Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 151, Research Report on Yaksha

Chapter 151, Research Report on Yaksha
After stepping into the human world, the phone's WeChat rang.

The worst part of Fangcun Mountain is that it cannot use the network signal.

Li Guo looked at the WeChat on the phone, it was a message from Ye Si.

"Brother Taoist, are you there?"

No, I'm going to take a shower, good night.

Well, Li Guo wouldn't give such an unqualified answer, because he sent a few more messages.

"The one named Mingye Miyamoto, he only opened his mouth when he said he wanted to see you again."

"The ghost on him is very special"

"Brother Taoist, have you eaten yet?"

"Brother Taoist."

After rows of information, only two are useful.

One is that the ghost on him is very special, and the other is that the guy with the sword must see himself.

Regarding this, Li Guo sighed a little. Is this swordsman's body made of iron?
You must know that the Five Thunders Bolting the Top is Li Guo's most powerful divine channel method. Using his whole body's spiritual power to attract the five thunders from the sky and the earth, it is impossible for a mortal body to bear it.

Not to mention a profession like a warrior whose all attributes point to attack power and agility.

And this extraordinary ability to resist blows was probably brought to him by that Yasha ghost.

In this regard, Li Guo is also very interested in this Yasha ghost.

Without thinking too much, Li Guo sent Ye Si a message.

"Where are you now?"

Ye Si responded to the message very quickly, replying within 1 minute.

"In the 'cage'."

Cages refer to containment procedures dedicated to specific offenders.

Luo Qianhua was imprisoned here, and Miyamoto Mingye was also imprisoned here.

Compared with ordinary detention prisons, the treatment here is much more 'luxury'. Not only are there special psychic restraint shackles, but everyone also has a guard—the most important thing is that they are also equipped with a doctor.

These physicians, generally, are the healers who treat them.

But for those who have committed the most heinous crimes and committed the death penalty, these doctors have transformed into researchers, and the research materials are naturally these capable people.
From a legal point of view, death-row prisoners with abilities no longer have human rights. In theory, doctors can do whatever research they want, as long as they don't violate ethics in the usual sense, such as growing worms on the human body.

Maybe this is too much in the eyes of many saints, but Li Guo understands that in extraordinary times, extraordinary things are done, and those awakened who have been reduced to experimental materials are not qualified to be treated with the heart of the saint.

Li Guo came to the 'cage'.

After confirming Li Guo's identity, the guard in charge opened the gate.

This was the first time for Li Guo to come to the place where the ability users were imprisoned.

On the outskirts of this 'cage', many ability users have been imprisoned, but these are just small fish. At best, they use their own abilities to steal and fight, without causing any serious consequences. They criticize and educate, and then detain them. I went out in 30 days-yes, the crime of the awakened person will be added to the crime.

In tense times, be strict and tight.

"Daozhang Li, hello."

The first person to meet was Yang Boyong, a young researcher wearing glasses.

At this moment, his eyes are flickering with enthusiasm for exploring the unknown.

"Captain Gu has already told me about your situation. You are a capable person in the inner circle of this city, so I can tell you about this matter." Yang Boyong paused and said, "But I hope you will read it next time." Don't spread the news, thank you for your cooperation."

"Which is more important, Pindao still knows."

Li Guo smiled lightly.

Yang Boyong nodded, and led Li Guo into the inner 'cage'.

Mechanical locks, iris authentication, passwords, fingerprints, multi-factor authentication, can feel the prudence of the country.

This is where the 'serious criminals' are really held.

Before entering the last gate, Li Guo also saw Luo Qianhua. At this moment, this handicapped heir of a miscellaneous family was holding a book of "Book of Changes" in his hand, reading the book silently, he really looked like an intellectual.

And Luo Qianhua also noticed Li Guo, smiled and nodded to say hello, then continued to read his book.

After entering the innermost gate, Li Guo saw Miyamoto Mingye.

At this time, the swordsman who had displayed his prowess on Wudang Mountain was locked in the isolation cabin, his hands and feet were bound, especially his blue left hand, which was covered by several pieces of Li Guo. Never seen tethered by high-tech equipment.

From the glass cover, it can be seen that the surface of Miyamoto Mingye's whole body is scorched, but his life is not seriously affected, his respiratory tract is not infected, and he is not even on the oxygen machine. It can be seen that his tenacious vitality is not like that Humanity.

Here are Gu Taisan, Yang Boyong, a group of researchers, and Ye Si.

It can be seen from here that Ye Si's status in the investigation team has climbed like a rocket.

"Brother Taoist."

Li Guo didn't reminisce about the past, and asked directly: "What does this person say?"

"This man is a monster." Gu Taisan first commented on Miyamoto Mingye, and then said: "When we found him, he was already a piece of coke, but now, he has recovered to the current level, we once doubted Did he break the iron law that awakened people cannot practice martial arts? Later, after our research, we discovered that the reason why his physical recovery ability is so strong comes from the ghost lodged in his left hand."

At this time, Gu Taisan turned on the projection screen.

That's right, there are projections on the glass outside the 'ward'.

It's a prison and laboratory in itself.
On the projection screen, a black silhouette image emerged.

It is the Yasha ghost who lives in Miyamoto Mingye's left hand.

Li Guo didn't pay much attention during the battle, but now he can see the whole picture of this ghost clearly.

The whole body is black and gray, and the muscles are very well developed. The face looks a bit like the movie "Predator", which is abnormally abstract, and the thick upper and lower jaws are not human.

Surprisingly, the body of this yaksha ghost is painted with tiny characters all over.

These handwriting faintly look a bit like Sanskrit?

"What is certain is that this ghost is not a native creature of China, or in other words, it is not a creature of our world at all, but a ghost of a creature from another world." Yang Boyong said with a frenzy in his eyes, "We want to You know, where did this ghost come from to possess this man, but no matter what methods we tried, he just refused to speak."

Yang Boyong's exhaustion of means is literal—he really used all means.

Intimidation, hypnosis and intimidation, and equipment abilities are all useless.

"The swordsman itself is a sword. If it is not strong, it will be broken a long time ago." Li Guo commented.

As a scientific researcher, Yang Boyong was not interested in such idealistic remarks—but he did not refute them. After all, facts speak louder than words, and Mingye Miyamoto is indeed very stubborn.

Gu Taisan said.

"He said that if he wants to speak, he will call you. If you don't come, nothing will be discussed."

Li Guo looked at the man inside through the glass cover.

Through the glass cover, Li Guo knew what the swordsman was thinking.
He wanted to fight himself.

with a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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