Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 138, Training Base

Chapter 138, Training Base

On June [-]th, Wudang Mountain, one of the sacred places of Taoism in China, is also the holy place of martial arts today. It was created by Zhang Sanfeng, the originator of Taiji.

Also known as Taihe Mountain, Xieluo Mountain, Shenshang Mountain, and Xianshi Mountain, it was known as "Taiyue", "Xuanyue" and "Dayue" in ancient times.

Gu Taisan said with emotion.

"Worthy of being Wudang Mountain, the world's most unparalleled fairyland. If I didn't have a mission, I would definitely have to visit it."

"Why didn't Brother Taoist come?" Ye Si looked around, but didn't see the person he wanted to see.

Ye Tong patted Ye Si's small brain: "I think about her every day, why, do you want to fall in love early?"

"Don't say puppy love is so ugly, sister." Ye Si muttered: "I found that parents are like this. They were not allowed to fall in love when they were students, but after graduation, they want their children to become a partner out of thin air. What's wrong?"

Ye Tong's mouth twitched.

My little girl's mouth is getting sharper and sharper, I can't bear it.
Gu Taisan shook his head and said.

"We don't have his contact information either, so we don't know where the Taoist priest has gone."

"Hey, it's a good thing I have the Taoist brother's WeChat account." Ye Si was a little secretly happy. This WeChat account was added by the way to transfer the breakfast money when renting out the house.

While chatting, several people walked towards Wudang Mountain.

Today's Wudang Mountain has been completely closed to the outside world, but a solemn Taoist school, a holy place for martial arts.

Before reaching the mountainside, I heard the sound of shouting and practicing.

On Wudang Mountain, there are people practicing martial arts.

As soon as the investigation team approached, they felt a soaring masculine aura coming over them.

On the phalanx, there are Wudang people who are practicing.

Practicing real Tai Chi is right, it is Tai Chi.

The real Taijiquan is not the kind of slow-moving fists played by old ladies on the street, but [rigid] with [soft] and [soft] with [rigid].

Rigid like fire and soft like flowing water is the true meaning of Tai Chi.

"I don't know if you are coming, but the poor are far away to welcome you."

The person who received Gu Taisan and the others was a Taoist priest named Qinghui who looked about 30 years old.

"We are the investigation team from Huizhou, and we came to support when we received the news."

"It turned out to be Huizhou's colleagues. This time, I thank you very much." Qinghui cupped his hands and said with a smile, "It's thanks to you who exposed the plan of this idiot that we were prepared. Thank you very much."

Qinghui was sincerely grateful, but Gu Taisan did not feel any panic from Qinghui's tone, instead he had a great confidence.

This self-confidence comes from the title of 'Holy Land of Martial Arts' and the muscular priests who are practicing.

Originally, Wudang taught martial arts, but when spiritual energy exploded, these martial arts practitioners accumulated a lot of knowledge. It can be said that Wudang Mountain is the place with the largest number of ancient martial arts practitioners in the country.

If it's just against those instant villains, it's really worth it.

The only thing worth noting is the creation of Mohist institutions.

"Hello, Captain Gu, I'm Zhang Heng, the captain of the Checheng investigation team."

A middle-aged man wearing the same black uniform as Gu Taisan came out and introduced himself.


Zhang Heng cupped his hands in admiration.

"Captain Jiuyanggu is famous, seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

Not to be outdone, Gu Taisan also said the same.

"Hahaha! Each other, each other! Captain Zhang is also as heroic as I imagined, he is indeed a hero among men."

Gu Taisan and Zhang Heng's bureaucratic bragging made Ye Tong and Ye Si feel uncomfortable, with goosebumps all over the floor.

Where did this Captain Zhang Heng see that this strange uncle with unshaven beard, uncut hair, and scruffy appearance in front of him could see [deserving of his reputation]? And what aspect of this chubby uncle is so heroic?Meat from the belly?

Business exchanges also need to talk about whether the Basic Law is good or not.

Of course, the stage of business bragging that made the two sisters Ye Si and Ye Tong uncomfortable soon passed, and the next two parties were talking about business.

"Actually, after you reminded us, our police have already stepped up their work, and some criminals have been intercepted on the way to our place." Zhang Heng also joked: "To a certain extent, they can also be regarded as If you fall into the trap, it is a plan for success and a plan for failure."

Gu Taisan nodded, this is a mistake, these cunning criminals who have been dormant in the dark all year round, this time they are completely unlucky.

"But the point is that you haven't discovered any of those mechanism creations?" Gu Taisan still picked up the point.

Those criminals who practice kung fu have been caught, but what about those organ creations?
Didn't find any?
At this time, the smile on Zhang Heng's face gradually faded, and he said seriously.

"That's right, we didn't find any. Frankly speaking, we have also taken over several cases about the heirs of the Mohist school, and we have tracked down and investigated them many times. The biggest problem is still that - we don't know where these mechanism creations come from. "

Gu Taisan secretly thought that it was true.

This is where the creations of the Mohist institutions are the most irritating.

Use ordinary puppet patterns as a camouflage—usually the metal detectors for security checks are useless at all, people’s houses are all made of wood, or only a small amount of composite materials, how do you check?
Originally, Gu Taisan wondered why the Mohist institution didn't use metal in its creations. At present, it would be better if metal was used, and the detector can detect it accurately.

"Then it seems that at present, what we have to be careful of is the Mohism's mechanism creations." Gu Taisan said with a heavy heart: "Tomorrow is the day to compete with them, and I don't know how many organs with supernatural powers and martial arts will be there. The monster is coming"

To be honest, Gu Taisan was still a little uneasy, and when he closed his eyes, he thought of Luo Qianhua's calm face and confident smile.

It haunts Gu Taisan like a nightmare.

But for him, the more uneasy he felt, the more he had to calm down, so that he could be qualified as a leader.

"You don't have to worry, this is also a rare opportunity for my Wudang disciples." Qinghui at the side carried his hands on his back, and said with a faint smile: "Only those who fought in blood and fire, You are called warriors, if you don’t experience blood and fire, how will you fight against others on the battlefield in the future? What’s the use of fainting at the sight of blood.”

Gu Taisan nodded, the reason why he is so desperate to protect Wudang Mountain is not only because Wudang is a sacred place for martial arts.

Among the Wudang disciples, half of them will join the army in the future, or in other words, many new recruits are sent to practice martial arts——

It is biased to say that learning dragon slaying skills and selling them to the emperor's family, but in this new era of psionic energy, the country really needs these martial artists to adapt to the upcoming new situation.

Today's Wudang Mountain is not just a holy place for martial arts.

It is also a training base.

(End of this chapter)

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