Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 136, Research on Reiki Recovery

Chapter 136, Research on Reiki Recovery
If there is a small expert here, they will probably say [I don't want to know].

But none of the people here is a master, so they just quietly listened to Yang Boyong's explanation.

"In fact, since the founding of New China, the first awakened person was discovered in a summer three years ago." Yang Boyong sat on a chair and said with a smile: "At that time, a soldier serving in the army, During the practice, I suddenly found that I could freely control the gravity, just like instinct, it will happen naturally, the authorities immediately blocked the news and assisted in the investigation of the soldier's abnormal condition."

Li Guo thought for a while, and if he guessed correctly, the soldier who could control him freely should be Zhu Wuxian.

He was one of the earliest awakened people in China. He did not expect to reach the Golden Core realm from the beginning of awakening in just three years.

I have to admire this rocket-like advancement speed, even the earth with such a lack of aura recovery can enter the golden elixir in three years.

This is the advantage of the awakened god and demon, and also the advantage of his talent.

"Following the awakening of the soldier, sporadic awakening incidents of awakened people spread all over the place. From then on, we began to study psionic energy, this new clean energy."

Yang Boyong talked eloquently.

"So far, the experimental samples are enough. After some research, there are some results, especially after some things happened, and our research finally made a major breakthrough."

The slideshow was opened, and everyone's eyes were on the big screen in front of them.

On the screen, there is a huge crane surrounded by clouds and mist.

On the crane, there is a faint group of people, riding a white crane around the west.

"For this, everyone in Guangdong must be familiar with it."

Everyone nodded.

People from Guangdong almost faced this 'Crane Immortal' directly.

No one noticed, Li Guo's ears were slightly red.
Isn't this handsome boy riding a crane himself?

From the point of view, it should be Zhu Wuxian's filming.

Good or bad, I actually secretly took pictures of myself.

However, I have to say that even though he couldn't see the face, the pictures were still full of temperament. If he didn't know that this handsome boy was himself, Li Guo would have thought that a real fairy had descended.

Sure enough, it is indeed me!
"This high-dimensional life form code-named 'Crane Immortal', you can understand it as an extraterrestrial visitor, or an advanced form of a capable person. It has broken through the limits of human beings. I don't know if it can still be called a human creature." Yang Boyong Looking at the 'Crane Immortal' on the screen, his eyes flickered: "Because of some things he did, the concentration of psionic energy in the air has been increased, so we conclude that the psionic energy appears again on our earth, will it be What about another high-dimensional life form?"

Li Guo really wanted to say that the second wave of spiritual waves was a natural phenomenon!Natural phenomena, natural phenomena!
"It is confirmed here that the spiritual tide can be caused by certain behaviors of high-dimensional life forms, then." Yang Boyong said: "Then before our Huaxia spiritual tide dissipated for a while, can it also be caused by high-dimensional life forms?" Body to do it?"

Li Guo regained his energy, and the postdoctoral fellow in front of him seemed to be on the right track.

It was indeed a certain power that sealed the earth's aura. As for which power it was, what purpose it was, and how it was sealed, Li Guo didn't know.

Just curious, what results can this postdoctoral researcher come out with.

Not only Li Guo, but everyone present was also attracted by the words of this scientific researcher.

As long as you are human, you will have curiosity and a search for the unknown.

At first, everyone thought that it was just someone who came here to earn some extra money, but unexpectedly, this lecture was full of dry goods. Even if it was telling a story, the story was very attractive.

However, Yang Boyong's next slides turned into piles of historical materials.

In the Qin Dynasty, in 232 AD, Xiang Yu was born, capable of carrying a tripod.
Li Shaoweng, a subordinate of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, can perform illusions and summon souls
Ye Fashan and Zhang Guo of the Tang Dynasty
They are all capable people and strangers who appeared in ancient folklore.

Most of them hold supernatural powers, and they are in power. Through supernatural powers, or with the help of supernatural powers, they have gained status.

"Did you find anything, this talented person of all ages." Yang Boyong said with a smile.

Everyone shook their heads. They really didn't find anything strange. It was just an ordinary folklore, and there was nothing to pay attention to.

However, Li Guo noticed it.

If these people look at it from the perspective of a cultivator, they are just at the level of Qi training.

However, it is an innate stranger with this level of qi training, but with his own ability, he can create a future of fame and power.

The modern awakened ones, not to mention Zhu Wuxian of the golden elixir period.

Awakened people in the Qi refining period now have everything they need.

The level of strength that can carry a tripod. It is evenly matched with the "Chaowei Blue Catman" I met some time ago.

With this strength, he can carry a tripod, but he can hold the gate alone, and he can be the overlord of one party.

Although Xiang Yu's achievement is also related to his own personal ability, but it has to be denied that his personal bravery has indeed played a strong role in his conquest.

Not only Li Guo noticed it, but Gu Taisan also noticed it, raised his hand and said, "Their abilities don't seem to be as powerful as ours."

"Yes, their ability is not as good as ours." Yang Boyong said eloquently: "Take the Overlord of Western Chu as an example. In our ability evaluation system, the level of power that can be described by historical materials is probably Lv2, Power Awakening, comprehensive evaluation level C~B."

"This level is not to say that it is very weak, it can be rated as a mediocre one, but just imagine, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu who can carry a tripod, is only at the mediocre level in our modern times in terms of strength alone. Tell me, what does this represent? ?”

"The Awakened, representing the awakened in our time, is very, very high on average, and it's overflowing."

"We have calculated that, on average, in each school, in each grade, among the 500 to 600 people, there are 1 or 2 awakened or about to awaken. No matter how strong or weak these abilities are, in previous dynasties, they could It is said that it is one in a thousand aliens, we can produce one for every 600 people here, and the average level is higher, compared with the past, it is indeed not an exaggeration to describe it as flooding."

Yang Boyong's eyes flickered.

Some fanaticism.

For the unknown fanaticism, the kind of fanaticism unique to scientific researchers.

"Think about it carefully, everyone. Psychic energy has been lacking for so many years, and so many capable people and strange men have erupted in such a dynasties. It can even be said to be more than the sum of previous dynasties. Tell me, does this seem like it?"

"A gambler, live frugally, collect the saved money little by little, and then on a certain day."

Yang Boyong lowered his voice a little.

"How about a grand gamble?"

(End of this chapter)

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