.

"The fairy caresses the top, and the hair grows forever. The moon is inclined to the heavenly gate, and the preaching is preached to all living beings."

After speaking, Li Guo withdrew the breath expansion technique. To be honest, he couldn’t stand it after using it too much.
Riding a crane, all the way west.

Huang Tingjing's voice continued to sound.

Originally Zhu Wuxian wanted to say something, but when the sound of Huang Tingjing chanting sounded, Zhu Wuxian closed his mouth.

The passage of the scriptures made his spiritual energy, body, and mind jump for joy.

Originally, it seemed that he was a little confused about the future, but his mind, which was covered in fog, suddenly became enlightened.

It is not to teach the law, but to pass on the way in the heart.

"This fairy is really here to preach!"

The voice of Huang Ting Jing even turned into Dao runes, and the words appeared, floating on the ground.

Zhu Wuxian felt it immediately.

This time, it may be China's opportunity.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Wuxian decided to fly behind the White Crane Shangxian in front of him.

That's it, half a step behind.

Neither go forward nor lag behind.

Immortals preach, and the strong humane follow.

Li Guo didn't care either, and just let this man whose ability is controlled by gravity follow.

I am safe and secure, so I don't panic at all.

"Miss Yuxi, what do you think the cultivation level of the person behind is?" Li Guo still curiously asked Yuxi, Zhu Wuxian's realm.

Li Guo knew that Zhu Wuxian was stronger than him, and if he forcibly used the identification technique, he might turn into a blood gourd on the spot.

The Immortal preaches that it is not beautiful to suddenly bleed all over the body.

Yu Xi said indifferently: "This mortal is not taking the same path as you. He is taking the path of becoming an innate god and demon like us spirit beasts. How can the realm and strength not be equal to you, a Taoist? In terms of numbers, the one in front of you is probably at the Golden Core Realm."

Li Guo understood and asked curiously at the same time.

"What is the difference between the path of ascetics and your innate gods and demons?"

"The path of innate gods and demons does not need to pass through the thunder calamity."

Li Guo: "."

To build a foundation by yourself is to prepare for the catastrophe, but the awakened one doesn't need to level up?
Li Guo was a little envious.

"Taoist, don't be envious." As if feeling Li Guo's emotions, Yu Xi said: "The road of congenital gods and demons, supernatural powers and godsends, the more difficult it is, the road of cultivating Taoism and becoming a fairy, and turning oneself into a great way, is becoming more and more difficult. Wide, Taoist achievements are immortals, cultivating Taoism and immortality can go with the sky, or against the sky, and cultivating gods and demons is just to go with the sky."

Listening to Yu Xi's description, Li Guo noticed something.

Immortals seem to have a very high status in the cognition of these mountain and sea spirit beasts.

After hearing this, Li Guo withdrew his slightly sour thoughts and focused on the matter in front of him.

"Thank you for your good words, the road to immortality is long, let me act like this"

"Pretentious?" Yu Xi didn't quite understand what the word meant, but instinct told her that it was not a good word.

"To be precise, it's taking advantage of the situation." Li Guo smiled: "Using the momentum of the spiritual tide in the world, I will strengthen the momentum of my Taoism."

Li Guo was still reciting the Yellow Court Sutra on a crane, and when he finished, he would repeat it like a repeater.

Riding a crane, circled around the Pearl River Delta.

Finally came to Guangzhou.

The crane stands above the tallest building 'Xiaomanyao' Guangzhou Tower.

And Zhu Wuxian also stayed in the sky, looking at Li Guo curiously.

I don't know what this immortal is doing above this little man's waist?

Li Guo didn't recite the scriptures either, as if he was waiting for something.

Not long after, countless people crowded under the Canton Tower, taking pictures and watching, Zhugong Satellite TV even boldly broadcast live.

Facing Li Guo, the Taoist god who descended from the sky and recited scriptures, most people held an attitude of awe and curiosity.

Are there really gods in this world?Did the gods really come to this world?

At this time, the system's voice sounded: "Host, please pay attention, the second wave of spiritual tide is coming, please be prepared."

Listening to the system's voice, Li Guo tried to speak in an indifferent tone.

"Junior, can you give me a hand?"

Zhu Wuxian was stunned for a moment, and said: "Shangxian just say it."

"Maintain the order of mortals, can you?"

"Maintain order?"

At this moment, the clouds around Li Guo dissipated a little.

Zhu Wuxian could vaguely see the figure on the crane's back.

Soon, Li Guo stood up, holding three sticks of incense in his hand.

Zhu Wuxian didn't know why the 'Shangxian' in front of him suddenly stood up with incense in his hand.

Suddenly, with the Canton Tower as the center, a colorful glow burst out in the sky.


It is so beautiful that the people under the tower forgot to take pictures, just quietly enjoying the scene.

so beautiful.
Everyone subconsciously kept quiet.

Only Li Guo's voice sounded.

ringing through the streets.


The voice is clear and clear, no one knows the age, but it has a charm that spreads.

"Today, I knock on the heaven and the earth to open the gate of heaven."

Li Guo bowed slightly.

Burn incense and knock to the sky.

The colorful rays of light appear, and the spiritual tide rises.

The second wave of aura tide.

A complete explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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