Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 146, This Thunder Tribulation, 1 turns in 36 breath

Chapter 146, this thunder calamity, [-] revolutions in one breath
The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it.

The wind howled, and the thunder and lightning flickered.

Li Guo could feel that, with Nanyan as the center, the space within a radius of several hundred meters was [cut] apart.

This is the Heavenly Tribulation Space dedicated to crossing the Tribulation. The Heavenly Tribulation will not be affected by the outside world, nor will it affect the outside world.

It is a space that only belongs to one person.

Soon, a catastrophe was formed.

Just when Li Guo was about to meet the tribulation thunder, the aura in the sky suddenly condensed and distorted.

A cloud of robbery turned into a machine gun?

The image of the machine gun with eight barrels, people who like to play gun battles will be more familiar with this heavy machine gun.

Li Guo: "."

da da da da-

The Heavenly Tribulation gun did not give Li Guo time to prepare, and it immediately turned at high speed.

The Jieyun machine gun rotates at [-], and fires thunderbolts. Each thunderbolt has the power to destroy the world.

"System, you are well-informed. What is this thing? It's a little different from the thunder disaster I imagined." Li Guo dodged around, avoiding the 'Heavenly Tribulation Machine Gun'. Several bullets had already shot from Li Guo Passing by, just a few Heavenly Tribulation bullets consumed a lot of peace charms in Li Guo's arms.

Li Guo hadn't woken up from the shock yet, the Heavenly Tribulation had become too good.

"Heavenly Tribulation acts on behalf of the will of heaven. He will judge whether a person is qualified to step into this heavenly road. In ancient times, monks competed with heaven, human beings, and demons for life. In addition to transforming into thunder, they would also transform into Heavenly Demon." The tone of the system did not fluctuate: "If the catastrophe changes today, it may be the judgment of heaven. Cultivators are fighting for their lives with the existence of these modern weapons?"

The system has expressed doubts for a long time, which shows that he does not know what is going on.

What can be confirmed is that Tianjie has mutated into a shape that is more in line with the values ​​and aesthetics of modern people.

At this time, Tianjie Jieyun began to change.

From one machine gun, it became... five.

The thunder and bullets flying all over the sky are a test of agility.

Li Guo can still dodge bullets now, but in his heart he is very glad that he has learned the oblique moon step and has enough agility to dodge bullets.

Afterwards, Jieyun Gatling began to change, becoming a weapon that Li Guo didn't know about.

Like a laser cannon, a high-energy heat ray is shot from the laser cannon, directly melting the rocks beside it.

Machine guns, laser cannons, missiles, all kinds of methods emerge in an endless stream - but there is no direct use of lightning strikes.

Li Guo feels that the thunder disaster he crossed should be the most unique ever
The most important thing is that he also saw a lot of technological weapons that are not currently available on Earth, which made Li Guo more knowledgeable.

"You can't just dodge, otherwise he will continue to increase and cover everything, and I won't be able to stand it sooner or later. The current number of firearms has left me with nowhere to stay."

Li Guo pondered, stepped forward, and swayed the flying talisman.

The flying talisman immediately turned into pieces of paper cranes, carrying Li Guo towards the weapon that had been turned into a catastrophe.

With one sword and one knife, the weapons condensed into several heavenly tribulations were chopped off.

"It seems that the thunder robbery doesn't have to be carried over, it can be cut."

Li Guo's confidence suddenly increased, and he swung his sword, driving the paper crane towards the machine guns.

Finally, Jieyun gathered together and turned into a giant cannon.

At the muzzle of the cannon, energy began to gather.

As long as the equivalent is large enough, you are not afraid of any bells and whistles.

Li Guo knew that he couldn't dodge it. This was a blow that tested his strength, so he didn't hide.

"My monk, why are you afraid of a battle?"

Although Li Guo was indeed a little flustered in his heart, he couldn't lose his face in his mouth.

Panlong destroys the law, cutting steel with a sharp blade.

The combination of swords and swords.

The cannon was full of energy, and a beam of laser light sputtered out.

Swords clash.

Li Guo mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body, and whether he stepped on the bridge of life and death depended on this blow.

The swords clashed, the lasers were cut, and the cannons were cut.

This time, the dissipated Heavenly Tribulation did not turn into an even more foul weapon, but dissipated directly.

The catastrophe has passed, keep the clouds open to see the moon.

This original scenic spot, Nanyan, has become bare.

Li Guo felt that the spiritual power of his body was completely drained.

Physical strength is stronger than usual.

This step is finally taken out.

The foundation of cultivating the Tao has already been accomplished.

Li Guo heaved a sigh of relief, slumped on the rock in a disfigured manner, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "System, guess what I'm thinking?"

"Thinking about what?"

"The Foundation Establishment Heavenly Tribulation is still like this." Li Guo murmured, "Then, will there be nuclear bombs for Jindan, Yuanying, Huashen, and even the ascension stage?"

What state can withstand a nuclear bomb?
The system said after a moment of silence.

"do not know."

The system doesn't know either.

Well, Li Guo is now a bit of a sour awakener again, the chosen one, there is no need to pass the catastrophe to advance.

At this time, the foundation establishment realm was complete, and the [Tao] absorbed last time poured out continuously.

Dao rhymes that cannot be understood in the Qi refining period can be understood in the foundation building period.

Feeling enlightened, Li Guo immediately meditated, murmuring the Daoyun of enlightenment subconsciously.

Accompanied by the voice of the preacher, the sound of comprehension resounded like a bell resounding through Wudang Mountain.

Up and down Wudang Mountain, everyone heard this voice that seemed to come from ancient times.

A Wudang disciple muttered.

"What's that sound?"

But the other Wudang disciple was sluggish in place, as if he had realized something.

This scene is being played out everywhere in Wudang.

Some people listen to the sound of the Great Dao and feel it in their hearts, while others only feel the profoundness, but they cannot understand it.

Qinghui also froze in place, listening to the voice.

"The fairy caresses my head, and the hair is tied for longevity"

Qinghui murmured.

The voice from outside came to my ears, as if opening the road of martial arts, the road ahead of martial arts.

Qinghui realized something, picked up the long sword beside him, and swung it.

Sword up Qingming, Zhenwu suppresses demons!
"I understand."

At this time, the statue of Emperor Zhenwu in Wudang Mountain emitted a faint purple light.

This scene made Qinghui both surprised and delighted.

"It's Emperor Zhenwu who manifested his holiness, it's Emperor Zhenwu who manifested his holiness!"

On a hill not far from Wudang Mountain.

In the rough cave, Zhu Lanshan who was meditating slowly opened his eyes.

There is the voice of the Great Dao, which seems to be a gift from heaven.

As if feeling something in his heart, Master Zhu looked into the distance, that place was Wudang Mountain, and whispered.

"It turns out. It turns out that the legend is true. My warrior is not inferior to others. It turns out that I, a warrior, can also walk out of the Tongtian Dao on my own. The fairy gods who ascended in the legend are all true. They are all true."

Zhu Lanshan stood up and bowed to the side of Wudang Mountain.

"This is the day when this old man breaks his innate ability."

The Tao rhyme bestowed by the earth cannot be understood overnight, so Li Guo stopped meditating.

I plan to wait until the mortal transformation period is over and I really transform before thinking about other things. It feels a little strange to not have a little bit of spiritual power in my body.

After standing up and tidying up, Li Guo was about to leave Nanyan.

Now Li Guo just feels a little hungry.
(End of this chapter)

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