Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 234, The National Destiny Controversy?

Chapter 234, The National Destiny Controversy?
"Secret treasure?" Li Guo raised his brows and said, "You mean, once the secret treasure is released, a secret treasure whose cultivation level will flow eastward?"

"Well, this adjective is a bit appropriate."

Liu Heng smiled and said.

"Throughout the ages, many heroes and figures, immortals and ghosts, gods and devils, Tianqing, were defeated by secret treasures due to a momentary negligence, and now many famous secret treasures in this world are in the hands of large and small countries. Let's use two analogies. "

"There is a secret treasure in Yingjili called the stone ghost mask. It is rumored that the person who wears this stone ghost mask can transform a person into a bloodthirsty humanoid monster. Although he is afraid of the sun's ultraviolet rays from now on, his power is infinite. It has strong self-regeneration ability and defense ability."

"There is a secret treasure in Italy called the Golden Arrow. If this arrow pierces a human body, it may transform the person into an awakened person. But if the transformation fails, the person will die on the spot, with a mortality rate as high as [-]%."

"Of course, these two secret treasures are dispensable things for China, the United States, and even Japan and India."

Li Guo shook his head. Indeed, these two so-called secret treasures are nothing to a big country with a long heritage and strong strength.

The United States has advanced science, and can even rely on drugs to stimulate supernatural powers. Japan, India, and China have inherited martial arts, which are no worse than supernatural beings, and much safer than this golden arrow, but this humanoid monster is like the legendary 'vampire' ', which is rather cumbersome to deal with.

However, they are afraid of ultraviolet rays. Now that the technology is advanced, it is easy to produce ultraviolet light. Even humanoid monsters don't need to be too vigilant.

Liu Heng continued.

"And the secret treasure that appeared this time is called Heshibi, also known as the True Emperor's Seal. It is so much stronger than these two secret treasures."


The allusion about He's Bi, Li Guo, is of course thunderous. It is said that Bian He, an expert jade carver, discovered it in Jingshan, carved it into a vessel, and presented it to King Wen.

After the Tang Dynasty, he disappeared.

"The Heshi Bi was originally an ordinary jade article, which inherited the dragon spirit of the first emperor, and also inherited the power of the unification of the six kingdoms. It was transformed into a national jade seal, and inherited the power of the real dragon. Dynasties have changed, and the power of the dragon veins gathered is countless." Liu Liu Heng said yearningly: "It is said that if there is Heshibi to rule the country, the country will have a prosperous fortune, good weather and prosperous talents."

Li Guo was stunned, no wonder all countries competed for this Heshibi.

Although things like the development of a country are man-made, but the prosperity of the country and the good weather are equally important, otherwise who would bear the natural and man-made disasters that come to you from time to time.

"An extremely materialistic country like the United States also believes in things like national destiny?" Ye Tianling asked with interest.

"Don't ask the old man about this, you have to ask the American people." Liu Heng said with a smile: "In short, some countries in the world are fighting for this Heshibi, hoping to bring it back to their own country. May the weather be smooth and the country will prosper."

"If this He's Bi really has such an effect, it makes sense for the heroes of the world to gather here."

Liu Chengkong looked thoughtful and said: "Now we are back to the original position. The murderer killed three people just to lure me into the game. Could it be that he wants to make the muddy water even more chaotic?"

"Maybe the murderer wants to motivate you to find He's Bi?"

Liu Heng looked at the teacup, and said lightly: "If our Huaxia obtains the Heshibi, we will be prosperous and all will be prosperous, and we will be harmed by the loss. If Huaxia wins the national fortune, you will also have something in return, won't you?"

"Hmph, if the country really wants this He's Bi, why not just ban foreigners from entering the country, just make it impossible for our own people to find it, and let these people come in after a lot of trouble." Bai Wuji said disdainfully.

Liu Heng glanced at Bai Wuji, and smiled helplessly.

"Little brother, the relationship between countries is not as simple as you think. They are not absolute friends or absolute enemies. There are confrontations and struggles, as well as win-win cooperation, exchange of interests, and maximization of interests for the country. The main theme between countries."

Facing the elder Liu Heng's words, Bai Wuji just looked at the Qingfeng long sword in his hand indifferently.

"An enemy is an enemy, a friend is a friend, a sword is a sword, and wine is wine. Use a sword against an enemy, and give wine to a friend. There are so many twists and turns."

Seeing Bai Wuji's stunned speech, Ye Tianling on the side didn't laugh, but just muttered.

"It would be great if there were more pure people like Lao Bai in this world."

After the inquiry in Lianxiang Tower, Li Guo and others left.

When he was leaving, Liu Chengkong thought about it: "Do you think the United States is obstructing it? Make the water muddy, and then take advantage of the fire."

"Although they are professional shit-stirring sticks, they are very likely to do this kind of thing, and they have motivation and strength." Ye Tianling said after thinking for a while.

Bai Wuji frowned.

"Their team is also dead."

"A black man of African descent died." Ye Tianling shrugged, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

While the two were discussing, a person suddenly appeared in front of them.

A handsome swordsman in Japanese samurai uniform, wearing a tachi in his crotch, is staring at Li Guo and his party outside Lianxiang Tower with burning eyes at this moment.

The handsome swordsman's face was very pale, and he looked a little sick.

But both Li Guo and Bai Wuji knew it.

In front of him is a master.

A real master.

Bai Wuji showed fighting intent and wanted to draw his sword, but in the end he still couldn't draw it out, and said a little decadently, "I'm no match for him."

He is such a person, when he should admit that he is inferior to others, he will admit it.

A top swordsman already knows the outcome of a fight when he observes the opponent's sword-stretching posture.

Ye Tianling was more straightforward. He turned on his mobile phone and took a photo of the swordsman, then went to Baidu to search for his face, and he got the answer after a while, and said.

"The international second echelon ranks 17th. His name is Sasaki Musashi. He is a well-known dojo master in Japan. His martial arts practice is called 'Swallow Return'. His cultivation has reached the realm of perfection. In our words, he has broken his innate ability and lost to him. The person under the knife can't even see clearly how he used the knife. Tsk, Lao Bai, your judgment is correct, you really can't beat him."

An innate warrior of Japan, a member of the second echelon.

At this time, the handsome Sasaki Musashi looked at Li Guo with a smile on his face, his left hand was already on the knife, as if he could draw the knife at any time.

it goes without saying.

He wants to try his sword, the heroes gather together, isn't it just to compete.

The aura that belonged to those who broke the innate skills bloomed, and a vacuum zone was formed around it.

On the street, the surrounding crowd had already dispersed and turned into melon-eating crowd, wanting to watch the two warriors fight.

And Li Guo also nodded.


The streamer sword came out, and the flames were entwined, as if Tianwei gathered in it.

Feiyan is on fire with Suzaku.

"The return of the swallow, taken from the return of the flying swallow, is my sword and my way of martial arts."

Sasaki Musashi introduced his kendo in Japanese with a smile.

At this time, Sasaki himself was like a nest of swallows on the top of the peak, and the knife in his hand was like a swallow wanting to return to the nest, returning to his heart like an arrow, and his sword like returning to his home.

The air machines on the sidewalk are all integrated with Sasaki, regardless of each other, and become a part of the "swallow" "nest".

But Li Guo has a thousand words and can understand Sasaki Musashi's Japanese, but he still speaks in Chinese.

"The sword of the poor way is taken from the bird in the cage. It waits for the opportunity to break through the bird in one fell swoop and leave the cage of heaven and earth, so as to be truly free."

At this time, the streamer in his hand resonated slightly, complementing Li Guo's next sword move.

A sword hides the sky, and the Suzaku breaks through the cage, complementing each other and blessing each other.

The momentum of the two sides gradually rose, and the energy and spirit reached an astonishing state. Even the surrounding people who were eating melons couldn't bear it anymore and entered the corridor one after another.

"Master." Sasaki Musashi smiled from the bottom of his heart, "Compared with the awakened ones, I prefer to fight against martial arts masters like you."

"The same is true for poor people."

Li Guo smiled slightly, the same.

It's just a confrontation of momentum, and before the fight, there is a sense of sympathy.

Yijian Zangkong and Yanzigui also belong to the "Quick Sword", and the two are considered to be rivals. Both Li Guo and Sasaki Musashi have brought their spirits to the peak, and they must use the most perfect posture to make this blow.



Sasaki's body was in place like a wooden sculpture, holding a sword in his right hand.

He doesn't seem to be moving.

But his knife has already been swung out, and the knife mark like a swallow draws a track in the air.

Li Guo also swung his sword.

Hidden with a sword.

Yijian Zangkong, which combines the true meaning of Suzaku Liuhuo, lacks a little of the original femininity, and has a little more hotness and majesty, with a kind of determination to break through the cage.

Swallow and Suzaku.

Taichi and long sword.

Quiet and quiet, you can hear a needle drop.

Whether it was the warriors who were peeping in the dark or ordinary people, they were all overwhelmed by the sword of the two men, and they dared not take a big breath.


The billboards on the roadside street stalls were shattered all over the place, and the cuts were either cut by the wind or burned like fire.

"Excellent." Sasaki Musashi let go of the hand holding the knife, only to see a fine bloodstain on his hand.

"not bad."

Li Guo smiled slightly, and also took Liu Guang back into his palm, and there was also a white mark on the back of his hand.

Both swords hit each other.

It's just that Li Guo didn't get hurt because of his physical strength.


"The strong."

Just when Li Guo and Sasaki Musashi were sympathetic to each other and wanted to start a business exchange, someone came out from the side.

"Pause and scare, pause and scare."

It was a middle-aged street administrator in uniform, who looked about 45 years old. After coming over, he first bowed his hands to Li Guo or Sasaki Musashi: "I admire the two masters, the duel is really exciting."

Only then did Li Guo realize that it would not be good for him to fight directly when he was in the street, and was about to apologize when the street administrator said it first.

"But you have to pay for the broken signboards. You need to pay a total of 7231 yuan." The administrator pointed directly at the broken billboards on the side of the road.


(End of this chapter)

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