Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 216, 1 knife

Chapter 216, One Knife
Huang Chongmin's boat approached, and he was equipped with a ring knife in his hand.

At this time, Huang Chongmin seemed to have changed from the bold man just now into a knife.

A long knife that is sharpened and ready to strike at any time.

There is no limit to the heavenly sword, and one sword is stronger than one sword.

Feeling Huang Chongmin's rising aura, Li Guo's eyes lighted up a little.

"Sure enough, there are masters in the world. It seems that it is not bad to go out for a walk sometimes."

The melon-eating people around also shifted from watching the lanterns to watching the two people on the two boats playing chess, without any fear, taking pictures of themselves, taking selfies of themselves, and booing.

No matter what era, eating melons and spectators is the instinct and talent of human seal carving, and there are even flying melons to shoot.

"Come on, Master Li."

With his hands on his back, Li Guo walks on the boat, fluttering in the breeze, and looks magnificent.

Just as his left hand was stretched out, ready to confront him, there were bursts of voices from the Lantern Festival.

【Mom, help.】

A very faint voice, mixed in the crowd.

Compared with the booing of the crowd, this weak voice is really small and pathetic.

Li Guo frowned slightly, trying to distinguish the source of the sound with his ears, but his eyes were looking towards that side.

Huang Chongmin watched Li Guo turn his head away, he was about to make a knife, but he held back abruptly.

Huang Chongmin was a little stunned by his vigorous efforts and then his decline. Just when he couldn't help but want to ask why, Li Guo suddenly said.

"Between you and me, stop for now."

"Really Li, what are you doing?" Huang Chongmin was a little unhappy, just when he was about to say something, suddenly the hairs all over his body stood on his head.

Li Guo raised his hand.

He made a move, but the direction was not Huang Chongmin's side.

A flaming long knife emerged from Li Guo's palm, like a majestic lamp in the dark night.

With one knife, he split 40 meters away.

Hack towards the crowd.

Facing the dense crowd, the fire knife did not hurt anyone else, but passed through the dense crowd at an exquisite angle.

Cut to a man who was holding a child.

The flaming knife burned the sky, and the flames were scorching.

In this lantern festival, it is like the god of real fire descending into the world.

The flame knife directly slashed at a hunchbacked man, who was holding a little boy who looked no older than four years old in his arms.

And the little boy was sleeping soundly, and he didn't even feel that the man who was holding him had been killed.


The man collapsed on the ground in pain, a large area was burned behind him, bloody and bloody.

"Really Li, why did you strike at the slightest disagreement?" Huang Chongmin looked at Li Guo with a serious face, and the sudden attack was too unexpected.

To put it bluntly, it is a serious security problem.

The deterrent power of this knife was too strong, and the scene like the arrival of the god of fire made people dare not make a sound, and the air was quiet.

Just when Huang Chongmin was about to say something, bursts of crying came: "My child. My child"

At this time, everyone noticed that a young woman was crying and looking for a child.

At the Lantern Festival just now, people's voices were too noisy. Her voice of looking for her child was like a drop in the sea, and no one could hear it clearly. Now that the surroundings are quiet, her voice is a bit harsh.

"My child. My child." The young woman searched in the crowd, and finally saw the little boy in the arms of the stooped man. She ran over excitedly and pulled the child away: "My child. I'm sorry, your mother should hold you tight .”

"Mom. So sleepy"

The boy was bleary-eyed and looked as if his eyelids were battling.

At this moment, Huang Chongmin finally realized, but his face became more serious, but this heavyness was no longer directed at Li Guo, but at the crooked man who couldn't get up again.

Huang Chongmin also guessed what happened in front of him.

Some people take advantage of the Lantern Festival to fish in troubled waters and abduct children, it is really hateful.

"I gonna go see."

Huang Chongmin jumped up directly, stepped on the water, and after interrogating and confirming some situations, his face became extremely ugly.

I just said that the governance is good, but now I have been slapped in the face by the speed of light.

At the same time, he checked the injuries of the fallen person and took a deep breath.

The flesh on the back was flipped open, and it was half-cooked, but it didn't continue to bleed.

This knife is kept in one hand.

The monstrous flames, burning the sky with a knife, the power and heat of that knife can almost kill a person with one knife, but now it has not caused fatal injuries.

This does not mean that Li Guo's sword is weak, on the contrary, this is a manifestation of strength.

Lifting the weight as if it were light, chopping heavily, retracting lightly, can control the strength at any time, and become the realm of the Dao of the Sword.

"Fortunately, I didn't fight against him, otherwise I would be the one who would be ashamed." Looking at the ordinary Taoist on the boat, Huang Chongmin felt as if a god and demon had come to the world.

At this time, Li Guo stepped onto the shore and said calmly.


"This person's injuries are not serious, and he will probably wake up soon." Huang Chongmin said with a vicious look on his face: "This person is really hateful, he gave the child ether."

The reason why the child was crying so softly was because he was dazed by the ether, and the people around the raving sound would think that the child was simply sleeping.

It is perfectly normal for children who are tired from shopping at the Lantern Festival to sleep.

"A real person has supernatural powers, I am willing to bow down, if there is anything in Xihang that needs my help, just say it."

Huang Chongmin was still apologizing, but the little girl with eyes on the side muttered: "Master, don't blame yourself so much, this matter has nothing to do with us, our investigation team has different functions."

Theoretically speaking, the investigation team of the ninth division only needs to take care of the ghosts and monsters, and these criminal cases are still managed by ordinary police.

At this time, Huang Chongmin reprimanded him.

"Nonsense, whoever said that it has nothing to do with us, as long as what happens in Xihang or even Huaxia has something to do with us."

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country. What's more, we are not alone, but people who are paid by the state. This matter must be thoroughly investigated."

Li Guo looked at the kidnapper who couldn't get up again, but he didn't really want to show mercy just now.

But after thinking about it, usually, it is definitely not a person who kidnaps and sells children, but an organization.

In the past, when China smashed the kidnappers' notifications, they would popularize science about the composition of the kidnappers.

Those responsible for abducting, looking out, proving identity, selling, and contacting.
Each performs its duties and cooperates with each other.

Although this person is hateful, keeping him alive would probably pull out the entire molecular line of abductees from him, and it would be reasonable to get rid of the evil.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for attacking a local abductor and gaining 500 merit points."

"500 points of merit, this ordinary person is quite 'valuable', so how much is it worth if the chief evil is worth it." Li Guo pondered.

The system is that the calculation of merit points is based on the strength of the enemy and the degree of evil.

The skinny man in front of him doesn't understand martial arts at all, and he has no supernatural powers. He is a weak chicken, but he is worth 500 points of merit, which shows the degree of crime on his body.

"Thank you. Thank you."

The young woman at the side also knew that it was Li Guo who acted righteously, and kowtowed to thank her. For a mother, nothing is more important than a child.

Huang Chongmin also breathed a sigh of relief, a little afraid, if not for Li Guo's presence today, the family would have been hit hard.

The most difficult thing about abducting children is not to catch the traffickers, but to find the children.

How can I find it when it is sold in some mountains where there is no electricity?Can't even find Da Luo Jinxian?

At this time, the members of the investigation team also came over, each showing their special abilities, using their abilities on the unconscious man.

Under the effect of the ability, the unconscious man stood up like a zombie.

At this time, the woman who used the ability said softly.

"I ask, you answer."

Under cross-examination, this person passed out again after telling the basic information about the organization.

"The abductors are a little abnormal." The young man who seemed to be the think tank of the investigation team said, "Their purpose is probably not simply abducting children."

This young man with glasses, Li Guo, recognized him as Lin Yerong. He was in Zhu Lanshan's team when he was exploring 'Penglai' before. At that time, Zhu Lanshan even praised him, saying that he was very calm and cautious. Everything will be analyzed from cause and effect first.

After seeing Li Guo, he also recognized Li Guo's identity at once, but there was no other violent reaction. He just continued to push his glasses and began to analyze.

"Currently, the cases of abduction, trafficking and missing children are decreasing in all regions, and some regions have even disappeared."

"Human traffickers found conscience?" Huang Chongmin frowned. He really didn't pay attention to these issues. In the past, he was only concerned about "big cases" such as killing people with supernatural powers and haunting ghosts.

"No and no."

Lin Yerong shook his head and said, "It's because of the cost."

"The cost of crime today is completely different from the cost of crime in the past." Lin Yerong said lightly: "The number of awakened people, folk superheroes, and official collaborators. Just like just now, this human trafficker As soon as the master succeeded, he was cut off by Master Li."

"We in China uphold 'ethics, benevolence and righteousness', as well as 'chivalry, righteousness and courage'. Even if they are not superheroes, the investigators, the awakened civilians who pass by will draw their swords to help when they see injustice. Maybe the robber will be violent on the spot as soon as the ice shuttle passes by." Dead."

"This has directly led to a sharp increase in the cost of crime. If you are not careful, you will pay a huge price. Awakened people and warriors who can afford the price have thousands of ways to make money, and they don't have to abduct children. earn money."

Lin Yerong said indifferently: "Usually, once the cost rises, the price will be passed on to the consumers, that is, the people who buy these kidnapped and trafficked children, but most of the people who buy these children are remote The people in the valley are already struggling enough, if the price is raised, where will the money come to buy it?"

"If there is no buying and selling, there will be no killing. This is the situation now."

(End of this chapter)

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