Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 179, they become standard

Chapter 179, they become standard
"Is this a group?"

When Li Guo approached, his face was serious, and he used his long sword to cover the beast's nine tail stabs. Then he smashed the beast's head into pieces with one punch.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene.

"Amitabha, I haven't used my ability yet."

Everyone thought that Li Guo's "Heavenly Sword" would kill the enemy with a sword, but they didn't expect to smash the beast's head with such a primitive punch.

It's so wild.

Since practicing the eight or nine profound arts, his physical strength has increased dramatically. Every punch, every blow has a fierce and indomitable power.

After smashing one head, the other heads of the nephew beast also seemed to be in pain, making a sound like a baby crying, and quickly backed away, looking at Li Guo very vigilantly.

"Everyone, be careful, this nephew is not one, but a whole group of beasts"

Just as Li Guo was reminding, the group of nephews and nephews rushed over.

There are about ten of them, but ten nephews add up to ninety heads and ninety tails, and each head makes a sound like a baby crying. This scene is really creepy, and the hairs stand on their heads .

Chen Xinying said in astonishment.

"I said this is the set of "Fallout 5"."

"It would be a little troublesome if they swarmed up." Li Guo looked at these nine-headed monsters. The tiger claws were so powerful that all nine-headed monsters could breathe out strong acid and fire, and it would not affect their survival if they lost one of the nine-headed monsters.

Li Guo wanted to use the identification technique to check their attributes, but the identification technique didn't work at this time.

At the same time, hypnotic charms and immobilization charms are useless.

Just as Li Guo was thinking about how to kill these monsters, the young monk Fang Ji said.

"Amitabha, senior, this little monk has a plan."

At this time, Fang Ji clasped his hands together and said, "My little monk can attract these monsters to attack me. Then you can find the weak point and kill them, how about it?"


Li Guo nodded, if Francis really had the ability to attract him, it would be much easier.

Francis nodded, took a deep breath, and shouted at the group of nephews and nephews.

"Your horse is dead, come and beat the little monk, grandchildren."

Li Guo: "."

Everyone: "."

Everyone was stunned, looking at Francis, he was still a monk, and he was so proficient in uttering fragrant words.

However, these nephews seemed to understand it, as if they were watching an enemy who killed a horse, they rushed towards him.

"Amitabha, this is the secret practice of the little monk, 'Speaking in One Word', which can amplify foul language and stimulate the mind." Fang Ji scratched his little bald head and said, "The second practice is not to be broken. Vajra body."

Nephew Li rushed over and tore off the robes of the little monk Fangji.

The young monk seemed to have a handsome face, but after the monk's robe was torn off, his bronze muscles were exposed like steel. No matter how much these nephews bitten him, they could only leave a white mark.

And under the effect of "one word", these nephews are still biting Francis frantically.

"It's work."

Li Guo summoned the Unwanted Sword.

The left hand is not willing, and the right hand is the Seven Star Sword.

The swords clashed, fighting with pure physical strength.

It was cut in two with one blow, and the scene was extremely bloody.

However, the efficiency is extremely high. When attacking Francis crazily, the empty doors of these monsters are wide open, and it is effortless to kill them.

Almost instantly, all ten nephews were beheaded by the knife.

After being cut in half, these nephew monsters struggled for dozens of seconds, and then died, leaving only green blood on the ground.


Francis breathed a sigh of relief: "Amitabha."

"It's awesome." Chen Xinying swallowed her saliva looking at Fang Ji's body, and then looked at Li Guo: "One tank tank and one ADC, our team won't be stable."

Li Guo looked at Fang Ji, and saw that there were only a few white marks on his body, and he still exuded a strong breath of life. He didn't even need to hang the fountain of life, he was still full of blood.

Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, Li Guo thinks that his ranking is still a bit false.
Although Li Guo was admiring in his heart, he didn't panic at all on the surface, and praised in a gesture of an elder.

"not bad."

"Thank you for the compliment, senior." Francis blushed a little shyly, and he was a little happy, obviously very happy when he was praised by the senior.

The soldiers on the side also reacted from the shock, and hurried to collect samples of the creature's corpse.

Flesh, bones, organs.
However, when a soldier gathered up the corpse, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Captain, come take a look at this"

"What's wrong."

The officer came over to take a look, but his pupils shrank slightly.

Li Guo and the others were also curious and came to check.

Eighteen ninety-five.

Three nine one five.

Five three two seven.

The buttocks and tails of these corpses have similar numbers
On the other side, Zhu Lanshan also encountered monsters.

A white phantom flicked back and forth among the monsters, beating it with its fists and making noises from time to time.

"Ola, Ola Ola Ola Ola—"

The white phantom seemed to be composed of some kind of energy. After beating the monsters to death, it returned to its master, a burly young man.

"As expected of a master at the top of the list, Lv2 is that strong." The fans in the team exclaimed.

The young man boasted and laughed.

"This is my ability. It can transform my spiritual energy into [clone], which is a special ability. My spiritual level only determines the duration of [clone], and determines the strength of this clone's attack power. It depends on my mental power, the tougher and stronger my mental power is, the harder and stronger my [clone] fist will be."

"That's why the level of spiritual power can't determine your own strength, so don't belittle yourself."

Zhu Lanshan smiled, and immediately showed his instinct to be a good teacher.

His trip was easy, and there was almost no need for him to make a move.

The corpse of the monster in front of him looked like a bird but not a bird, like a leopard but not a leopard, with a single horn, and it sounded like a baby crying.

The people who had already prepared the materials all of a sudden recognized that this monster was a Gu sculpture recorded in the Shan Hai Jing.

"When I read The Classic of Mountains and Seas, I thought the monsters in it were scary, but now it seems like that," the little girl from the exploration department said again.

"That's because we humans have become stronger and our spiritual powers have awakened. We are all like dragons, much stronger than the ancients." The young man folded his arms and swelled indescribably. disdain.

But in the team, another young man wearing glasses said calmly.

"According to the current research, the Shan Hai Jing is probably a work from the Warring States period to the early Han Dynasty. In that era, the concentration of spiritual energy on our earth was not low, and there were many strange people and strange things. But according to the records of Shan Hai Jing, like Gu Most of the monsters like Diao were wiped out by Houyi's divine bow, what does that mean?"

"Does it mean that we are stronger than the previous heroes?" The young man wondered.

"Uh, your self-confidence is really as good as your ability." The guy with glasses pushed his glasses and said, "What I said, Xia Guang, was that at that time, this kind of monster was a single individual, and it was wiped out by the hero Houyi." It never appeared again after that, where as it is now, it’s all over the place in this different space called Penglai.”

"What I want to say is that they are not only much weaker than what is recorded in the legend, but also... a lot more."

Just as the guy with the glasses continued to want to say something, the soldier who was checking at the side suddenly exclaimed.

"Come and see"

On the body of Gu carvings in one place, you can vaguely see a mark similar to a number
Li Guo's side.

"What are these numbers?" Li Guo looked at the corpses in front of him with some doubts, and turned them over.

Without exception, there are similar numbers.

What Li Guo saw was very uncomfortable.

"I don't know, we haven't hunted this monster on a large scale yet," the sergeant murmured, "It must be brought back, this is a major discovery."

The sergeant did not neglect, and immediately called the transport team over the walkie-talkie. After a while, the transport team came over, looked at the corpses here, and gasped, seeing that Li Guo's hands were covered with blood I can't help being a little in awe of such a terrifying strength.

In this world where hot weapons cannot fire, all kinds of things follow the most primitive jungle law, and the strength of an individual can win the greatest respect.

At this time, the soldiers in charge of transportation wore tight protective clothing and began to transport the corpses.

After a while, all the corpses on the ground were cleaned up, not even blood was left, all were taken away.

"I don't know if this is the case in other places." Ye Tong swallowed, the shock of encountering the monster was not as great as the digital code just now.

There is coding, which means that there may be civilization, organization, and standard.
Francis asked Li Guo first, and already accepted him as the captain by default.

"Shall we move on or what?"

"Go back first, it will be troublesome if you don't go back when it's dark."

Li Guo also learned just now that this space is also divided into day and night, and there are also 12 hours for day and 12 hours for night. He has actually been walking for a long time just now.

The flame cannot burn, and staying up all night in a world without enough light is definitely not a good thing.

What's more, today's harvest is also quite a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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