Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 142, there is a sword fairy from the sky

Chapter 142, there is a sword fairy (?) from the sky
"What is this?" Qinghui looked at the black shadow Yasha in front of him, and murmured, "You actually merged with this kind of thing?"

The scene in front of him really challenged Qinghui's three views.

It is an iron law that awakened people cannot practice martial arts.

But the person in front of him broke this iron law - it's not enough to fuse a person with a strange ghost with supernatural powers.

However, it is nothing more than a human ghost, but the ghost in front of me is definitely not a human being transformed after death. It has no human form, but its face is like a rakshasa, with long hair and shawls, and its skin and muscles are pitch black. It is unknown what it is.

Miyamoto Mingye's left hand was blue, obviously it was the place where the black shadow Yaksha lived, when the bandage was removed, this ghost-like thing appeared.

"You don't need to know what it is, it doesn't matter if it's a ghost or a Yasha Rakshasa." Miyamoto Mingye holds a sword in his left hand, and this black shadow Yasha holds a knife in his right. He saved my life, coexisted with me, and just like me, longing for a sword, longing for a strong enemy, that's enough."

[Weak, kill. 】

Yasha's whispers rang in Miyamoto Mingye's ears.

Miyamoto Mingye did not object to this approach, but said indifferently.

"Since you don't know, then I'll go up the mountain and look for it myself. As long as I kill you Wudang completely and find your master, then I will know."

"You won't succeed." Qinghui looked at Miyamoto Mingye with a gloomy face and said, "I, a Wudang disciple, will definitely stop you."

Qinghui also sighed, this is also a coincidence, the head of Wudang didn't know where to retreat, the elders and the core disciples were sent to China's key places for training, or to assist the investigation team, everything put the country first, but also ignored The defense of his own mountain gate.

Although there is a garrison here, Qinghui can see that the garrison troops may be able to make enemies with the organ beasts, but the warrior with the awakening ability in front of him is absolutely invincible.

"My humble servant is just at the head, and there are mechanism beasts in the back that will be thrown here. How will you stop Wudang Mountain?"

Mingye Miyamoto waved his long sword lightly, and said, "I will give you a decent death, after all, you are also a swordsman."

For the swordsman, Mingye Miyamoto would give him a decent death.

Miyamoto Mingye put the sword back into its sheath, intending to end Qinghui's life with his most proud sword drawing.

Qinghui was not prepared to go to death calmly, but raised the long sword in his hand, intending to make a last-ditch effort.

Even if the swordsman dies, he will bite the wound on his body.

Just when Miyamoto Mingye was planning to kill him.

The sky suddenly became cloudy.

Both Miyamoto Mingye and Qinghui felt something in their hearts and looked up at the sky.

The clouds are thick, and the wind and rain are about to come.

Suddenly, a paper crane fell from the air and landed in front of Qinghui's eyes. Qinghui looked at the paper crane suspiciously.

"Paper crane?"

[Sky, strong enemy. 】

Yasha ghost next to Miyamoto Mingye raised his head to look at the sky, then whispered.

But this time, Yasha ghost's whispering voice was a little excited.

"There are strong enemies"

Miyamoto Mingye was also excited for a while, clenched the long sword in his hand, eager to try.

The dark clouds parted, and a person appeared in the sky.

The Taoist rode a thousand paper cranes under his feet.

The paper cranes are driving the Taoist to fly.

The scene in front of me is obviously against the materialistic values ​​of everyone here. Well, after the awakening of the aura, this thing is temporarily thrown away, and there is no need to pick it up.

But what I have to say is that this person who came riding on a thousand paper cranes is really as majestic as a fairy god in the sky, and the huge coercion emanating from him is like a fairy god outside the sky.

"Who is coming?"

Miyamoto Mingye shouted under pressure.

Li Guo, who was riding a paper crane, looked down at the two of them, drew out the Seven Star Sword, and pointed at Miyamoto Mingye wordlessly.

Miyamoto Mingye's eyes were full of flames of war.

People in the sky are also swordsmen!And is a very strong swordsman.

Facing the coercion from the sky, Miyamoto also drew his sword and pointed it at the sky.

"bring it on!"

Fighting swordsmen is Miyamoto Mingye's long-cherished wish, and it is also the long-cherished wish of the Yasha sword ghost in his hand.

However, Li Guo in the sky shook his head regretfully, took back the long sword, and turned into a whisk again.

Miyamoto Mingye was stunned watching this scene, and then became furious.

A swordsman, when facing himself, first drew out his long sword and then put it away.

That expression seemed to say.


I am not worthy to draw a sword.

"Aren't you worthy of me drawing your sword?" Miyamoto Mingye looked angry, feeling that he had been insulted.

After Li Guo took back the sword, he carried it on his back with both hands, and his eyes were deep and vicissitudes, a little indifferent, and a little regretful.

Li Guo's attitude is obvious, not drawing his sword.

The reason for not drawing the sword is simple.
【Name: Mingye Miyamoto (???)】

[Quality: Excellent (???). 】

[Attack power: extremely strong. 】

[Trait: Clear grievances and grievances, no distinction between good and evil.Obsessed with martial arts, obsessed with swords. 】

[Remarks: A human being possessed by a different-dimensional demon possesses a strange teleportation ability, and at the same time has a sword skill that has been honed over time. His sword skills are better than yours. It is not recommended to fight with him in close quarters. 】

[PS: He can't fly. 】

Li Guo looks a little skinny on the surface, but he is actually a very cautious person. Even facing the weakest enemy, he will face it with the most cautious attitude. What's more, this Mingye Miyamoto looks like Guy with two brushes.

However, although this guy has two brushes, he can't fly.

But Li Guo will.
Li Guo, who was riding in the air, just hung up the Qi Refining God and the Fountain of Life silently on himself.

"Although he can't fly, he has a strange teleportation ability, which makes it difficult for ordinary Taoism to hit him." Li Guo saw clearly when he was watching the battle between him and Qinghui in the sky. The ability to move instantly - I have to say, Li Guo didn't see how this thing moved, it seemed like a kind of space method of elusiveness.

There is no way for the oblique moon step to catch up with the real teleportation.

If the agility is too high, ordinary skills can't hit it, so it must have a large enough range or the ability to lock the target.

Li Guo had already figured out how to deal with him.

Afterwards, Li Guo pointed to the sky.

Dark clouds began to gather, and the spiritual power on his body was continuously drawn, and eventually it was completely wiped out.

With the exhaustion of spiritual power, the five-colored thunder flickered in the air.

Colorful thunder, too beautiful to behold.

Although the five thunders would drain the whole body's strength, Li Guo had already seen it with Tianmutong. There was no one else in the surrounding area, only some miscellaneous fish and mechanism beasts, and the mechanism beasts were naturally taken care of by Wudang disciples.

Solving this strange swordsman is equivalent to ending the battle, so it doesn't matter even if he loses the ability to fight for a period of time.


Miyamoto Mingye instinctively felt an ominous premonition, and released the Yasha ghost in his right hand.

The power of Yasha ghost was activated instantly.

Miyamoto Mingye moved backward at an extremely fast speed, and his figure was agile and inhuman.

While Miyamoto Mingye was moving around in a flashy manner, the magical powers were ready, dark clouds covered the sun, and lightning struck the sky.

Five thunders, crashing to the top.

Head down.

(End of this chapter)

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