Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 123, This World Needs Heroes

Chapter 123, This World Needs Heroes

After returning to the human world.

Li Guo didn't feel any sudden changes in society.

If we want to talk about changes, the various discussions on the Internet are still more intense.

Because of the announcement of the recovery of spiritual qi, many ability users who kept it hidden for fear of being considered freaks gradually stood up and dared to use their abilities openly, either as a live broadcast or as a video.

For example, a person who has awakened the ability to attract fish is posting a video of catching the sea, and every time he gains a lot.

For example, a person who has awakened the ability to control mud and rocks can move ten bricks at a time, and is called the Brick King of the South China Sea.

For example, a person who has awakened the ability to make barbecue sauce more fragrant can produce the taste of a Michelin chef every time he grills.

In short, the internet seems to be full of awakened people, but in fact, there are not many real awakened people.
More people are ordinary people who have not awakened, or people who have been detected to have no possibility of awakening. They may be discussing the modified version of Tai Chi 4.0 announced by the state, or discussing games, or discussing girls, or discussing Celebrity.

Psychic energy, awakening, and kung fu are not the whole meaning of life, and not what everyone pursues. For many people, they have their own meaning, their own work, and their own dreams.
Life, that is, has different colors.

Li Guo also planned to find a good place to cross the catastrophe, and by the way, see if there is any place where he can earn merit.

At this time, Li Guo was walking on the street.

Suddenly, a car in front lost control.

Li Guo, who has Tianmutong, can see that in the driver's seat of the car, the owner of the car is twitching as if he has epilepsy.

It's like having epilepsy - epilepsy is not allowed to drive, but some people still walk on the edge of the law.

When the car is out of control, it will cause a major accident.

Li Guo stepped forward quickly, ready to stop the car.

However, this time, someone is faster.

"I come!"

Not far away, a person rushed out.

He was wearing the school uniform of a nearby school, a cheap cloak behind him, and a ridiculous-looking Chaowei blue cat headgear on his head.

Looks like a young man at a cheap cosplay.

However, this young man rushed to the front of the car with a stride, and the muscles on his body began to swell.

In an instant, the young man changed from a small man of 1.6 meters into a big man with a height of nearly [-] meters.


Holding the car with both hands, stopped the car that was about to wreak havoc on the road.

On the other side, there was a boy who looked 1.7 meters tall, also wearing a ridiculous Hongmao headgear, opened the car door at a very fast speed, and pulled the car owner who had a seizure.

Between lightning and flint, the two cooperated to prevent an accident from happening.

The people around were afraid, and then they cheered.

"Thank you!"

"Too dangerous."

"Is this the awakened one? Although he is wearing a hood, he is so handsome."

"Handsome, can I have your autograph?"

"A real superhero!"

The muscular man with the blue cat hood waved his hand, laughed and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, we're just passing by, hahahaha!!"

You don't have to say thank you, but Li Guo could see that the two of them enjoyed it.

Li Guo smiled slightly and put down his hand.

Maybe this is a superhero?

"not bad."

Just as Li Guo was about to leave, a siren sounded around him.

Two police officers got off the motorcycle.

After the police looked at the crashed car, they looked at the 'Chaowei Blue Catman' and 'Rain Catman' who held their heads high.

At this time, the two 'superheroes' who seemed to be no more than 20 years old at the most were preparing to receive the praise with joy.

What sounded was the stern voice of the police uncle.

"You two, because you violated the regulations on the use of ability users, please come with us."

From far away, Li Guo could feel the astonishment of 'Chaowei Blue Catman' and 'Rain Catman'.

And the anger of the onlookers.

In an instant, the crowd yelled and cursed one after another, and the two policemen in charge of law enforcement just kept their heads depressed while being scolded.

Li Guo was actually a little surprised, but it seemed to be expected.

After thinking for a while, Li Guo leaned over and said calmly.

"Supreme Tianzun, these two young heroes are also using their abilities to prevent the disaster from expanding."

"You are." The policeman in charge looked at Li Guo. He was a newcomer and didn't know Li Guo, but he still said, "We're doing things according to the law, that's how the regulations are, and we're not arresting them, just letting them go back. Just under investigation"

The police have repeatedly emphasized that they are only accepting investigations, but the people who eat melons don’t care. They don’t care about the difference between being investigated and being arrested. He came as soon as he opened his mouth, and some even wanted to come up and do it.

"You are hunting heroes!"

"Why are you arresting the two heroes? Don't you just know how to get along with each other?"

"Where were you when the heroes helped us, if there were no two heroes, we would have died long ago!"

The yelling and scolding made the police tireless, but they couldn't refute it.

Li Guo said indifferently.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient"

A calm and peaceful voice sounded.

It seems to be able to soothe people's hearts.

Those present, even the most swearing trolls and the most swearing shrews, stopped their swearing.

At this time, a phantom of a green lotus bloomed faintly in Li Guo's mouth.

Qinglian whispered quietly, penetrating people's hearts.

"This matter is nothing more than a matter of understanding."

"They arrested the hero, let us understand him." One of the voices was still a little dissatisfied.

"In fact, you can think about it carefully." Li Guo shook his head and said softly: "If there is a car bandit and road tyrant who robs, but is shot to death by enthusiastic passers-by, the person who killed the car bandit and road tyrant with one shot saved a carload of people. In the midst of fire and water, then this enthusiastic crowd, did he break the law?"

"Of course." The voice froze for a moment, and was suddenly speechless.

Because it is true.

Car bandits and road tyrants break the law.

It is also a crime to shoot someone.

"Besides, they didn't arrest these two little heroes, they just asked them to go back to assist in the investigation. If you don't believe me, Pindao will follow along to ensure that the two little heroes will not suffer any unfair treatment. How?" Li Guo said.

"Why should we trust you? Why should they listen to you? Don't persecute heroes?" An old lady looked at Li Guo suspiciously.

"Because Pindao is also capable."

Li Guo said lightly, stretching out his left hand.

In an instant, blue thunder surrounded the palm of the hand, and the originally clear sky became dark clouds.

The Taoist who had just been indifferent instantly turned into a fairy god holding a thunderbolt——

Zhi Tianwei.

Heaven's punishment.

"Also, Pindao."

"Strong enough."

(End of this chapter)

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