Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 264, Wuling people use agencies as their career

Chapter 264, Wuling people use agencies as their career

As for mechanism techniques, Li Guo's impression was only of the Mohists at that time, and he never thought that other than the Mohist heirs, there were other people who could possess mechanism techniques.

But what happened in front of him told Li Guo that this mechanism technique was indeed possessed by other people. Although the technology seemed not as good as that of the Mohists, it was definitely the mechanism technique.

Li Guo also didn't suspect that Zifu Dun brought him to some strange place, such as traveling through time and space, such as traveling through the world. This is the earth. Although the concentration of aura can deceive people, the data such as atmospheric gravity will not.

Li Guo can intuitively feel that here is the earth.

"You are so powerful." Li Guo said with emotion, looking at this wooden cow and horse, it is really difficult for Li Guo to judge the principle of this thing with his IQ.

Facing Li Guo's praise, the young man was not happy: "Why are you mocking me? I know my skills are not good, but what do you mean by that? Why don't you show your work."

Li Guo: "?????"

I'm not mocking you, I really think you're amazing.

Isn't it powerful enough to make such exquisite and powerful props?

Li Guo held back for a long time and finally said: "Perhaps to you, this mechanism skill is just a trivial trick, but to Pindao, it is already extremely delicate, after all, Pindao is not good at mechanism skills."

"There is someone who doesn't know how to use mechanics? Are you mentally handicapped?"

The young man looked at Li Guo with an extremely 'shocked' expression for a while, as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped person, which caused Li Guo's heart to be hurt a second time.

At this time, the young man was puzzled again.

"Which tribe and village do you belong to? Why can't you master tricks? This is something you have to learn since childhood."

"Pindao does not belong to any tribe, but came from overseas by accident." Li Guo said honestly.

"Overseas? Impossible. Overseas is obviously only a vast ocean." The young man's expression was a little dull. It seemed that to him, being ignorant of mechanics and coming from overseas were extremely frightening things.

Seeing the young man's expression, Li Guo probably didn't know that there were concepts other than 'overseas' and 'mechanism'.

At a glance, he is not familiar with martial arts and Taoism, so the concentration of aura here is in vain.

At this time, Li Guo raised his head and looked at the peach blossoms in full bloom around him.

In places like coasts and islands, where the salinity of the air and water sources is so high, how can peach blossoms grow, either with the blessing of supernatural powers, or with the power of biological science.
After thinking about it again and again, Li Guo asked.

"Lady, can you tell me what the name of this place is?"

"Here?" The young man scratched his head and said, "It's called Wuling."

People from Wuling, Peach Blossom Land.

Could this be the Peach Blossom Spring in the legendary Peach Blossom Spring?
Li Guo thought in his mind, but he sat on the young man's wandering horse and chatted all the way. The concept of the outside world is really only a vast ocean, the sea is boundless, and only this island is the paradise.

Li Guo complained silently in his heart. The "Wuling people" in "Tale Blossom Spring" at least knew that they came to Peach Blossom Spring to escape the war in Qin Dynasty. Now the people here don't even know the geometry of the dynasties outside, they only know about themselves. Born on this island.

Li Guo asked.

"Then who taught you this trick?"

"Of course it's 'Truman'. Trumen is responsible for teaching the island's tribes about education, literacy and reading skills. If there are excellent ones, they can get more knowledge. You can get admitted to Tongsheng, raise people, and be a talent," the young man mentioned. When I arrived at Truman, my whole body was shining with admiration, as if a freshman was talking about Tsinghua University and Peking University.


Li Guo thought to himself, it seems that Truman is the ruler of this island.

Only rulers have the qualifications to control education.

While speaking, Li Guo also followed the Liuma to their village, which is called Taoyuan Village. There are institutions here, wooden oxen and Liuma are everywhere, and there are even mechanism puppets working in the fields, although they are not as miraculous as Gongshuling Humans, but the joints of the body twist naturally, and they are extremely proficient in farming and hoeing.

As long as drips, restaurants, carousels, and bicycles are convenient things that can be seen on modern streets, there are probably substitutes here, and there are even some things that are difficult for modern things, such as an old man whose lower body There is no trace, but it is replaced by a wooden mechanism, but it walks like an ordinary person, and the mechanism prosthesis has various functions, and Li Guo even saw a weapon similar to a crossbow on it.
Here, mechanism art exists as another form of 'technology'.

However, apart from the highly developed mechanical techniques, the buildings are mainly brick and mud houses, which have a strange sense of fragmentation.

Li Guo murmured silently.

"This is the rhythm of 'Mechanical Punk 2077'."

"Village Chief, I brought a guest back, and he said he came back from overseas!"

After the young man came back, he went to call the village chief over with high spirits. Due to the leisurely pace of life, everyone put down their work and looked around curiously at Li Guo, who claimed to be from "outside". Some curious children touched left and right, and got started directly.

Li Guo smiled wryly, he finally understood how it felt when Tao Yuanming came here and was hit by the enthusiastic shells here.

"Everyone, calm down first."

"Anyway, you are our guest. It has been a long time since our tribe has had any guests. Come here, kill chickens, ducks, and fish." The village head was very hospitable, and quickly ordered to bring out wine and meat to entertain, Peach Blossom Drinks, chicken, duck and fish.

However, Li Guo is not disrespectful, and he is not worried that eating this meal will make these villagers lose a little meat or something. From observation, everyone here has ruddy and bright complexion, and their bodies are either strong or thick. , It can be seen that it is very healthy, there is no shortage of supplies, malnutrition and the like.

It can be seen that the supplies here are quite sufficient.

"Speaking of this little gentleman, which tribal village are you from?" the old village head poured wine for Li Guo and said enthusiastically.

"Supreme Tianzun, thank you." Li Guo took the peach blossom fruit wine, felt the tangy fragrance, and said after drinking a little: "Pindao is not a tribe on the island, but from overseas. Injured, living here"

After Li Guo emphasized it many times, the old village chief was still not sure if Li Guo was from outside.

At this age, people are the axis, and so are the people around them. Living in such an absolutely comfortable environment, their perception of the outside world becomes more insensitive.

The reason why Li Guo is so warmly received is because the island is quite closed, there is little communication and meeting between the tribes, and everyone prefers to be a couple, happy and happy, and does not communicate with each other.
The island is not small, it can even be said to be very large. There are dozens of tribes, but it is quite difficult for tribes to communicate with each other. Generally speaking, only the "Trumen" people who are proficient in advanced mechanics Be able to grasp the convenient way to travel between various tribes.

They come to the village to collect tribute, impart knowledge, distribute spirit stones, or some "interesting things" that happened to other tribes.

Li Guo was thinking in his heart that the 'Truman' controlled the public opinion, media, currency, knowledge, and taxes here.
This made Li Guo more sure that Truman is the ruler here, so he asked.

"Then how can the poor find this Truman?"

"People from the Truman family, they just came here yesterday, and it may take a long time to come back next time." After thinking for a while, the old village chief seemed to suddenly say: "Oh yes, Liu Shang from our village is going to make up the primary exam. Mechanism, if you have booked the Trumen "Hazy Car" two days later, if you have enough spirit stones, you can see if the driver can take you by the way. Although overloading is not legal, everything can be accommodated. ."

"If you don't have enough spirit stones, you can borrow some from me..."

Li Guo smiled and shook his head, hearing it warmed his heart, the people here are really simple, serene, peaceful, even more like a fairyland on earth than Penglai.

The human heart is clean and transparent here, just like the air here, without any Pm2.5.
Rustic and comfortable.

This made Li Guo wonder if they could survive if they came into contact with ghosts and monsters in the outside world.
"Never mind."

Li Guo stayed here for two days, and after enjoying the high-standard hospitality of the village, he waited for Truman's hazy car.

This car is like an ancient sedan chair, but its wings are flapping, and a strange floating formation is faintly working on it.

The 'pilot' is a man who looks about 30 years old, and he is skillfully making the hazy car land vertically on the 'airport' of the village.

"Liu Shang."

"To arrive" Liu Shang is a young man about 17 years old, with a thick head and a thick head, and he is very simple and honest.

The man glanced at Liu Shang, and accepted the bamboo stick he handed over.

At this time, Liu Shang said with a smile: "I have a friend who also wants to go to 'Chu City', but he forgot to buy a ticket, why not accommodate him."

Liu Shang quietly stuffed the spirit stone into the hands of the 'pilot'.

'Pilot' weighed the weight of the spirit stone in his hand, but his face was not very good-looking, so he just stuffed it back.

"We have to act according to the rules. In the past, these spirit stones were enough, but now there is a mechanism genius in this car, who will definitely be able to flourish in Trumen in the future. The carriages got crowded and he was blamed."

Liu Shang's expression froze for a moment, and he hesitated to speak, but was stopped by Li Guo at the side.

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, Layman Liu Shang, I don't need to ask you to pay money. It was already embarrassing enough to bother you earlier, let the poor do it today."

At this time, Li Guo stuffed a fluorescent spirit stone into the hands of the 'pilot'.

'Pilot' looked at the Lingshi in his hand and his face changed drastically, and he immediately stuffed it into his arms, his expression changed instantly, and he became smiling.

"Isn't it just carrying one more person, I believe Mr. Liang will understand."

Liu Shang was dumbfounded, and just now he said with certainty that he couldn't bear it.

Li Guo smiled and said nothing, thinking of a very classic line.

Everything in the world can be marked with a price.

These spiritual stones are nothing more than stones filled with spiritual power. Li Guo picked up a discarded spiritual stone from the village at random, and filled it with spiritual power to use it.

(End of this chapter)

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