Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 159, You Can Arrest

Chapter 159, You Can Arrest
The science and technology exhibition was completely set up, and at twelve noon, there were already crowds of people outside.

There are a few rules to be observed in the exhibition hall, which will be played on a loop by the radio.

First, live broadcasting is prohibited. Douyu's "Huizhou Official Xizi Lakeside" has the exclusive right to broadcast online. It is allowed to take photos and videos, but it is prohibited to use them for profit.

Second, it is forbidden to make loud noises and eat strong food.

Third, adults, please take good care of your children, and don't touch them randomly. Violators will be kicked out of the venue.

Fourth, keep viewing in an orderly manner and do not crowd each other.

Tickets were checked and people started to enter. After entering one by one, they were full of curiosity, as if they had entered the Grand View Garden with Grandma Liu.

"Let the wind out." Gu Taisan quietly asked Ye Si who was beside him.

"It's been released, but I don't know if the heir of the Mo family will take the bait or not." Ye Si nodded and said, "Don't worry, post it, Weibo, Zhihu, I bought those big V self-media to let them post 'inside information' They don't care if it's true or not, they know that they are happier than anyone else if they get paid to post."

"I just don't know if this Mohist will take the bait, we can only do our best and let fate."

People who pass through the security check procedures enter one by one, and are narrated and explained by a special tour guide.

At the same time, we did not reject those who were obviously foreigners. In other words, many foreigners were even forced to invite us.

Show them the confidence of a big country, these things will not be hidden.

"If the Mohist's organ technique is here, our China's science and technology exhibition will be more complete." Zhang Tianyang, who stood aside, said with regret more than once: "Unfortunately, he seems to have chosen to stand on the opposite side of us."

"It's a pity." Gu Taisan nodded.

If the magical mechanism is here, coupled with the research cooperation of the country, maybe the 'Gundam' can really be made.

If this 'Gundam' is a decoration for a technology exhibition, it will have a lot of momentum.

It's a pity that there are not so many "ifs" in the world. From the time when the descendants of the Mohism released the first organ creation to cause chaos, they were destined to stand on the opposite side of order.


A burst of sunshine sounded.

Everyone looked towards the other side of the stage.

Wudang disciples, wearing technical gloves, push palms and punches, with softness and rigidity, and rigidity with softness.

A Buddhist disciple, playing with a energized vajra stick like a tiger.

The most eye-catching thing is that Shushan disciple Mingzhen, everyone's eyes were attracted by this clear cry.

At this moment, I saw the long sword of the disciple of Shushan lying in front of him, half a meter away from the body. Mingzhen was sweating all over, holding the sword finger, commanding Baosteel No. 303, which was stagnant in mid-air.

Although a bit clumsy and slow
But it really is Edgeworth.

Sword out of thin air.

The impact brought by this imperial sword technique is much greater than that of other places.

It looks like a clumsy application by an awakened person, but there are quite a few knowledgeable people here, so it can be seen that he is not an awakened person.

"My God, kung fu can do this?"

"6666, Shushan swordsman is real."

"Shushan Beer! Kung Fu Beer! Awakened people are scum!"

"Silly beer upstairs, this swordsmanship is like an old lady walking, slow and soft. In actual combat, other awakened people will be killed in one wave. Why do you care about your fancy?"

This seemingly slow, but extremely real swordsmanship made the barrage in the live broadcast room explode, even more exciting than seeing a powerful awakener.

After all, it is the dream of many people to enjoy the wine and ride the wind with the sword.

"Is he breakthrough innate?" Gu Taisan who didn't know the truth was stunned.

At this time, another disciple from Shushan beside Gu Taisan smiled and said: "No, Brother Mingzhen is still far from breaking through the limit. This is the characteristic of our Shushan Yujian Jue. It is like Taijiquan. When you break through the innate, you can use your strength to fight, and the characteristic of our Yujianshu is that you can temporarily control your own sword from the body."

"Of course, before you break through your innate abilities, these are just silly tricks. It's okay to use tricks for performances, but it's absolutely impossible in actual combat."

"I'm also eye-opening."

Gu Taisan said with emotion.

Just like what this Shushan disciple said, before the breakthrough, this is just a foolish way to control the sword out of thin air, just a fake way.

After performing Yujian, this Mingzhen began to dance lightly with his sword.

Unlike the swords of Wudang Mountain, the swords of Shushan are less immortal and more murderous, and the demonstration is also enjoyable.

On the side, Gu Taisan quietly ordered.

"Go and see if there is any suspicious person."

The security here can be said to be watertight.

From technology, to security personnel, and even to the awakened ones, there are multiple monitoring and control, and those who intend to make troubles are stopped outside the third ring road, so how can they get in here.

Therefore, Gu Taisan also came with the mentality of fishing and letting the other party throw himself into the trap - it is normal if the other party does not take the bait.

It depends on how interested the heirs of the Mohism are in the so-called 'excavated people'.

This interest is not enough to put him in danger.

On the other side, Li Guo saw Gongshu Ling who was also in the exhibition, and after a change of heart, he approached and asked, "Miss Gongshu, do you like the exhibition here?"

"Obey, order."

Gong Shuling's eyes were cold and indifferent, as if he was looking at something in an exhibition, but his eyes wandered into the distance.

"Girl, you're thinking of someone."

Gongshu Ling's face was expressionless.

"Do you want to be the master of Wudang?"

Gongshuling remained unchanged.

"You miss Xiaoha, don't you?"

At this time, Gongshu Ling's expressionless face moved slightly.

Li Guo secretly thought that sure enough, this Gong Shuling has self-awareness.

At least self-awareness is being generated, not an auto-inflatable doll.

Now I don't know if this Mohist descendant knows that the automatic puppet excavated is Gongshu Ling.

Li Guo didn't talk anymore, his expression was as usual, looking at these bustling tourists, and throwing an identification technique to those who looked suspicious.

And at this time, some people from the team came in. They also wore badges and had exclusive passages, so they didn't have to squeeze together with these ordinary tourists.

"Why do they have special privileges and special passages?" Some tourists are not convinced, why should they want to be crowded, but they don't.

With such a stark contrast of privileges, the crowd was a little outraged.

This act of dividing people into three, six, and nine classes immediately made people a little angry.

"Calm down first." Gu Taisan hurried out to maintain order.

Then the yelling got louder.

At this time, Ye Sichu came out with a megaphone.

"Everyone, stay calm and don't be impatient, stay calm and don't be rash, first calm down."

Humans are very emotional visual animals. Ye Si yelled twice, and the tourists immediately calmed down a lot.

"They are the top students of related majors from various colleges and universities, and they came here to do research." Ye Si said: "They may be the successors of the younger generation of psychic research."

Now most of the yelling people are dumb.

If they were grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden to see the excitement.

Then those students, teachers, and professors who study are here to study the future of Huaxia.
Huaqing University Research Group, Capital University Research Group, Huanan University of Technology Research Group, Guangdong University of Technology Research Group, Southern Medical University Research Group.

Investigation teams came in one after another, with their respective schools and identities on their badges. Although the students were as excited as ordinary people when they saw psychic products, but at the same time, they also took out The notebook records public information such as some parameters and principles of the product.



"Supreme deity."

Whether they are Wudang disciples, Buddhist disciples, or powerful awakened ones with high self-esteem, they all expressed enough respect to these quasi-scientific researchers.

The psychic reactions on them are so weak that even the most ordinary mountain disciple can beat them one by one.

But they have another kind of strength.

At this time, Gu Taisan nodded and said.

"Based on the development of science, the progress of scientific research is strong, and those of us who are awakened, as well as ancient warriors, will become stronger together."

And Li Guo also had some respect for these top student research groups.

However, soon, Li Guo discovered something was wrong. It was a research team of college students.

At this time, Li Guo squinted his eyes and walked towards the university research team, and at the same time said in Ye Si's ear: "There is something wrong with the research team of Huanan University of Technology."

"Hua Nan Polytechnic?"

Ye Si was a little dazed. She looked at the investigation team of Huanan University of Technology and wondered, but she couldn't see anything wrong.

But Ye Si still decided to inform Gu Taisan.

Li Guo walked straight towards the research team of Huanan University of Technology and stood in front of them.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

The professor who led the team was an old man about 70 years old, wearing presbyopic glasses, and his eyes shone with wisdom.

Li Guo glanced at his badge.

Wei Zizhuang, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Huanan University of Technology.

Li Guo ignored Wei Zizhuang, but looked directly at the students behind Professor Wei Zizhuang.

Five students, three men and two women, the men are not ugly, but the two women can be called beautiful.

"Pindao wants to meet these two beauties, can you tell me their names?" Li Guo smiled slightly.

This scene of Li Guo made the people around him a little dull, this way of striking up a conversation is too flamboyant.

Seeing that you have an inscrutable, well-informed look on your face, are you just pretending?
"They're a little shy, let's forget it." Wei Zizhuang said calmly.

"The poor man can see the badge." Li Guo continued to laugh and said, "The two are called Liu Shaorong, are you Yan Ziqing?"

"I've said it all, Xiaorong and Ziqing are afraid of strangers, so don't pester them any longer." Wei Zizhuang said with a very angry look, "Are all the members of your Huizhou investigation team so rude?"

Wei Zizhuang could clearly see Li Guo's badge, and now Li Guo was a member of the Huizhou investigation team in the venue.

However, at this time, Li Guo didn't refute, but just turned around and said lightly.

"We can arrest people."


The name on the badge.

It's different from the name displayed on the identification technique!
(End of this chapter)

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