Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 190, Yuxi's gift

Chapter 190, Yuxi's gift
"This time, the exchange meeting of hundreds of schools will gather Taoists, Confucians, Buddhists, military strategists, legalists and other families who have mastered ancient psionic application technology. The focus of this meeting is 'communication'. Everyone will bring their own classics. Let’s taste each other.” Gu Taisan pondered: “This is the bait, the bait that attracts nails.”

Before the awakening of psychic power, it was equivalent to gathering together top scientists from various industries with their own blueprints!

How can this keep the nails from moving?

Li Guo murmured.

"Using hundreds of families as bait to lure people to Shushan?"

"Well, Daoist, you must not tell about this matter." Gu Taisan emphasized again and said: "This plan, even the head of Zhu is half-knowledgeable, only knows that the country wants to borrow this matter What to do for the first time. Only the leader of the local investigation team and the head of Shushan know about those in the border of Sichuan and Shushan."

"Since it's so important, why tell the poor?"

"Of course it's because of trust."

Li Guo stared straight at Gu Taisan without saying a word.

Gu Taisan finally smiled helplessly.

"Well, it's actually because we hope that Daoist Li will cooperate with us."

"How to cooperate?"

"Let me show you this first."

Gu Taisan turned on his phone, Weibo, news, Zhihu.

Li Guo took a closer look, and could only say that he was a journalist. In just an hour, the internal situation in Penglai was almost exposed.

The corpse of an ancient alien beast, the Taoist palace, the ancient corpse Taoist, and the inheritor.

"Can these news also get out?"

But now, what these news media can say casually means one thing, that is, the state allows the report on this matter.

The Huaxia Internet police are not vegetarians. If the news is really confidential, the post will not be published if it is sealed with keywords.

Li Guo rubbed his chin. He still remembered that the fake Liu Chengyang tried his best to deliver the news, but now it was reported in a grand manner.

Is he wronged by being caught?

"A big country is confident."

"It's like everyone knows that the White House in the United States has a nuclear bomb button, and their science academy has all kinds of advanced scientific materials. Are they afraid that others will know about these well-known things?" Gu Taisan said with a proud smile: "I am very proud In the great country of Huaxia, what if this matter is known to others? We should be confident when it comes to spiritual energy research."

"Also, this is also a kind of strategy."

"The more muscles we show, the more things we show, and the more powerful we show, the less those nail bugs in the dark can't sit still. Generally speaking, the more we can't sit still in this kind of work, the easier it is to shake and show In the long run, that's a good thing."

Li Guo nodded, it does make sense.

"The point is this"

Gu Taisan continued to flip through Weibo and put the phone in front of Li Guo.

"There are rumors that an unnamed Tianwai Shenjian and a young man from a rural Taoist temple entered the Taoist Palace and obtained a mysterious inheritance of psionic technology."

"Well, it seems that only little brother Ye Feng has obtained the inheritance." Li Guo was finally a little stunned. The meaning of this sentence is that he also regarded Li Guo as the person who obtained the inheritance.

Conscience of heaven and earth, I really didn't get any Lao Shizi inheritance - just a picture and text drawing of the list of gods.

At this time, Gu Taisan took a deep look at Li Guo and said: "We don't know whether you have obtained the inheritance, but everyone has seen that you entered that palace together. reality in terms of."

At this point, it is not difficult for Li Guo to hear what Gu Taisan wanted to say, and said with great interest.

"You want to use Pindao to fish?"

Gu Taisan said.

"It's not what we want you to do, but if you want to go, you will passively become one of this 'bait'."

"And it's not a low-weight bait." Li Guo smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for reminding me, but I still have to go to the Hundred Schools Exchange Meeting this time."

After listening to Gu Taisan's words, Li Guo felt that the Hundred Families Exchange Meeting had to go even more.

"Of course we also hope that you will go to this exchange meeting of hundreds of schools."

Gu Taisan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Guo's "big bait" will definitely add weight to the hundreds of exchanges.

The more baits, the bigger the nails.

Gu Taisan promised.

"When the Hundred Schools Exchange Meeting is over, no matter whether you have obtained the inheritance in Penglai or not, the country will help you clarify it."

After confirming some matters, Li Guo turned and left, and Gu Taisan also returned to his office, blowing on the air conditioner and drinking Coke.

In the office, Gu Taisan, Zhang Tianyang and others are having a video conference.

It's not very formal, it's like chatting with each other.

On the other side of the video, Zhang Tianyang said.

"Do you think he has obtained the inheritance in Penglai?"

"I don't think so." Gu Taisan shook his head and said, "Based on my many years of anti-reconnaissance methods, there is no trace of lying on his expression. He really didn't get the inheritance, or as the above guessed, the reason Let him go into the Dao Palace, just to let him help people out."

"Well, it doesn't make much difference to us whether he has been inherited or not. According to Comrade Ye Feng, this thing is something that cannot be described in words, cannot be described, and cannot be explained. It can only be practiced by oneself, and cannot be said Come out, we have gone through several experiments and found that this is true, and even his memory of what he saw after entering the Dao Palace is very blurred."

"In any case, both of them are 'special talents', especially Ye Feng. It may be the first time that we can directly observe how high-dimensional life forms cultivate. We must treat them with caution."

Gu Taisan nodded to express his understanding.

Li Guo's ability is suspected of being a high-dimensional life form.

And Ye Feng is already a real hammer, a person who can actually cultivate the inheritance of high-dimensional life forms.

The focus of observation has shifted
Li Guo used Yimu Immortal to return to Fangcun Mountain, as usual, with puffed food, gourmet cakes, a brand new NS game console, and a cassette of Monster Hunter XX and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild .
I promised Dabai before, now that Dabai has grown hands and feet, let him take them with me.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money now, but it does not mean that there is no shortage of money. Don’t think about buying a house or a car. It belongs to buying a game console.

In response to the sentence, the poor play with cars, the rich play with watches, and the rich play with computers
At this moment, Dabai is still missing, maybe he went to practice (running freely).

Miaomiao guqin melody came.

Li Guo felt something, and turned around to look, but it was Yu Xi playing the piano.

However, Dabai is not here today, no one can appreciate the sound of the piano, but Li Guo can't bear it, so he can only reluctantly pretend to understand it again.

"Miss Yuxi, you finally appeared."

The little worry in Li Guo's heart was finally let go.

I hadn't been able to contact Shang Yuxi before. Although I knew that she was not in danger of life, I still had some concerns after all.

"I went to my old friend to ask for something, and I had a discussion with him on the way. It's no problem."

Li Guo could still see Yu Xi's fatigue, and his vitality seemed to be lacking.

For this reason, Li Guo didn't say much, and a fountain of life was hung up.

With the blessing of the Fountain of Life, Yu Xi's vitality recovered a little bit faster—really just a little bit.

Li Guo also knew that the effect would not be too great, it was just to express his concern and heart.

Yu Xi didn't refuse, but continued to speak calmly.

"Really Li, where did you put the feather that the palace lord gave you last time?"

Li Guo's expression froze, and without changing his expression, he said: "It was put away by the poor Taoist."

"Give it to my concubine, who can help you deal with those feathers."

"This." Li Guo looked a little hesitant.

Yu Xi was a little puzzled, why Li Guo was so unhappy in front of him.

However, Li Guo returned to the room and took out one thing.


"This is. Why is it made up like this?" Yu Xi asked suspiciously.

I saw the red feathers of the Suzaku wrapped around the bamboo strips with knots—in modern terms, this is a feather duster.

Li Guo didn't know how to use this thing, so he weaved it into a feather duster. When dusting, he would also bring a little Martian flower seed. It is indeed a legendary feather duster.

Of course, when facing Yu Xi, you can't call it a feather duster, but just say it without changing your face.

"This is a popular weaving method in our world, where precious feathers are tied to bamboo strips for fixed preservation."

"So that's the case, it's because I'm ignorant and ignorant." Yu Xi nodded as if suddenly enlightened.

Pindao is a fucking genius.

At this time, Yu Xi swept away the fire feathers above with a light sweep of his hand.

Take out a slender branch, which looks unremarkable.

With a wave of his hand, all the feathers stuck to the branch.

When the branch and the feather were combined, a strong breath burst out, the golden light shone, and the sky was full of glory.

The appearance of a baby born——

In astonishment, Li Guo turned on the identification technique.

Suddenly, a feeling of being drained came over.

【Suzaku Feather Fan】

[Quality: Epic]

【Category: Lingbao】

[Attack Power: Strong]

[Trait: Fan the flames, can set up a strong wind, can set up a fire of Suzaku karma. 】

[Remarks: It is made of Jianmu twigs and Suzaku molted feathers. The stronger the strength, the greater the power of use. 】

"My concubine is good at fighting with swords and thunder, and also knows some techniques of controlling water and talismans, but after all, I have learned too little. When fighting with others, I am easy to be targeted." Yu Xi stroked the Vermilion Bird feather fan and said lightly : "This Suzaku feather fan can blow wind and ignite fire, and the monstrous fire it burns is best at group attacks. You can still have some uses if you hold it."

Li Guo didn't say thank you, because saying thank you would be too extravagant.

Let's keep this kindness silently in my heart
"Don't forget about my concubine's kindness, let this be your thank you for the little desserts you brought to my concubine."

Small desserts are not worth the price.

Li Guo smiled, accepted the Suzaku Feather Fan, did not say much, and began to tell her about the things she experienced in the world during this period.

As someone who has been in this small world for an unknown amount of time, one can imagine his curiosity about the outside world.

Li Guo told Yu Xi what everyone experienced in "Penglai" in the tone of a storyteller in the puppet show, and what Yu Xi listened to was a small mouth, very absorbed.

It's not that Li Guo doesn't want to speak in a normal tone, it's just that if he speaks in a normal tone, it sounds like a pecking at each other to Yu Xi's ears, and it's embarrassing to fight three hundred rounds with other people's hairy monsters.

When "Penglai Quest: Vegetables and Chickens Peck Each Other" talked about the immortal body, Li Guo suddenly stopped.

"I didn't expect that the immortal in the immortal class would also die. He was one of the 36 heavenly gangs, leaving only the corpse of a repeater."

Yu Xi said lightly.

"Not to mention being killed, even if not killed, everything cannot escape the nature of death and longevity. The so-called immortality is just that it lives longer than other creatures."

(End of this chapter)

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