Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 125, Muyang Hospital

Chapter 125, Muyang Hospital

The country's handling of such matters is quite good.

At least considering the relative balance and social order, it won't make those passionate awakeners suffocate.

Moreover, not all awakened people have fighting power. For example, some people's awakening ability is simply to make themselves more fragrant, and they have no fighting power at all, and because of their status as awakened people, they cannot practice martial arts. study.
People who live a stable life need a stable social order.

People with passion can also help maintain a stable social order.

During the chat, Li Guo talked about the policemen who were practicing Tai Chi in front of the door, and praised them.

"This is the real deployment of martial arts in the world, rather than the wanton dissemination of martial arts with great lethality and side effects."

"This Comrade Luo Qianhua, who intends to 'bring out martial arts in the world', really gave us a headache." Gu Taisan said with a very headache: "According to the appraisal of the ancient martial arts experts at the headquarters, this Luo Qianhua disseminated There is indeed a problem with his kung fu."

"Instant success is quick success, and the price is the health of the body. If this kung fu is modified too vigorously, it will cause a strong burden on the heart and lungs, especially the heart. If you practice for a long time, it is almost inevitable that your lifespan will be shortened. If the body is already poor , You may die suddenly after practicing for a while."

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

The fighting power of Taijiquan may not be obvious, but it is a must in terms of physical fitness. Not to mention that it will not cause a burden on the heart and lungs, but it will enhance the heart, lungs, and body functions in an all-round way.

"Moreover, we have also identified that this heir of a miscellaneous family has also put hint information in the exercises. Everyone who practices his exercises will be affected by the hint information in it, just like hypnosis, and wait until a certain time. , the hypnotic information will be triggered."

"He's really a genius."

Li Guo is calm on the surface, but his heart fluctuates a bit.

If it weren't for the fact that what this careerist did was really outrageous, Li Guo would have admired it.

Not only can modify kung fu, but also put hypnotic information in kung fu.

He is worthy of being the legendary miscellaneous family - he knows everything, and knows a little bit of everything.

"Have you deciphered the message?"

Gu Taisan said: "At present, we have only deciphered the first message, which is [June [-]th]. There is another message, and the experts in the capital are still deciphering it overnight."

"That is to say, when June [-]th, these villains who have practiced these kung fu will act according to the implanted hint information?" Li Guo said.

"Well, there are only two ways to go at present. One is to find that ambitious man named Luo Qianhua, and the other is to decipher the second message before June [-]th, which is fifteen days later."

"Pindao, do you remember that there is a girl in your department who can be tracked down?" Li Guo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Xiaohua's ability can only track information within the range, and the tracking range and accuracy will become stronger with the improvement of her level and the pheromones she obtains. Currently, she is Lv2. Even if the information is complete, she can track a radius of five kilometers at most. The place within." Gu Taisan said helplessly.

Li Guo could feel Gu Taisan's tiredness from far away.

During the recovery period of spiritual qi, all kinds of careerist's methods emerge in an endless stream, which is also quite uncomfortable.

"In the era of psychic energy, there are many more opportunities, but opportunities will also give birth to desires and cancer." Gu Taisan complained after taking a sip of coffee: "We hard-working civil servants have to work hard."

Li Guo stayed for a while and left the police station. Before leaving, Gu Taisan also talked about Muyang Hospital.

Surprisingly, they went to Muyang Hospital, but they didn't find any evil ghosts there, and left after exploring for a while, but out of trust in Li Guo, they still stationed people there to observe.

This surprised Li Guo a little.

There are no ghosts?
It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are also good. The repentant ghost fire boy should not be able to tell lies.

Could it be that the big ghost there has moved elsewhere?

While Li Guo was thinking, he saw Gong Shuling who was in a daze at the door.

The soulless puppet was in a daze in another place, sitting on a public seat at the entrance of the police station.

There is a husky lying on the lap, and the husky is sleeping beautifully on the human lap, and the husky is bleeding all over the pants.

After a pause, Li Guo approached Gong Shuling and handed her the tissue.

"Wipe it."

Gong Shuling raised his head, looked at Li Guo, tilted his head, and asked doubtfully, "Is it an order?"

"It's not an order, it's a suggestion."

Gongshuling was silent.

He took Li Guo's tissue.

Wipe off the saliva on the pants.

Then, he wiped off the saliva mark on the corner of the husky's mouth.

Li Guo stared blankly at this scene, and muttered, "It's kind of interesting."

They met by chance, so Li Guo packed up and planned to visit the former site of Muyang Hospital without saying much.

What if the big ghost is still there?Maybe there are merits to be earned.

Different from the previous self, the current self is a master belter who is about to build a foundation, and he probably won't feel too much pressure when he meets that big ghost.

The advantage is great, take your sacrificial sword!
Li Guo went to the former site of Muyang Hospital.

The journey is not far, and after 25 minutes by car, we arrived at the old site of the hospital.

The hospital has already moved away, leaving the old site here.

Coupled with the unique desolation and sadness of the hospital, it looks particularly quiet here.

Empty, desolate as dust.

Originally, the red dust and fireworks here were full of various forms, but because this place has become ruins, everything has returned to nothingness and peace, as if to show that the final destination of life is the peace of nothingness.

And Li Guo stood in front of the hospital and felt it with his heart.

There is residual Yin Qi, but it is very rare, and there are traces to follow—after all, this is a hospital, and it is not surprising that there are one or two wandering ghosts emitting Yin Qi.

If it is really a large-scale evil, the yin energy on his body should be like a lamp in the dark night, big and bright.

Was he really deceived by that will-o'-the-wisp boy?

Li Guo frowned.

However, there is a situation that can lock the yin energy of the soul body.

"Could it be the same as the puppet Billy I met last time, this ghost is using a mechanism carrier? That's why the investigators didn't find it out"

The ruins of the hospital, there are a lot of waste piled up here, there are homeless people, there are former patients, if it is really a puppet body, it is really hard to find it hiding in this hospital.

As soon as Li Guo walked in, he heard a crisp voice calling to him.

"Brother Taoist!"

Turning around and looking, I saw a pretty figure.

It was Ye Tong's junior high school sister, Ye Si.

At this moment, she was trotting over in a police uniform.
(End of this chapter)

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