Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 259, Ye Feng's modern magic weapon

Chapter 259, Ye Feng's modern magic weapon

In the early morning of the next day, not long after Li Guo finished his meditation practice, he heard bursts of hurried voices.

Zhang Wenyi and Zhao Jiarong are gone!

This immediately set off a big wave in Shushan. Two Chinese-Americans—or Americans, disappeared under the eyes of Shushan when Zhu Ziheng was about to break through.

"Didn't you tell you to keep an eye on those two people?" One of the elders complained to the foreign affairs elders. No matter what these two guys are going to do, the two Americans may not necessarily want to do good things in China anyway.

The foreign affairs elder smiled wryly.

"I didn't sleep all night last night, I just don't know how they disappeared."

This Shushan elder is also angry. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the strength of these two Chinese-Americans is equivalent to that of China's top rankings. Zhang Wenyi is also known as the "wind god" and his speed is like a gale. How can he be a foreign affairs elder? Can you keep track of them?
After thinking for a while, the elder also understood the truth, and sighed.

"What should we do now? The disappearance of these two Americans did not leave a letter or anything."

At this time, members of the Dibang on Mount Shu also came to the guest room, among them Liu Hongtao said viciously.

"These 'banana men' are ruthless. If you find them, you can kill them on the spot."

Liu Hongtao's grandfather died in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. Combined with the current era, he is extremely disgusted with Americans, especially the yellow-skinned and white-hearted people.

At this time, Ye Feng said lightly: "Is it intentional or what? Find them out first and then talk about it. I am waiting for a few people on the list, and Zhu Ziheng, who will break the realm, is here. I still need to be afraid of him." Two members of the list?"

"Having said that, how do we find them?" The foreign affairs elder asked puzzledly. There was no clue left, as if they disappeared out of thin air. How do we find them?

At this moment, Ye Feng's whole body was agitated, and a strange spiritual power floated on Ye Feng's shoulders.

A black tattoo appeared on it, Li Guo was familiar with this tattoo, it was the imprint of the magic weapon sacrificial refining.

I saw the black imprint blooming, and with Ye Feng's shoulder as the runway, a "small plane" took off directly. The material of this plane seems to be very light, but it is as hard as fine steel, and the flying speed cannot be caught by the naked eye. Flying around Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

The people who watched this scene were dumbfounded. A small plane appeared in the person's body?

Li Guo looked at the 'DJI' logo on the small plane, which was produced by DJI.
Dajiang not only produces drones, but also produces magic weapons.

For this reason, Ye Feng did not hide it, and said with a smile: "This is my magic weapon. The 'Chongming Bird' forged by technology combined with metaphysics can be used as a small reconnaissance plane on weekdays. It has invisibility, paralysis, and breath tracking. Functions such as firing, infrared detection, and some other functions will not appear until my cultivation reaches a higher level."

"Combining top-notch drone technology with metaphysical magic weapon, the one who cast this is really a genius"

Li Guo was also sighing at the side, and didn't know whether to sigh the power of science, or the magic of metaphysics, or the amazing brains of those scientists, no matter from which point of view, they are all powerful enough.

Then everyone realized again that Ye Feng is a "Cultivator" or "Qi Refiner" other than "Warrior" and "Awakened", and there must be a lot of strange methods.

After Liu Hongtao stared at Ye Feng for a while, he didn't say anything, and continued to denounce the two 'spies' with righteous indignation.

At this time, Ye Feng's "Double Name Bird" was hidden in the air, flying to find the target. Compared with the swift transformed by supernatural powers, this magic weapon had a much wider range of action, basically covering the entire city.

Due to insufficient cultivation, Ye Feng said that this bird of the same name must be concentrated, sit in meditation and close its eyes, and can no longer do other actions. , so Ye Feng would not release the 'duplicate bird' during the usual fights. Only after the Jindan period can he be able to truly control this magic weapon that combines technology and metaphysics.

Ye Feng was completely defenseless at this time, but Li Guo didn't say much, and stood in a blind spot where he could attack Ye Feng.

People's hearts are separated from each other, let alone this era, the reason why Ye Feng is completely defenseless is because he believes in Li Guo.

Li Guo also responded to his trust.

Soon, Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes and whispered.

"found it"

Zhu Ziheng was preparing to break through the barrier, he was calming his mind, he didn't know what happened outside, and the elders didn't intend to let Zhu Ziheng know, this incident itself was the responsibility of the investigation team.

But this time the missing two people are not only sensitive in identity, but also in the first class in strength, so when they went, Li Guo and Ye Feng followed, and Liu Hongtao and Juejue also came with them. Mrs. Xiumei .

There is a saying that the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go up to the blue sky. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the road is steep and rugged. If ordinary people hide in the deep mountains, it is really hard to find.

Li Guo and others chased them up the mountain, where the clouds were hidden deep in the mountains, and it was hard to find anyone.

"Your thing is really powerful, you can find it hidden in the deep mountains." Liu Hongtao sighed with indescribable envy.

Ye Feng smiled.

"It's just a trick."

"Excessive modesty is unacceptable." Mrs. Xiumei squinted her eyes and said: "If you don't make a show, you will be a blockbuster. After this time, you will definitely be on the list."

It can see through the enemy's flaws in all directions and 360 degrees, and it also has a terrifying reconnaissance capability, which seems almost omnipotent.

At this time, Ye Feng bent down, picked a blade of grass from the ground, smelled it, and said.

"There is a very faint smell of blood. This smell is Zhang Wenyi and Zhao Jiarong, the smell of the two of them? There are also traces of fighting."

"Are the two injured?" Master Xiumei asked in confusion, "Were they attacked? Or was there internal strife?"

"I don't know, I have to find someone to find out."

Ye Feng threw away the blade of grass in his hand and followed the bloody smell to search for it. After crossing a mountain peak, the bloody smell became more and more intense, and finally the bloody smell was so strong that it couldn't dissipate.

Li Guo felt something, and stepped forward quickly, only to find several wild wolves gathered in one place, in the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, there are many dragons, tigers, leopards, bears, wolves and dogs.


With a loud shout, these wild wolves were affected by the roar and immediately ran away.

Mrs. Xiumei gasped, and the corners of Ye Feng's mouth also twitched.

At this moment, surrounded by wild wolves, was an unrecognizable corpse. The skin hadn't been gnawed, and the appearance could be vaguely distinguished. It was Zhao Jiarong, the 'yin and yang five poisons'!

"The strong man on the second level unexpectedly died in the wilderness and was devoured by wild wolves." Li Guo mused.

No matter how many wild wolves come, they can't beat the strong man of the second step, unless the strong man of the second step is killed and thrown here.

"This is troublesome." Ye Feng frowned. This American man was killed here, and it was a troublesome matter from any angle.

"If you die, you die, a foreigner." Mrs. Xiumei said as a matter of course.

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Mrs. Xiumei, and said helplessly.

"If he appeared in our country secretly, we don't care how many times he died, but the problem is that he appeared in China openly, which means that he did not sneak in, but came with an important mission. Such a person It is equivalent to 'foreign envoy', if the envoy is dead, do you think it is troublesome?"

It is quite troublesome if the envoy dies.

And 'Meteor Quick Sword' Liu Hongtao frowned.

"There's only one body here, what about the other person?"

"The other person is the key point." Ye Feng also nodded, and began to search around, looking for traces of another person, but unfortunately, I don't know if it was intentional or deliberate, and there is no second person around the body. trace.

Li Guo was also investigating the corpses, but in the corner of another big tree, he saw some nicks. These nicks were very secret, and only Li Guo who opened his eyes could see them.

Regarding this, Li Guo quietly approached the foot of the tree and saw the words engraved on it.

'The head of the willow under the moon, after dusk. '

"These two lines of poetry."

Li Guo didn't tell a few people about these two lines of poems, including Ye Feng.

For this reason, Ye Feng and the others did not find any other clues, so they could only inform the investigation team to send someone to investigate the clues. They are more experienced in this kind of murder.

And Li Guo returned to Shushan with these two lines of poems.

"The head of the willow under the moon, people make an appointment after dusk"

Li Guo came to a willow forest in Shushan while chanting these two lines of poems.

In this season, the willow trees have already withered and withered, and they can only wait for the next year to return to spring.

When he first came, there was no commotion, but after a while, Li Guo's heart moved slightly. He turned around and saw a blood gourd covered in blood under a willow tree, which looked extremely terrifying.

This person is Zhang Wenyi, and he was under the nose of Shushan without being noticed.

At this moment, Zhang Wenyi raised his head slightly, seeing that it was Li Guo, he weakly pulled out a terrifying smile, and said.

"Sure enough, you found me. It was you who spoke to me at the time. It's very kind of you."

"I didn't expect 'Fengshen Jiying' to be a martial artist, not an 'awakened one'. After all, awakened people don't block the acupuncture points to stop bleeding and prevent breath from leaking out." Li Guo looked at Zhang Wenyi who was bleeding all over, showing pity color.

Now his vitality has been cut off, even if the fountain of life cannot be continued, death is inevitable for him.

But it's okay to ease his pain a bit.

Li Guo raised his hand to hang a fountain of life for him, sure enough, Zhang Wenyi's face turned ruddy and healed a lot.

"You are very powerful." Zhang Wenyi said with emotion, and at the same time took out a shot of pethidine from his bosom, and gave himself a shot.

Zhang Wenyi showed a soothing expression, and under the dual effects of the Fountain of Life and Du Lengding, he was able to temporarily forget the pain.

At this time, Li Guo stared at Zhang Wenyi seriously and said: "You and Zhao Jiarong killed each other, why? Why did you kill him, and the wounds on your body are not at all like the 'Yin Yang Five Poisons'. , who made it, or is this the hole card left by Zhao Jiarong?"

It was more like Zhang Wenyi had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives. There were knife cuts all over his body, and he looked extremely bloody. Only the devil knows what he has gone through.

Aside from everything else, Li Guo also admired this middle-aged man. His body was so injured. Even with the double blessing of the Fountain of Life and Du Lengding, physical pain is inevitable, but now he can talk and laugh as usual.

"Do you believe me?" Zhang Wenyi asked Li Guo instead of answering Li Guo's question.

"If you don't believe me, Pindao won't come alone." Li Guo said indifferently. During the previous conversation, he could feel that Zhang Wenyi's heart to go home was very real.

Zhang Wenyi's eyes softened a lot, and he finally smiled.

"it is good"

"Let's talk about Zhao Jiarong first. His purpose in coming to China is not pure. He is here to recycle the 'nails'."

(End of this chapter)

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