Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 140, the fog dissipated

Chapter 140, the fog dissipated
Half a day ago.

"You mean, their goal isn't Wudang Mountain?" Zhang Heng frowned, and after handcuffing the criminal in front of him, he said doubtfully, "This is just your guess."

"It's not conjecture, it's analysis. Whether you understand it or not, it's the result of a comprehensive deduction from the other party's behavior pattern, action plan, and personal ability."

Ye Si's eyes flickered and said.

"I have profiled Luo Qianhua's character. He is a very cautious person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Think about it carefully. How could such a cautious person show his feet on the Internet and let us so easily It seems that he was caught by us on purpose, and the only explanation is that he was caught by us on purpose."

Zhang Heng laughed out loud after hearing this conclusion.

"Deliberately cheating? Is he a fool?"

"He is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very smart."

"Smart people don't deliberately squat in the game."

"Smart people will take their own time into the plan." Ye Si said again: "If he doesn't go into the game, we will show evidence that someone will attack Wudang Mountain, will you take it to heart? ?”

This time it was Zhang Heng's turn to be speechless.

If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. If Luo Qianhua hadn't been caught, everyone wouldn't have mobilized people so solemnly to guard Wudang Mountain, and even mobilized the surrounding provinces.

"If the surrounding provinces are being mobilized, and the real target is not Wudang Mountain, then Shaoshi Mountain is most likely."

Gu Taisan pondered.

It is also a sacred place of ancient martial arts, which is different from Wudang Mountain.

After Shaoshishan awakened his psychic powers, he chose not to cooperate with the country and make joint research and progress, but to close the mountain and retreat to avoid this great world.

It is said that Buddhism seeks tranquility, but in fact, Taoism seeks tranquility even more, but people stand up and face the great world together with the world.

Regardless of which one is better or worse, in short, for the country, it is the best choice for you to take the opportunity to do things like the heirs of the Miscellaneous Family and the Mohist Family.

"If their real target is really Shaoshi Mountain, then Shaoshi Mountain may be in a lot of trouble. They closed the mountain and dismissed many disciples, and there are not many monks." Qinghui frowned and said: "Shaoshi The government chose to close the mountain, and the information is not transmitted as quickly as my Wudang. You better go and have a look, don't worry too much about Wudang Mountain, if foreign enemies come, I have my own way to deal with Wudang Mountain."

At this time, Zhang Heng suddenly received a call.

After receiving the call, Zhang Heng's eyes froze.

"What's wrong?" Gu Taisan looked at Zhang Heng's eyes and thought inwardly.

"It's Shaoshi Mountain. It was attacked two hours ago. It's a creation of the agency."

"Why did you only receive the news of the attack two hours ago?" Ye Si, who was on the side, said in amazement, feeling a little unbelievable.

Zhang Heng first greeted his people to prepare to transfer, and at the same time he said helplessly: "Shaoshi Mountain closed the mountain and closed the gate, so naturally they have no contact with the official, they have also cut off contact with the outside world, and the local signal base stations have been dismantled, so, they If you call the police, you must first go to the public telephone outside the mountain to call the police, and then the ordinary police operator will connect you, then go through the ordinary case process, and finally transfer it to the special operations department, and then the special operations department will start from those ordinary cases. deal with it, and finally transfer it to us”

Ye Si was speechless for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Wudang Mountain opened its doors to help the country train recruits. Naturally, it is half official.

"Anyway, let's hurry up to support, the helicopter should arrive in time."

Only Ye Si was still thinking.

"Miss Ye Si, what's the matter?" Gu Taisan asked, and now Ye Si was like a think tank in his eyes.

People are big and witty.

"No, I was thinking."

Ye Si frowned tightly, still feeling that there was something unspeakable in it.

Is it a trick?

Or is it a trick?
Li Guo slowly opened his eyes, looked at the time on the phone, and secretly thought that something was wrong.

"I didn't expect to meditate here for so long."

Li Guo stood up from Tiantai Mountain, feeling a little sore and backache, and he didn't know how long he hadn't moved.

After drinking with Liu Botang, he felt a little enlightenment, and this slight insight actually aroused the [Tao] that had not yet been absorbed in his body.

This feeling is of course to quickly find a place to enlighten, but when I close my eyes and open them, well, it’s been a few days.
It is estimated that Gu Taisan and the others have already gone to Wudang Mountain.

"Why don't you use the flying talisman to pick up a few heads? You should be able to pick up a few merit points now."

Li Guo murmured in his heart, of course it was just a murmur, it was impossible to really go like this.

Driving a flying talisman to travel thousands of miles, holding a knife and falling from the sky to collect a few miscellaneous fish, that's a fart card.

It's better to wait for the dust to settle with Gu Taisan and others - Li Guo still has some confidence in the strength of the police uncle.

"There is still a lack of aura in the world, so I need to get something to eat."

Li Guo went to the old place to buy some buns and biscuits.

After buying it, I suddenly felt refreshed.

Thinking of Luo Qianhua, Wudang Mountain
"Strange, I always feel that this Luo Qianhua is guiding us to Wudang Mountain intentionally or unintentionally." Li Guo muttered while eating sesame seed cakes.

As a person who participated in the Anti-Japanese War (in the illusion), I understand a truth.

The more the enemy wants you to do something, the more you don't want to do it.

That Luo Qianhua seemed to want everyone to go to Wudang Mountain.

"Isn't Wudang Mountain his goal? Other places are."

The more Li Guo thought about it, the more wrong he became.

I thought of a place.

Shaoshi Mountain.

Since the recovery of spiritual qi, the news about Mount Shaoshi is the least, or almost no.

But it is undeniable that the allusion of martial arts in the world came from Shaoshi, if Luo Qianhua planned to snatch martial arts, Wudang Mountain could become the target, so could Shaoshi Mountain.

"Rise on the wind and fly thousands of miles."

Intuition told Li Guo that this might be a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

After finishing the meal, Li Guo took out the flying talisman from his sleeve.

Li Guo took a deep breath, this was the first time he used the flying talisman.

Still a little excited.

At this moment, WeChat rang.

It's Ye Si's message.

"Brother Taoist, we are going to Mount Shaoshi."

"Have they gone to Mount Shaoshi yet? It seems that there is indeed something wrong with Mount Shaoshi."

I have already gone, it seems that Gu Taisan and others have also thought of it.

However, at this moment, Li Guo suddenly thought of something.

"Luo Qianhua seeks exercises, so what does the Mohist seek?"

After thinking for a while, Li Guo activated the flying talisman.

Driven by spiritual power, the flying talisman turned into paper cranes.

Hold up Li Guo.

Soaring up, riding the wind away, the goal is still Wudang Mountain——

(End of this chapter)

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