Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 244, The Heavenly Codex

Chapter 244, The Heavenly Codex
After returning to Fangcun Mountain, Li Guo hummed.

"Hmph, this old fox is actually probing my bottom line."

"So, has he found your bottom line?" Yu Xi who was on the side said calmly.

At this time, Yu Xi was already waiting to meditate in Fangcun Mountain, as quiet as a virgin.

Previously, Li Guo would "chat privately on WeChat" with Yu Xi from time to time, and let his "master" analyze the current situation by the way.

After all, Yu Xi is so old, the salt he has eaten is less than that.
"Master Li, what are you thinking?"

"No, Pindao is thinking that the master is still so young and beautiful." Li Guo put his hands on his back and smiled slightly.

After hearing this, Yu Xi said slightly annoyed.

"Really Li, don't be rude."

Li Guo didn't make any more jokes. After spending so much time with her, I got to know a little about her personality. In fact, she is still shy sometimes. After all, age and intelligence are not necessarily directly proportional.
Back to the topic, Li Guo said solemnly: "Miss Yuxi, since this is the case, how should the poor should deal with it?"

Yu Xi said calmly.

"His attitude is obvious. He will use you. Of course, you can also use him. Everyone uses each other."

"This hurts too much. After all, everyone is from China." Li Guo said helplessly.

"In his position, in a certain position, this is his responsibility, just to avoid hurting his feelings, that's why he speaks up and speaks things out." Yu Xi also paused and said: "As for you saying that you are both in Huaxia That's not the case with people."

"Immortal cultivators, as long-lived and enlightened people, have a lifespan of thousands of years, and the lifespan of a dynasty is concentrated again? The concept of country will eventually become indifferent, and so will you, Master Li. Maybe after going through the changes of time, you will eventually lose the concept of country. Vague."

Yu Xi said lightly, as if she was telling a truth.

Time will dilute all concepts, which is why the vast majority of immortals always appear ascetic and don't care about world affairs.

It seemed that Li Guo would become like this in the future.

However, facing Yu Xi's question, Li Guo smiled confidently.

"What you said - Pindao can't."

Yu Xi was slightly taken aback, her beautiful eyes wandering, wondering what answer Li Guo would come up with.

"Protecting the country and the country and punishing evildoers, Taoism naturally removes the demons of the heart, and following one's will is the way of the poor."

"What if the dynasty doesn't exist after thousands of years?" Yu Xi said calmly: "Renren Li's longevity is about to break the golden elixir, and the longevity of the millennium is already established, but the dynasty does not exist for a thousand years, so what then? "

"Where the Huaxia people are, there is Huaxia. Even if the name of the country changes in the future, the descendants of Huaxia and the descendants of Yan and Huang will still be those."

Li Guo smiled and said.

"Thousands of years later, the old people will become smoke, and the sea will change. People will change, but I will remain the same."

Yu Xi was stunned after hearing this.

In the vicissitudes of life, people change and I remain the same.

Protecting the country and punishing evil is not the purpose, but the purpose is to stabilize the Taoist heart, which is "unchanged" and coincides with the eternal way.

On the road of longevity, I will remain the same, the past me will be me, today’s me will be me, and tomorrow’s me will be me——

After listening, Yu Xi smiled.

Li Guo was amazed, especially for a girl like Yu Xi who seldom laughed, it was quite pleasing to watch when she suddenly laughed out loud.

"Not bad, this disciple has a fairly deep understanding of his own path."

Not to be outdone, Li Guo wandered around with big eyes.

"Isn't that what the master taught?"

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Of course, Yu Xi didn't continue to chatter, but said instead.

"Since this is the case, let's quickly become a pill. Once you have achieved a pill, you will be considered as embarking on the road to the sky."

"En." Li Guo nodded, looked at the knife pattern and sword pattern on his palm and said, "Now we need an opportunity, a chance to sharpen our hearts and sharpen our swords."

The soul and the body are perfectly blended, and when the sword resonates together, it will reach the sky in one step, with boundless mana.

After communicating with Yu Xi, Li Guo went to look for Yingzhao, and after exchanging an SD card for a golden pill, he heard Dabai calling himself.

At this time, Dabai turned into a strong man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, quite handsome.

"I'll take you to meet someone, meow."

"To meet someone?"

"The big caterpillar is looking for you, meow." Dabai scratched his head and said, "I brought him the math book you gave me, and he said he was very interested, so I wanted you to meet him oh yes, he He also said that he was sorry that he couldn't come to see you due to physical reasons."

"Big caterpillar?"

Li Guo recalled that Dabai had mentioned this name before, and he was also one of the aborigines of Fangcun Mountain.

In the past, there was no chance to visit, but now that someone is leading the way, Li Guo is of course disrespectful.

At this time, Dabai turned into a white tiger and asked Li Guo to come up. After Li Guo rode, Dabai turned into a streak of light and ran down the mountain, and finally came to an empty grassland.

However, after entering the grassland, Dabai's spiritual power was agitated in a special way, and Li Guo instantly felt a change in his physical senses, as if he had entered another space, but he seemed to be still in the square inch mountain.

A wooden house suddenly appeared on the lawn in front of him.

"It's amazing"

Li Guo sighed with emotion, and sure enough, the creatures here have two brushes.

At this time, Dabai shouted: "Big caterpillar, I'm coming!"

"Come in."

A magnetic voice sounded from inside the cabin.

Li Guo bowed respectfully.

"Poverty Li Guo, came from Fangcun Mountain, watching the slanting moon."

After greeting Li Guo, he entered the house.

Originally, this wooden house is full of secrets, especially in this house, since there are some small sculptures and some exquisite mechanisms around it.

Mechanized birds hovering in the house, dancing little people, and all kinds of magical props are like a fairy tale world.

And in the middle of the room is a grand teacher's chair that can automatically shake. An old man in Tsing Yi is lying on the chair. The old man in Tsing Yi is looking at the 'Second Year Mathematics' in his hand calmly.

Afterwards, the old man in Tsing Yi closed the book, looked at Li Guo kindly and said.

"This old man is the 'green dragon' of this generation."

"Let me introduce you, this is the big caterpillar." Dabai said happily.

Li Guo bowed and bowed.

"Senior Azure Dragon."

Dabai can call him Big Qingchong, but Li Guo can't, he is a real senior in front of him.

Of course, it’s not because he’s older. If you’re talking about age alone, Dabai is so much older than Li Guo, and this old Qinglong’s eyes are full of wisdom (in a positive sense), Be worthy of a senior.

At this time, the old man in Tsing Yi said.

"There are so many rituals."

Li Guo said stubbornly.

"But indispensable."

"Interesting little guy." Old Qinglong said with a smile: "Sure enough, people from the human world are really interesting."

At this time, Old Qinglong looked at the math book in his hand and said with emotion.

"If I could have known this Heaven-reaching Codex earlier, maybe I wouldn't have fallen into this situation."

(End of this chapter)

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