Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 238, Appearance

Chapter 238, Appearance

"Oh? If that's the case, why didn't you notify Poor Dao earlier?" Li Guo seemed interested.

After thinking for a while, Liu Heng said: "It's probably just hearsay, and the specific truth or falsehood is yet to be considered."

"It's really possible. After all, the United States has mastered the core technology." After hearing this, Li Guo pondered for a moment and said, "It does make sense."

Liu Heng smiled slightly.

"Then help Daochang win the flag and win Heshibi and win glory for the country."

As he said that, he changed back to the peaceful old man with his eyes closed, he was clearly sitting in the restaurant, but he seemed to be outside the restaurant.
The world of mortals is bustling and bustling, and it has nothing to do with it. It is entangled and reprimanded by the years.

Li Guo looked at the leisurely and happy Liu Heng and said.

"Boss Liu, aren't you afraid of getting rusty when you sit here every day?"

"This man, as soon as he reaches old age, he has to obey the old age, let him rust if he gets rusty." After hearing this, Liu Heng touched the wrinkles on his face, and said helplessly: "No one can Resist the touch of time, think of me as an old man back then"

At this moment, Liu Heng seemed to feel that he had said too much, and finally smiled.

"I'm sorry, but this man has always been nagging."

"It doesn't matter, Pindao still likes to chatter with old people."

Li Guo smiled and said: "Boss Liu stays here all day, why don't you accompany Pindao to America's resident to wait and see, and then ask the 'friend' who gave you the news to see if he has more information? news"

Liu Heng was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Li Guo to make such a request.

As if thinking about whether to agree to Li Guo's invitation, Liu Heng closed his eyes slightly, and finally smiled.

"It's okay, I haven't visited my old friend for a long time, so it's okay to go and have a look."

Liu Heng got up to say hello, and the cold waitress in cheongsam turned around and left. After a while, a stretched Bentley drove over.

After finishing everything, Liu Heng stretched out his hand to invite with a smile.

"Get in the car."

A luxurious Bentley.

Liu Heng opened a bottle of red wine, poured some for himself, and also poured some for Li Guo: "Drink some, red wine can soften blood vessels, which is good for longevity."

Li Guo took the red wine, didn't drink it, just smiled and said.

"Pindao thought at first that the lives of rich people and ordinary people are no different. Now I realize that the poor are shallow. The happiness of rich people is beyond imagination."

"The real man is absurd." Liu Heng said while sipping the red wine slowly: "Money and wealth are like passing clouds, fleeting, and power and money are nothing for a hundred years. It's real joy."

"The road ahead is long, but it is not easy. After all, although the poor are attached to the country, they are alone."

Li Guo said calmly.

Liu Heng stared at Li Guo for a long time, and finally turned into a speechless smile, drinking alone.

Soon, under the driving of the car, I entered another community. Unlike the bustling streets and crowded street houses, the house of one family here can cover dozens of others.

Li Guo had only seen this kind of house in Hong Kong dramas before, and it was the kind of house that those wealthy families lived in.

"Oh, Mr. Liu, why are you free to come to my place today?" The speaker was a middle-aged man of Chinese yellow race, but he spoke English and Chinese, which made Li Guo very uncomfortable.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Sir Huang Zhongri, my old partner for many years, who is in the financial business." Liu Heng patted the middle-aged man and said with a smile: "This is the one I mentioned to you , Master Li, the Heavenly Outer Sword, is a strong man on the mainland's list."

"Long time, long time."

Sir Huang Zhongri had an enthusiastic expression, as if he had really admired Li Guo's name for a long time, and he had just heard Li Guo's name for the first time.

In this regard, Li Guo can only say that everyone in the world has his secrets and reasons for success.
Liu Heng didn't talk nonsense and said.

"Okay, let's not talk much, you can tell Li Zhenren what you have collected."

"Oh, you mean the news about the secret treasure of Heshibi, right? I'm also collecting this thing. It would be great if I could buy it."

When this Sir Huang Zhongri introduced himself, he said that he was a patriotic businessman who wanted to find and buy this Heshibi and hand it over to the country.

Although anyone with a discerning eye knows that the rumor of 'Heshibi' can affect the fate of the country, how can it be measured by money? It's just an exaggeration unique to businessmen.

When listening to Huang Zhongri's narration, Li Guo has been very calm.

This touch of calm was seen by Liu Heng, and he wondered from the side.

"Why, Master Li, do you think this news is not true?"

"No, I'm just digesting this information in my heart." Li Guo said calmly, "Mr. Huang, where did you get this information from?"

Huang Zhongri was a little taken aback, but still said.

"Sorry, Xiansen, this is my private secret. In short, the source of this information is absolutely reliable. Hurry up, or you will be in trouble if someone from the United States snatches 'Heshibi'."

Li Guo listened quietly to Huang Zhongri's narration.

After a while, Li Guo said.

"Okay, now I can confirm two things."

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Heng asked doubtfully.

"whats the matter?"

"About the 'Heshibi' matter." Li Guo said calmly: "I was not sure just now, but now I can be sure."

"All the news about He's Bi, including the information obtained... are all fake news."

Li Guo said indifferently: "There is no news that Heshibi America owns the detector is false, and the news that the secret treasure was born is also false."

Huang Zhongri couldn't understand Li Guo's firm and irrefutable attitude.

Why are you so sure?
"Really Li, be careful what you say." Liu Heng said with a serious face: "This is not a trivial matter."

Li Guo stared at Liu Heng with a smile, narrowed his eyes and said.

"Of course I can be responsible for what I said just now, because I asked Ye Tianling and others to release the news that the United States has a high-tech detector. The source of this information is absolutely true and reliable, where is the truth and where is the reliability?"

"This kind of thing is known to be false after a little confirmation, but Mr. Liu Heng, you still treat it as 'top-secret information' and tell the poor Taoist, as if you are using all possible information to mislead the poor Taoist."

"How do you explain it? Boss Liu." Li Guo said with a wave of his whisk, "Or, Mr. Murderer."

Originally, Liu Heng wanted to explain.

But when Li Guo said the words 'Mr. Murderer', he didn't refute, but calmed down and smiled slightly.

"How did you know?"

For Li Guo's identification, Liu Heng did not refute, but was very calm.

In other words, he was so calm from the very beginning, as if he had never been nervous, as if everything was under control.

"Connecting all the possibilities becomes the answer." Li Guo stretched out his finger and said, "From the beginning, I didn't fully believe that this so-called 'secret treasure' appeared in Kowloon City. It’s just to give Zhang Tianyang face, and Zhang Tianyang also knows about this, so when he asked me to come over, he didn’t say how much benefit he would promise me after getting the “Secret Treasure”. He only asked me to come to meet the heroes of the world. Because he didn’t know, Is this so-called 'Heshibi' true or false?"

"And the first time I had doubts about you was at the very beginning, when I went to look for you, you have been using words to induce me to believe that this so-called 'He Shibi' has been born, as if I have already confirmed it, Intend me to find it."

Liu Heng looked serious, like a primary school student listening to a lecture, nodding while reviewing himself.

"Indeed, when I think about it carefully, I seem to be a little impatient."

"And blaming...or the case that angered the Three Heroes is the core of the incident. As a murderer, why do you want to blame the Three Heroes? What can the murderer gain from it." Li Guo continued: "Because a At the beginning of the influence of your reminder, we all felt that no matter what the murderer did, he did it for He Shibi, so we also thought in that direction at first."

"But later, it was Mr. Sasaki Musashi who inspired me - the people who come to this place where dragons gather are not all for the so-called 'Heshibi', they may come to seek the way, seek martial arts, and find an opponent, so I I was wondering if Mr. Murderer, like Sasaki Musashi, did not come to this Land of Soaring Dragons for Heshibi?"

"Well, old man, when I started to guide you, I wanted you to deviate from this direction. I gave you a fixed thinking. I didn't expect you to figure it out."

Liu Heng had emotion on his face, but he looked like an old god at ease.

There is no sense of intimidation by the strong on the ground list, but Li Guo looks like a weak person.

"So now that we've figured it out, let's start with the three dead. The other two were assassinated, and their deaths were very 'dramatic', as if they were roughly planted on Bai Wuji and Liu Chengkong. Trying to provoke them." Li Guo stared at Liu Heng and said, "The problem is with that Asian man, his death was not 'dramatic' enough, which just shows that the deaths of the other two victims were caused by 'arranged' and this Asian is not."

"Sure enough, through this Asian, we found the bar where he stayed and found the woman who had intercourse with him. Through that woman, I found out 'Heichai'."

Liu Heng nodded again, but this time his expression was admiration.

"Sure enough, it's the 'Heavenly Excalibur'. I thought you could only use swords, but I didn't expect that you can also use the secret method of mental regression."

Li Guo secretly thought that his nickname was indeed a deception.

Liu Heng thought he was a swordsman, and Sasaki Musashi thought he was a swordsman too.

"Although I have silenced the black wood after the incident, I was still a step too late. I should have killed that woman too."

Liu Heng looked calm, as if he was just talking about a trivial matter.

In his eyes, human life is like floating clouds.

"This is the so-called 'serial murder case where only one case will lead to the truth' because the other cases committed are all cover-ups to cover up the first case." Li Guo said lightly: "You know the truth here The situation, killing any one person may attract the attention of the authorities and other people. In order not to let the case of the Asian man attract such attention, you committed the second and third cases, and then threw them to Ye Tianling and the others. Make it look like a random crime to cover up your real purpose in killing that Korean man."

"Yes, this is a smoke bomb."

Liu Heng admired: "I want to use the death of the two of them to cover up Jin Chengyi's death, and by the way, use these three corpses to set up another game, so that they can drag 'you' who represents the official chess piece, and let your energy Put it on Heshibi, not on my side"

Huang Zhongri on the side looked at the two of them, his expression could not help but become dull, weak and pitiful.

This local tyrant who can afford a large villa in a place where every inch of land is expensive looks like a mentally handicapped person.
I can understand some, but I can't understand some.

Want to run, but don't know how to run.

(End of this chapter)

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