Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 182, the people in the Taoist sect came by summoning

Chapter 182, the people in the Taoist sect came by summoning
On the other side, Zhu Lanshan and Zhu Ziheng also gathered together.

Team of ten.

While Zhu Ziheng was drinking, the flying sword beside him searched out the enemy by himself and took the head.

Kill a monster in ten steps, never stay a thousand miles away.

Zhu Lanshan, who killed a monster with Tai Chi, looked at the leisurely Zhu Ziheng, and smiled wryly, "Originally, I was still not convinced why you, an old alcoholic, can be ranked ahead of me. Now I know."

Zhu Lanshan feels ashamed.

"Each has its pros and cons."

Zhu Ziheng said indifferently, he was not flattering.

Tai Chi has both offense and defense.

And his sword, attacking but not defending, was born for killing.

After killing and wounding, the rusty and chipped broken sword returned to Zhu Ziheng's scabbard, lying quietly, waiting for the next attack.

"Are we going too deep? It seems quite dangerous inside." The young man wearing glasses said weakly.

"You can go back first. The purpose of Pindao's coming this time is only to sharpen the sword in his hand." Zhu Ziheng took another sip of wine and walked slowly towards the interior of the forest.

After Zhu Ziheng said this, everyone hesitated again.

If you go back now, what will you do with your credit?

Now that there is a team like Zhu Ziheng who leads the team, and I don't need to put in any effort to achieve invaluable achievements, how much money can I exchange for it then?

Let alone a house worth more than ten square meters!
Zhu Lanshan saw the greed, struggle, hesitation and reluctance in their eyes.
This made Zhu Lanshan shake his head for a while.

"Awakened people are still a little different from warriors."

Compared with the awakened ones, martial artists who have achieved martial arts are relatively pure.

Good is good, and evil is evil.To be greedy for life and fear death is to be greedy for life and fear death, to be greedy for money like life is to be greedy for money like life.

A person who hesitates and jumps left and right is doomed to have no great achievements in martial arts.

This is the reason why warriors and warriors will attract each other. People who are both open-minded and firm by nature, and those who want to walk with them are also open-minded and firm by nature.

Zhu Lanshan said with a smile.

"Whether to go or stay as you like, we two old men have decided to go into the woods."

Saying that, the two masters of the Taoist sect walked forward hand in hand.

"If you seek wealth and wealth, I will go too"

"MD, work hard, if you get something good, you'll have a house."


In the end, accompanied by some small episodes, several people walked in one direction.

Suddenly, Zhu Lanshan and Zhu Ziheng suddenly changed directions.

Zhu Lanshan was stunned for a moment, then pondered.

"Fellow Daoist, why do you think it's better to go here?"

"Maybe it's on a whim. I suddenly feel that walking this way will be more like being attracted by something."

Zhu Ziheng pondered, the long sword in his hand was no longer in the state of Yujian, but held with one hand behind his back.

The sharp intuition belonging to a warrior made him serious——

"Me too."

Zhu Ziheng and Zhu Lanshan came to an open space.

On the open space, there was a long hairy corpse.

However, unlike what they had encountered before, looking at these corpses, Zhu Ziheng and Zhu Lanshan's own energy mechanisms were fully activated, and their hairs stood on their backs.

"Although they look exactly the same, they are different from the monsters we encountered before." Zhu Ziheng squinted his eyes and said, "These are real monsters."

Although he died, the trembling breath could not deceive people.

After death, there is more prestige, how strong was it in life?

It is really a real god and devil.

At this time, both Zhu Ziheng and Zhu Lanshan noticed that besides their two teams, there were several other teams gathered here.

"Nephew Liang? Nephew Liu?" Zhu Lanshan looked at the team over there in doubt.

Two young Taoist priests who seemed to be in a hurry replied.

"I wish the master, Master Zhu?"

"Master Nephew Ye? Fellow Daoist Yang?"

"Li Daoyou?"

Teams came one after another.
Zhu Lanshan, Li Guo and Zhu Ziheng will meet here.

Whether it was Zhu Ziheng, Zhu Lanshan, or Li Guo, they all found something in common among the teams that came here.

On a whim, as if inspired.

Those who came were all Taoists.

Corpses are densely packed in front of him like a hill.

At this time, the accompanying soldiers decisively called the camp, saying that there was an absolutely important discovery.
"Me, we discovered this place."

"Yes, we found this"

"My God, what a credit for this"

Some immediately jumped out to claim credit.

Zhu Lanshan and the others frowned, but didn't say much, and then several Taoists gathered together.

At this time, Zhu Lanshan pondered.

"It seems that I am the only person in the Taoist sect who has received the call."

"Yes, none of the members of the Buddhist sect with me felt it." A rather young Taoist leader recalled: "It seems that someone is calling me over."

"That feeling is irresistible."

Li Guo also felt that kind of call, but it was not so exaggerated that he couldn't refuse.

It's just to attract him to come over.

That kind of deep inspiration is not as shocking as the trembling corpse mountain in front of him.

The sharper the six senses, the more able to feel the breath emanating from this mountain of corpses.

After thinking for a while, Li Guo chose to go deep into the mountain of corpses.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful." Zhu Lanshan watched Li Guo enter the mountain of corpses, and immediately reminded him.

At this time, Li Guo smiled lightly.

"Don't panic, no matter how terrifying this mountain of corpses is, it's just corpses."

Everyone was stunned for a while.

No matter how scary a corpse is, it is still a dead thing.

"Fellow daoist is very kind, I'm waiting for you." The young Taoist chief cupped his hands and said, "I am Liang Zhongwu in Xialonghu Mountain. The daoist name is not a word. How dare I ask you what your name is?"

"Slanting moon view, Li Guo."

When hearing this name, Liang Zhongwu suddenly said in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist is 'Heavenly Excalibur' Master Li? I'm sorry, I really didn't recognize him just now."

"It's okay, it's just a false name."

Li Guo smiled lightly, and was used to it—to be a public face, one must have the consciousness of being a public face.

After learning that Li Guo is the 'Excalibur of Heaven', the attitudes of the surrounding Taoists immediately changed.

It never occurred to him that this plain young man in front of him was actually Li Zhenren, who was already on the list.

Li Zhenren in front of him is an existence who can sit on an equal footing with the head of Wudang and the elders of Shushan!
Several people chatted along the way, and some awakened people followed behind them, closely following behind Li Guo and others.

The greed in the eyes and the attitude of hugging the thigh can be seen at a glance.

The people in several Taoist sects frowned, but there was nothing to drive them away.

Although the people who were summoned came from the Taoist sect, theoretically speaking, this place is still a territory controlled by the state, and they are outsourced personnel who assist the state in carrying out its work.

"Supreme God, don't run around, no one knows if there is any unknown danger in this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood." Li Guo still reminded them.

"Thank you, thank you."

A few people didn't take it to heart, they just looked for it on their own.

And Li Guo shook his head, focusing on his eyes.

I'm afraid, this is the [Dao Yun] mentioned when the system scanned the world.

Li Guo, Zhu Lanshan and others advanced for a period of time, and each time they advanced, the corpses became more and more massive.

The corpses of various huge and exotic beasts are also among them.

It was not long before the end of the road was reached.

At the end of the road, there is also a corpse standing in it.

It's a human corpse.

It is a male mummy, wearing Taoist robes, with a golden whisk beside him, sitting in meditation among these corpses.

His eyes were closed tightly, as if he had passed away while meditating and dozed off.

Compared with the surrounding corpses exuding ancient aura, this male mummy did not exude any dangerous and trembling aura, it was just an ordinary corpse.

"Quick! Look, we found a corpse here. It's a human corpse!"

The awakened who had just followed immediately shouted.

At the same time, someone looked at the mummy with malicious intent.

It's not that there are any strange and bold ideas about this corpse.

If the human corpses in a different space are reported, it must be a great achievement!
"My dear, how much is this golden whisk worth?" A somewhat scruffy-looking middle-aged man stepped forward curiously, wanting to play with the Taoist robe and whisk on the mummy.

Being able to play with the whisk and Taoist robes of this otherworldly Taoist priest is not a trip in vain.


Li Guo wanted to stop the middle-aged man.

Intuition is telling Li Guo, this thing can't get close.
But the middle-aged man didn't think so much.

Everyone is a strong one, so I still have to listen to you?

Before the middle-aged man got close, the dry corpse opened its eyes.

The corpse was dry, but the eyes were still shining.

The corpse came alive.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this scene.

As soon as the middle-aged man saw the resurrection of the corpse, he immediately let out a scream, the energy in his body rose, and a flame rushed towards the resurrected mummy.

"How did this character become a strong person?" Zhu Lanshan cursed secretly, normally speaking, shouldn't he retreat and wait and see the situation before talking about it, how could he make a move on the spot.

"Awakened people don't need xinxing." Zhu Ziheng just said indifferently, but the long sword in his hand was clenched tightly.

The bursting flames did not hurt the mummy, but instead locked the middle-aged man.

With just a wave of his hand, the flames burning on the mummy's body were reflected back, and they were stronger and more intense than the flames fired by the middle-aged man, burning the whole body of the middle-aged man.

He can breathe fire, but not fire.

Playing with fire--

In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man was completely burned up, turning into a piece of coke, gold, silver and treasures, and there was no chance for him anymore.

Everyone is ready to fight.

"Those who are not Taoists should not approach."

A hoarse voice came from the mummy's throat, but it did not continue to attack, but continued to sit cross-legged on the spot, repeating this sentence.

Those who are not Taoists should not come close.

"Those who are not Taoists should not approach."

Zhu Lanshan murmured: "Maybe this is the reason why I waited here?"

"Only people in the Taoist sect can approach, is he the one who summoned us?"

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Li Guo pondered for a moment, stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"Senior, what is the purpose of calling people from my Taoist sect?"

At this time, the mummy raised its head slightly, staring at Li Guo with deep eyes.

Li Guo instantly had a feeling of being seen through.

"Taoism, inheritance, qualified ones."

After taking a look at Li Guo, the withered corpse slowly closed his eyes, continued to meditate, and murmured.

"You can't"

(End of this chapter)

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