Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 154 How can he fly?

Chapter 154 How can he fly?

Yin Yang home.

The thought is the yin and yang of the heaven and earth, and the theory of the five elements, which believes that the origin of the heaven and the earth, and everything in the world is divided into the five elements of yin and yang, which began in the pre-Qin period.

To some extent, Yin Yang School is a branch school of Taoism, and its source is the study of Huang Lao in Taoism.

Gu Taisan's expression was a little serious. He knew that all schools of thought, as long as it was handed down, each of them had inherited an ancient knowledge of using psionic energy, so he hurriedly asked with concern.

"What is the knowledge they pass on?"

"The practice of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, as well as some weird spirit-calling rituals, seem to be flawed." Luo Qianhua said indifferently: "Their purpose is still unknown, but they have already colluded with the Mohists. You guys It’s best to find out this person quickly, especially the Onmyo family, they are different from a loner like me, the world’s influence is not small, especially in Japan, I heard that there is a gangster group that is composed of the Onmyo family composed of members."

After saying that, Luo Qianhua continued to read, saying that he had nothing to say.

Gu Taisan said after a moment of silence.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will send in the books you need as soon as possible."

While Luo Qianhua was flipping through the Book of Changes in his hand, without raising his head, he said calmly.

"Do your best with the books. I guess, you may not send any serious books in, but I don't care. You'd better be prepared. People from the Yin Yang family have a lot of plans."

This made Gu Taisan a little confused.

"From what you mean, it seems that you specially reminded us?"


Gu Taisan couldn't believe it, the guy in front of him who stole the sect's martial arts for his own selfish desire and spread wantonly to disturb the social order actually kindly reminded him.

But Li Guo saw that Luo Qianhua was not lying.

He is a villain.

For his own purpose, he can use all means, but when his purpose is not affected, he can also be a good young man, willing to do good and help others.

He is a somewhat contradictory villain.

After being reminded by Luo Qianhua, Gu Taisan also kept an eye out and thanked him for the reminder - but the books sent to the prison were still those books that children could not read, and the cigarettes distributed to him were also the last. Cheap big front door.

"Headache, the Yin-Yang family and the Mohist family have mixed together again." Gu Taisan just wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm down the shock, all kinds of things mixed together already made him feel uncomfortable.

Ye Si, who was eating pineapple buns and milk tea, complained.

"Why do you feel that these people are always against the society? Are they not tossing and uncomfortable?"

"Knowledge brings desire. The more you know, the more you want." Gu Taisan put down the cigarette butt and said, "What's more, not all successors are against us, such as doctors, military strategists, and Confucianists. On our side. Oh yes, there is also Taoism. Although Taoism has no confirmed descendants, the leaders of Taoism, Wudang Mountain, Shushan, and Longhu Mountain are all on our side, and the one who released us Goodwill, the high-dimensional life form that allows Huaxia's spiritual energy to rise is also Taoist."

"In general, the only ones who oppose us are the Miscellaneous School, the Yin-Yang School, and the Mo School."

The descendants of the miscellaneous families have been arrested, leaving only the Yin Yang family and the Mo family.

"To fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home. The current international situation is that whoever settles down the bad things in his own country first will win the first step. At present, we have an ancient heritage in China, and we still have a little advantage. Social conflicts abroad have even led to riots. Yes, this is our precious opportunity."

"Can foreign people modify Liang Taijiquan?" Ye Si wondered. She had doubts about this for a long time. Currently, modifying Taijiquan can be searched on Baidu, but Chinese people can search it, and foreign people can also search it.

Speaking of this, Gu Taisan grinned with big white teeth, showing a long-lost smile.

"Do you know that the country's revision of Taijiquan has anything other than simplification and weakening?"

"what else."

"There is also a modification so that only yellow people can practice, while white people and black people are just stupid, and they can't guide the spiritual energy in the body at all."

Ye Si: "."

Ye Sixun thought that this modification was dark enough.

But she likes it.

On the other side, after chatting with the two of them for a while, Li Guo found Gong Shuling.

At this moment, this icy-looking automatic puppet was lying on a bench in front of the police station, holding a husky in his arms to bask in the sun.

Gongshuling was hugged securely, and the husky also slept securely.

As expected of a husky, other dogs sleep on their stomachs, but he sleeps on his stomach with his tongue sticking out.

The two are like warmers who rely on each other in loneliness - but that's not the case. Husky is not alone. Whether it is a passerby or a policeman passing by, he will rub his belly.

Regardless of whether this automatic puppet has self-will, at least... she is not alone now.

"What does the Mohist heir want this automatic puppet to do? Is it an experiment?"

Li Guo thought about it for a while, and it really made sense. The Mohists, who study mechanics, may be out of interest in Gongshuli itself.

The only thing that makes people a little puzzled is what is the content of his cooperation with the Yin-Yang family. Intuition tells Li Guo that the heir of the Mohist school cooperates with the Yin-Yang family, and what he needs is not the force of the Yin-Yang family.
In terms of force alone, the Mo family's organists are already a very powerful force, and no one knows if there are people like Miyamoto Mingye under his command.

Just when Li Guo was thinking, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and the spiritual power in his body couldn't help stirring up.

Li Guo raised his head and looked at the sky in front of him.

"There is the breath of a strong man approaching."

There is a person who is not weak is approaching, and he has no intention of concealing his power.

In the distance, an old man stood in the air and flew towards him at a not slow speed.

He-haired and childlike, he looks old and old, but there is a different kind of vitality bursting out from his body. The body is faintly surrounded by yin and yang shadows, surrounded by Pisces, and the bones of immortality.

Although the public is no stranger to all kinds of strange ability users, it is still very eye-catching for a veteran with extraordinary temperament to float in the air. In this case, everyone naturally took out their mobile phones and took pictures. One-stop microblogging in the circle of friends.

Li Guo, on the other hand, was a little shocked that someone could pretend to be 13 times better than himself.
On the other side, when Gu Taisan came out of the police station, he also noticed the old man floating in mid-air, and immediately recognized who he was.

"He is Zhu Lanshan, the head of Wudang."

Gu Taisan looked at Zhu Lanshan who was overflowing in mid-air with disbelief.

"Isn't he a pure warrior, how can he fly?"

(End of this chapter)

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