Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 168, This shape is too distorted...

Chapter 168, This shape is too distorted.
Members of the investigation team, including Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan, have not left for the time being.

Instead, it went through a strict and meticulous disinfection, radiation testing, and health checkup. Even though everyone was extremely tired, they insisted on tossing for more than an hour.

Of course, everyone present knows that this tossing is very necessary, and who knows what unknown gadgets will be attached to him.

After the rest, everyone was settled in the reception office in a nearby town.

At the reception, Gu Taisan and Liu Dong turned into dog lickers in an instant, and said three words to Li Guo and two compliments, which made Li Guo feel uncomfortable.

"It's just luck, but I just happen to know that he is a ghost." Li Guo couldn't bear this dog-licking behavior, and said: "Since he is a ghost, he is afraid of the sun at noon. I'm afraid this is what the Yinyang family needs to do for them." The reason why the ancestor prepared a body."

"Don't be modest, fellow daoist, even if we know that this ghost is afraid of the scorching sun, so what, we don't have the ability to disperse the dark clouds, you deserve the first prize."

Zhu Lanshan once again affirmed Li Guo's contribution.

But Li Guo didn't say anything more this time. In this case, if he repeatedly evaded being modest, he would be pretending to be beeping.

"That poor man will be disrespectful."

Both Gu Taisan and Liu Dong are preparing to write reports, and it is foreseeable that they will be very busy in the next period of time, whether it is about this battle, or about this Taishan Mansion Monarch Festival, which connects life and death with yin and yang.

Regarding this incident, the official chose a complete blockade.

If the news that the undead can be resurrected is spread, how much social impact will it cause? What's more, the ghosts recalled from the underworld are so distorted and ugly.

But in this society, there is never a shortage of bold people. If it really spreads, many ambitious people will look for this technique of the Yin Yang family.

When everyone was about to go back home, Zhu Lanshan suddenly asked Li Guo.

"Li Daoyou, Pindao has a question I want to ask."

"What's the problem?"

"Are you a Wu Po innate person or an awakened one?" Zhu Lanshan stared at Li Guo with burning eyes, wanting to get an answer.

Li Guo smiled slightly.

"Does it matter?"


Li Guo put his hands on his back and said calmly.


He is not a person of Wu Po Xiantian, nor is he an awakened person.

what is that?
This answer made Zhu Lanshan a little stunned, but he still said.

"Things about Xiaoling"

"Oh?" Li Guo was a little interested, how Zhu Lanshan dug out the golden legendary automatic puppet.

"I worship the ancestor god Zhenwu Great Emperor in Wudang, and I have appeared twice. The first time was three years ago. That time, in my dream, He told me to dig out a copper coffin somewhere, and then I I dug Xiaoling out, and lived with her for three years, Mrs. Jingyu and I have always regarded her as our daughter." Zhu Lanshan's eyes softened for a while, and then he said: "The second time was a while ago. , The Great Emperor Zhenwu manifested his sage and preached, so that this old man was enlightened and defeated the innate with martial arts."

In fact, I am the one who let you break your innate martial arts, not some true martial emperor.
Of course, Li Guo wouldn't spit out this old trough out of nowhere, but said it after thinking for a while.

"Why don't you tell the people in the investigation team?"

"It's the intuition of a warrior, I think it's best to tell you." Zhu Lanshan sighed, "In any case, Xiaoling is destined to be studied by the authorities in the future."

Personally, Zhu Lanshan did not agree with Gong Shuling being studied.

But Yu Gong, he also felt that this suspected prehistoric civilization excavated creation should not be occupied by private individuals.

"Emperor Zhenwu entrusted you with a dream to let you dig out this automatic puppet?"

Li Guo looked at Gongshu Ling on the other side.

At this moment, this mechanical creature, which should have no emotion, is playing a game of throwing a Frisbee and I will pick it up with Xiaoha.

A puppet and a dog had a great time playing. When everyone was immersed in various emotions and fears, only these two still went their own way.

Zhu Lanshan looked at Gongshu Ling who was playing, and murmured.

"Do you think she has emotions and desires?"

"Friend Daoist, do you think automatic puppets have emotions and desires?" Li Guo asked rhetorically.

"Old man"

Zhu Lanshan was speechless for a while, and lowered his head.

But he didn't know how to answer.

"Maybe she didn't have it before, but she will have it in the future."

Li Guo felt that this Gongshu Ling had only developed a little bit of consciousness.

Just very weak, still very ignorant, maybe need some little help.

At this time, Li Guo remembered the props he got when he brought Dabai to experience the world of mortals.

The poison of fireworks in the world.

After thinking for a while, Li Guo came to Gong Shuling.

Gongshuling raised his head slightly, his eyes were still dull and emotionless.


"Send you a fortune."

Gongshuling's expression didn't change, but his head was raised slightly.

The expressionless delicate little face seemed to be full of doubts.

A jade bottle appeared in Li Guo's hand, and he had been thinking about where it would be used.

Now it's coming up.

Open the jade bottle.

A white firework floated out of the jade bottle, covering Gongshu Ling.
"Red dust and fireworks, wandering in a hundred turns"


The poison of fireworks flowed into Gong Shuling's body.

At this time, Gongshu Ling appeared in a trance and confused state, and stayed in place blankly, motionless.

Li Guo didn't do anything more, and when we meet next time, she should no longer be in this expressionless state.

When he was about to embark on the return journey, Zhu Lanshan said, "Fellow Daoist, how about we exchange contact information?"

Li Guo nodded.


Li Guo's strength was recognized by Zhu Lanshan, and Li Guo also felt that it would be a good idea to exchange contact information with this No. 1 martial arts holy place.

In this way, the two added each other's QQ numbers.
In this era when everyone uses WeChat, Zhu Lanshan is simply a breath of fresh air.

After returning to Huizhou, the investigation team of the entire Guangdong Province held an emergency meeting. Even the experts from the capital rushed over from the capital, including the dean of the Academy of Sciences. After the major discovery, he rushed over without stopping.

Today's Gu Taisan is dressed in formal attire, with band-aids on his eyes, looking quite embarrassed.

Li Guo was also brought to this meeting room. After all, as a 'first achievement', public awards are indispensable.

"The next thing is top-secret information, please keep it secret."

Zhang Tianyang's words were not for the investigation team leader, but for Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan, who could only be regarded as "half" insiders.

"The old man and the country are both prosperous and harmed, and they will definitely not do anything that endangers the interests of the country." Zhu Lanshan agreed decisively, with a calm demeanor.

"Poverty is still the case."

Li Guo also agreed frankly, since the other party is willing to let him listen to the information from the insider, he naturally cannot live up to his trust.

"Very good, next I invite Dr. Yang Boyong to come up and speak."

Zhang Tianyang stepped down, and Yang Boyong came to the place where Zhang Tianyang had just spoken. Without too much nonsense, he said directly: "This time, I would like to thank all the members of the investigation team and Li Daochang. I wish the leader's contribution. This time, we have a It is a very important discovery, everyone please read it."

The projector was turned on.

On the screen, there is a pile of tattered scrap iron, which has been rusted for a long time, but you can faintly see something similar to the circuit
"These are all things that fell from the 'Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-]' that you eliminated."

The official name of the soul of evil karma is Unconfirmed Life Body No. [-].

"We preliminarily determined that the thing that fell out of the body of the unidentified life body No. [-] was a computer." Yang Boyong pondered.


Everyone was stunned.

Even Li Guo was a little surprised.

The ghost that fell out of the underworld actually had a computer in its body?

"Although it is a style that has never appeared on the market, it is undoubtedly the computer components, hard disk, and circuit structure. Although there are some differences with modern computers, they are basically the same. We can understand this structure." Yang Boyong crossed his hands. , glasses reflecting cold light.

And Gu Taisan also felt that he had suffered a lot, he knew that there was the world of the dead.

"You mean in the world of the dead, computers are already used?"

"That's exactly not the case. After the preliminary identification of the decay law of this metal-like material, the history of this thing has been around for a long time, almost 6000 years ago." Yang Boyong pondered: "Fortunately, this' The body of Unidentified Lifeform No. [-] has a preservation effect similar to that of amber, so it took so many years for the computer wreckage to be preserved so completely."

Not far away, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, who had been keeping silent all this time, spoke. This is an old man who looks old and tidy, staring at his students with burning eyes.

"Can it be fixed?"

Yang Boyong said.

"We are trying. If the key parts are not damaged, we can print out the same parts with a 3D printer to fill them. What is important is that the hard disk of this computer is not damaged. If we can open it, we can know what it is. What computer language is used and what is in this 6000-year-old computer."

"I will transfer experts from the capital and the guards of the 'Ninth Division'." The old dean pondered: "This thing is of great significance not only to our country, but even to our world, we humans. "

The discovery of a computer with a long history in a different space is no longer a "significant discovery" that can be described.

This is an opportunity to learn about prehistoric alien civilizations.

A trace of curiosity and fanaticism appeared on Yang Boyong's face.

"It's really curious what this historic computer will bring us."

"No matter what, we have to be ready." The old dean also showed a curious expression, but he was not fanatical, but very cautious: "This thing is like Pandora's box. So, everyone should know about it."

Top secret, absolutely confidential. At least until the results of the research come out, it is absolutely confidential.

Before leaving, everyone present signed a confidentiality agreement.

Now, Li Guo has also used his own actions to enter the circle close to the core as a non-staff member, becoming a real insider, not a half.

Regarding the research plan of Gongshuling, after a discussion, the research will be carried out in an "absolutely humane" experimental way. According to the official statement, it is nothing more than extracting some body fluids (if any) and using X-rays to look at the body structure.

Regarding whether there will be inhumane experiments, Zhu Lanshan is superfluous on this point.

An automatic puppet excavated from an ancient copper coffin. It can run, jump and move, and it seems to have emotions. The official will not be stupid and think about dismantling it. After all, I don’t know whether to pretend it or not. have to go back.
A complete experimental subject is worth more than an immobile experimental subject, so I don't know where it went.

Theoretically speaking, Gongshu Ling should also be considered as an 'unidentified life form'.

Li Guo didn't care about the official's devious ways anymore, but sneaked out to count his gains.

Eighty-Nine Xuan Gong (Building Foundation).

There are also two magic weapon upgrade symbols.

Now it is a little behind to use the huffing method of cultivating immortals.

It's not that Immortal Cultivation is bad, but that Immortal Cultivation is a very basic method. It's true that you can still go straight to heaven if you continue to practice this technique, but it lacks a little bit of uniqueness after all.

Bajiu Xuangong not only swallows spiritual energy, but also has great characteristics.

The body is sanctified, 72 changes.

The only regret is that there is only the foundation building chapter for this exercise.

Thinking so far, Li Guo still asked.

"Brother System, this exercise only has the foundation-building chapter, so if I break through the foundation-building stage, will I not be able to practice?"

"Host, your question is like asking how to make more money after earning [-] million." The system Gujing Wubo said: "Please practice first, don't think so much about what you have, even though this is just building It is no problem for the method of the base stage to cultivate to the stage of transforming gods, and the method marked the foundation stage means that only the eighty-nine supernatural powers of the foundation stage are available."

The long-lost poisonous tongue spit.

For some reason, Li Guo always felt that he hadn't heard the system's wonderful and poisonous tongue for a long time, and he actually missed it.

Now it's comfortable.

"It turns out that the Bajiu Xuangong is divided into cultivation methods and supernatural power methods."

If this is the case, then this technique can be practiced with confidence.

At this time, Li Guo couldn't wait to go back to Fangcun Mountain to practice this technique.

Before going back, Li Guo went to the bakery to buy a pack of desserts, and bought a "God of War 4" cassette from the PS4 shop.

When passing by an alley, use Yimu Xiandun to disappear at the corner of the street
Not far from the alley, an ordinary middle-aged man lowered his head and whispered.

"Boss, the target is lost."


"Well, the target seems to have the ability to teleport or become invisible."

"Then don't follow, come back."

In the huge office, several people in suits and leather shoes sat together.

Among them are Yang Boyong, Zhang Tianyang, and the president of the Academy of Sciences.

Yang Boyong looked at Zhang Tianyang curiously, and said with great interest.

"Since you don't trust that Daoist Li, why did you tell him so many things?"

Zhang Tianyang said.

"It's not that we don't believe him, we're just curious about who he is."

Yang Boyong shook his head.

"You don't even know who he is, so how can you trust him?"

"Whether you trust a person depends on what he has done, not what he is." Zhang Tianyang said lightly: "Of course, from our standpoint, it is best to know what he is?"

"So, do you know what he is?" Yang Bo continued to ask, feeling that Zhang Tianyang's opinion was a bit interesting.

"I don't know, we don't even know whether he is a warrior or an awakened one, where he came from, and where the upper limit of his mighty strength is, we don't know anything." Zhang Tianyang changed the subject and said, "But, he is worthy of trust. "

"Forget it, I won't ask so many questions. Anyway, if there is any deviation at that time, you people in the ninth department can be responsible."

Yang Boyong shrugged.

On the other side, the old dean watched the video of Li Guo fighting with great interest.

"It looks a bit like a Wu Po Xiantian martial artist, and a bit like an awakener. Put the two together, what do you think it looks like."

"like what?"

"Like a high-dimensional life form."

Li Guo slowly opened his eyes.

I have already returned to the Fangcun Mountains. Although I have seen the familiar mountains and rivers, it is not enough to see them ten thousand times. Listening to the sound of waterfalls and clear springs, all the fatigue after the battle dissipated.

“Finally able to relax”

Li Guo stretched his waist long, and lay down on the big bluestone like a stinky salted fish.

There is no image at all, it looks like a little boy who no longer wants to work hard-waiting for the luck of a rich woman.

Of course, Li Guo is not a badass, and he doesn't have the luck of a rich woman, so he has to do it himself if he is worthy of merit or virtue.

At this time, the sound of the system rang.

"Ding, an urgent mission is released."

"Because of Taishan Mansion Monarch Festival, the connection between yin and yang, the earth's space has also become unstable. After 15 days, the earth will usher in the first large-scale space earthquake. This time the space earthquake will open the passage to different spaces. Currently The location of the space shock is being checked."

"Mission objective: Evacuate the mortals within a radius of ten kilometers before the space shock occurs."

"PS: This system will detect the location of the spacequake between two and four days before the start of the spacequake."

"Space Shock"

Li Guo listened to the system's prompt, his expression became serious, and a carp stood up and said.

"What consequences will the space shock cause?"

"With the space explosion point as the center, any object within a radius of ten kilometers will be swallowed by space turbulence."

The turbulent flow of space engulfs it, it doesn't sound like a friendly thing.
"Three days in advance, within a radius of ten kilometers, evacuate the crowd. This is easy to say, but it is a bit difficult to do. It needs the help of the official, but the official will believe what poor words like space earthquakes that Pindao said ?"

Li Guo calmly considered the feasibility of evacuation.

If there is a space quake in Huizhou, Huizhou's investigation team will trust themselves to evacuate the crowd, but this space quake does not necessarily happen in Huizhou.

If it were the investigation team in other places, it would be unclear whether they would trust themselves, and [-]% would regard themselves as intermittently mentally ill.

Just as Li Guo was thinking about how to evacuate the crowd after the 13th, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

Li Guo was in a trance, and when the white shadow appeared in front of him, he subconsciously pulled out his long sword.

"Monster, look at the sword!"

However, this white shadow shouted loudly.

"Wow! Big cat, don't cut me, it's me, I'm Dabai!"

Li Guo: "???"

This is Dabai in front of you?

My Dabai looks like this?Li Guo wiped his eyes.

Bai Ying finally showed his original appearance.

Thick, muscular hands and legs, there is a strong beauty of the ultimate bodybuilder.

If it were on Earth, this figure would definitely be able to be a bodybuilder.

"Fuck, what's wrong with you."

When seeing Dabai's body, Li Guo, who hadn't sweared for a long time, still swears.

Tiger head, tiger body, human hands, human feet, standing in front of Li Guo at this moment, the white tail is still wagging.

This shape is really distorted.
(End of this chapter)

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