Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 163, playing with life and death, reversing yin and yang

Chapter 163, playing with life and death, reversing yin and yang

On the other side, Zhu Lanshan said equally solemnly.

"Fellow Daoist, have you seen it?"

"I saw it."

Li Guo just saw that some people's bodies are like chameleons, blending into the forest.

However, there are still flaws in the integration, and you can still see the clues if you look closely, so there are members of the cannon fodder Yinyang family who rushed down in the first wave.

"It's the same as when Xiao Ling was taken away. The old man thought it was the ability of the awakened one."

"It seems that it is not ability, but some kind of kung fu technique, which is like the ninjutsu described in their traditional culture." Li Guo pondered: "Didn't some ancient martial arts show some strange characteristics when they were not innate? "

Li Guo felt that if this kind of kung fu entered the innate stage, it might really be possible to become invisible.
"It's a terrifying ability, and you can't underestimate the background of any country." Zhu Lanshan turned around and said, "Friend Daoist, I will go down first, an energy-radiating ability."

Now that the investigation team has taken action and found out the strength of the opponent, Zhu Lanshan no longer needs to be a strong onlooker, and rushes straight to the top of the mountain to save Gongshuling.

Yin and yang two qi, Tai Chi disc.

Leverage strength to fight, best at group fighting.

At the same time, Li Guo also landed not far from the top of the mountain, taking advantage of the chaos, he put Xiao Ha down.

Zhu Lanshan went to rescue Gong Shuling, and Li Guo went to collect merit and wipe out those villains.

"Remember what Pindao said, don't mess around, wait for the opportunity to act, understand??"


【OK! 】

Xiaoha made an OK gesture and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Xiaoha is considered an idle move. Generally speaking, Zhu Lanshan should be able to rescue Gongshu Ling.

"The head of the injustice has the owner, and the ashes return to the ashes. Those who should go should not stay." Li Guo turned the dust into a wishful knife, looked at the members of the Yin Yang family in front of him, and said indifferently: "Should I surrender, or should I turn into a sword?" The merit value in the hands of the poor?"

These members of the Yin-Yang family exude a strong bloody aura, but there is a lot of innocent blood on their hands.

Different from those who resisted the special police at the foot of the mountain, the members of the Yin Yang family guarding on the mountain are all quite skilled. In terms of conversion, each of them is probably equivalent to the fighting power of the tiger-shaped boxing successor at that time.

Looking at these members of the Yin-Yang family who were full of blood and evil spirits, Li Guo was a little angry. Although the Yin-Yang family was passed down to the island country, they were still born in Taoism, so it can be said that they are all compatriots from the same mother.

But what kind of accomplishment does this Yin Yang family make them cultivate?The evil spirit is strong and inhuman.

Cultivating Yin Yang and Five Elements has become cultivating blood evil!

"Evil, crooked way!"

These members of the Japanese Onmyoji family scolded Li Guo in a very unauthentic Chinese language.

Li Guo felt a little funny.

I was actually scolded by the evil spirit for being crooked.

"Don't you think that you are the only right way?" Li Guo laughed out of anger, and directly hung up the fountain of life and the spirit of refining qi for himself.

It is useless to talk too much, only the sword.

The power of thunder and lightning penetrates the Seven Star Sword, and the misty rain swordsmanship is like a gentleman, but it comes with a majestic power that can kill all living beings.

Piercing through the seven stars, with one sword strike, a bloodstain was drawn across the throats of these people, and they were killed on the spot.

"Ding, the host has gained 500 merit points."

The lives of these five people brought 500 merit points at once.

"Killing life to protect life, killing business is not killing people."

With a light flick, Li Guo wiped off the blood on the Seven Star Sword.

After killing five people's lives, the members of the Onmyo family behind them still rushed up without fear of death, and Li Guo was even more disgusted by that frenzy of fearless life and death.

I hate this yin and yang family.

After killing two warriors from the Yin Yang family, Li Guo felt something was wrong.

Before these people fell down, they showed a righteous and awe-inspiring expression.

They died peacefully.

Is it to delay time?

Li Guo frowned, feeling some ominous premonition in his heart.

The main question now is what the members of the Yin-Yang family want to do, and what they want to do with Gongshuling.

This time, Li Guo didn't kill all of them, but left one alive, pointed his sword at her throat, and said coldly.

"What is the Yin Yang family going to do?"

"Life and death yin and yang, my yin and yang family is the way, you wait for the evil ways, wait for my ancestors to return, and kill them all!"

The woman pushed her throat directly, and killed herself by the sword, with a weird and fanatical smile on her face.

She was laughing wildly.

Li Guo frowned, and pulled out the Seven Star Sword.

The unknown inside is getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Li Guo's heart trembled wildly, nausea, vomiting, the world turned upside down, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.

At the same time, the sound of the system also rang.

"Warning, warning, warning."

"The surrounding inner space structure is distorted."

"The space structure has collapsed, please pay attention to the host."

Li Guo looked up at the top of the mountain, but his pupils were slightly closed.

In the sky, a hole appeared.

Black, endless.

Above the sky, it seems like a bottomless abyss black hole, which makes people instinctively daunting.

Seeing the black hole, Gu Taisan felt oppressed all over, immediately turned around and pulled Wei Zizhuang's collar, shouting, "What are you doing?"

And Wei Zizhuang looked at the black hole with the eyes of a pilgrim, and murmured.

"A person's life is always gaining something and always losing something."

"I gain knowledge, money, connections, my identity, my talent, which can give me many, many things that others don't have."

"But others always only care about what I get, but don't care about what I lose."

Wei Zizhuang's expression gradually turned cold.

"Since you have investigated me, you should know about that girl named Ning Hua three years ago."

"Ning Hua?"

Gu Taisan frowned and recalled Wei Zizhuang's relationship information.

Finally, in a small corner, the name was recalled.

"One, nanny? The one who died in a car accident three years ago?"

He dropped out of junior high school and went to work in the city, and finally engaged in domestic work. He was young, in his 20s, and worked in Wei Zizhuang's house for a while.

This person is so insignificant in Wei Zizhuang's interpersonal relationship map that Gu Taisan couldn't even think of it, so he just ignored it.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zizhuang mentioned it at this time.

And Wei Zizhuang said lightly.

"It was indeed an accident, and it was also a hot search on Weibo, 'The female driver was riding an electric car and playing with her mobile phone without looking at the road, she knocked down and died accidentally on the side of the road', those netizens all scolded that she deserved it, damn it Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t harm anyone else!”

"I don't believe that she can ride an electric car and play with her mobile phone, and I don't believe that she can ignore the road. I know her well, and I went to investigate it. I mobilized my contacts to investigate the truth of this matter, but the relevant personnel are very concerned about her. Taboo, everyone advised me not to investigate, but I refused to accept, I still want to investigate."

"I spent a lot of money and a lot of contacts, and I finally found out. The cause of her death was not an accident, but when a young man who had just awakened lost control of his ability while riding, he deprived Xiaohua of his vision, causing her to hit to the flower bed."

"You all know it clearly, but it is still announced to the outside world that this is an accident caused by the driver's stupidity."

Gu Taisan was silent, a little speechless.

Although he didn't take over the case, he understood why the authorities did it.

"If the real reason was announced at that time, it would have caused a lot of social panic. At that time, the country was not ready to deal with it."

"The officials will only report accidents. As for the rumors about the female driver playing with the mobile phone, they are those marketing accounts that eat human blood." Gu Taisan said: "Those people have been punished as they should be."

However, Wei Zizhuang calmed down at this moment and said.

"I'm not blaming you, and I'm not blaming the young man whose ability is out of control. This is the fault of the times. He came so suddenly that everyone couldn't deal with it. So, let this era make up for the faults of this era. .”

At this time Wei Zizhuang had no reason to hide anything, he said frankly.

"The age of spiritual energy killed Xiao Hua, then I will use this age of spiritual energy to rescue Xiao Hua."

"From hell, pull back."

Gu Taisan and Ye Si beside him couldn't imagine what Wei Zizhuang meant.

Pull back from hell.

"The rift in space began to expand, and a dirty aura response was detected."

The cold warning sound of the system is still ringing.

Li Guo kept himself calm all the time. At this time, he couldn't lose his position. He swept away the people in front of him with his sword, and rushed towards the mountain.

"What exactly does this Yin Yang family want to do?"

After a while, Li Guo saw a person flying upside down.

It was Zhu Lanshan. At this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed. The Taoist robe of Fengshen Langyi was burnt and full of holes and blood hanging from it.

Li Guo was stunned for a moment. Is Zhu's head's Tai Chi fighting so wild? Flesh and blood can splatter.

"Master Zhu?" Li Guo wondered how the strength of Master Zhu would not be so embarrassing.

"Just now a force suddenly fell from the sky and the old man was ejected." Zhu Lanshan breathed slightly and said, "The Awakened who just played against the old man faced this force head-on."

"and then?"

"Then it will become like this." Master Zhu pointed to the large bloodstain on his body.

Obviously, the member of the Yin Yang family did not dodge in time enough.

"It seems to be the power attracted by this ceremony."

Li Guo didn't feel what this force was until he got close.

Yin Qi, a very large amount of Yin Qi, a huge amount of Yin Qi solidified into substance.

Full of negativity and maddening madness.

This force came down and formed something like a protective shield, which separated the inside and the outside, as if to ensure the operation of the ceremony, while the people outside could only watch helplessly as the members of the Yin Yang family danced strangely inside. dancing, performing rituals.

A woman with a graceful figure in a light gauze dress and a silk scarf covering her face walked up to the altar.

Then, without hesitation, he stabbed a knife into his heart.

The blood did not spurt out strangely, but poured towards the huge hole in the sky.

"Ding, the Styx space has been detected." The system's voice sounded, prompting: "They are reviving the souls in the Styx."

"Urgent task: stop them! Minimize the impact."

"Task Reward: Magical Artifact Upgrade Talisman X2, Bajiu Xuan Gong (Foundation Building Chapter)"

Hearing the system's prompt, Li Guo said solemnly at the same time.

"Pindao knows what they are doing."

"Fellow Daoist, good advice?" Zhu Lanshan looked at Li Guo, he thought he had experienced many battles, but he had never seen this battle before.

"They want to play with life and death."

Li Guo said with a slightly stern expression.

"If Pindao guessed correctly, the other side of this huge hole should be the legendary 'Styx River'."

Zhu Lanshan suffocated for breath.

Styx, the place where the dead die.

Now, ghosts have been proven to exist, but where do ghosts go when they dissipate?On this point, scientists are investigating, but there is still no result, no samples.

According to the legend, after death, the dead will go to the Underworld, the underworld of the Underworld.

"Fellow Daoist, are you sure it's the place where the dead died?" Zhu Lanshan murmured, if it was really the place where the dead died, then they must have played too much.

Zhu Lanshan is so smart, he naturally knows, once they come and go, they will be connected, and they will naturally know what their purpose is, and his face changes drastically.

"Damn, they want to"

Li Guo nodded.

"They want Gongshu Ling's body to carry a certain soul."

(End of this chapter)

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