Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 285, Suspected Secret Treasure

Chapter 285, Suspected Secret Treasure

On the other side, Yang Jingwei's parents, who were watching at the door, also rushed in, hugged Yang Jingwei and began to cry.

"Son, are you okay? You just scared us to death."

When seeing the human-faced spider, these two ordinary people with no abilities could only watch helplessly.

And Yang Jingwei also slowly opened his eyes, and started to cry, yelling regrets in his mouth, wanting to reform himself and be a new man.

This family of three embraced and cried. We cried for a long time
At this time, the system reminded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for repelling @#¥...¥# (you can't understand it even if you write it)'s lower-level servants, and get 700 merit points."

"It's only [-] points." Li Guo was a little stunned. He was fighting back across dimensions, so such a little merit value was almost meaningless.

"Repelling is not killing. Please continue to practice hard, the host, and try to kill that thing with one blow next time." The system's tone remained unchanged.

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, brother System's words were too social.

After a long time, Yang Jingwei's spirit finally recovered. Although he still looked a little out of spirits, the human-faced spider no longer haunted him.

"The karma between you and that human-faced spider has been severed. Now if you have anything to say, you can say whatever you want." Li Guo looked at Yang Jingwei's expression lightly and said calmly, recalling the severed just now. The Knife of Karma.

That knife consumes very little and has an excellent effect, but it still has side effects.

Directly cutting off cause and effect is equivalent to changing the 'past' and 'future'. Li Guo can feel a slight block in his Lingtai soul, although it is very light, it exists here.

If you cut off the cause and effect, it is equivalent to changing the secret of heaven, so you should correct the cause and effect, and bear the cause and effect with your body!

"The moves I've realized should belong to the 'divination' type? The kind that will suffer the backlash of heaven and earth if you use it."

While Li Guo was reminiscing about the moves just now, Yang Jingwei, who had stabilized his mind, began to talk about some recent events.

"My abnormal situation happened three days ago. Three days ago, I was having nightmares. I dreamed that a big spider took me to her lair, and then started eating me, sucking my flesh, and corrupting me body." Yang Jingwei swallowed his saliva, and said with lingering fear: "At that time in my dream, I saw Zhao Yang and the others, and they had been sucked into mummies by him. I was afraid of becoming like them, so I held on. Go to sleep, subconsciously tell me, I will be finished when I sleep, and I will become like Zhao Yang and the others."

"But in the end you still couldn't hold on and fell asleep. If we were a step late, you might have been pulled away by that human-faced spider." Ye Si shrugged.

So Yang Jingwei is still in fear.
"Then it seems that the human-faced spider is limited to attack in an almost 'invincible' environment like interdimensionality, and you must go through certain circumstances to pull you away." Lie Fuqing seemed to have found a blind spot, and took a shot His own thigh said: "Yes, that's right, it is a dream, and the human-faced spider uses the dream as a bridge as a medium for the murder!"

"Using the dream as a medium to come here from the outer dimension to commit crimes, the method is quite strange." Ye Si pondered, now the truth of the murder is not the point, the point is how to do such a strange method of murder.

What should I do if it is used by other villains?

Various situations need to be considered
"Now, we can turn our attention back to Cai Xingming and see where he has been these days through monitoring."

Li Guo suggested.

Lie Fuqing nodded.

A few people left, returned to the local police station, and began to borrow videos. These videos have been thoroughly studied by the criminal police. These days, Cai Xingming's itinerary, where he has been, and what he bought have all been investigated. Chu.

At this time, while Lie Fuqing was watching the surveillance video, a criminal policeman next to him was in charge of explaining.

"During this week, Cai Xingming did not go to work, but went to various places and neighborhoods to buy items. During this week, he bought a lot of animal offal, incense, incense ashes, and spices."

It looks like a sacrificial item, but now that the aura is revived and folk beliefs are revived, there are not a few people who believe in it, and most of them will enshrine some kind of god in front of the altar at home, which is not surprising.

However, Li Guo was even more certain of what Cai Xingming had done. This was clearly some kind of sacrificial secret method secret treasure, which was similar to the Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads.

At this time, the elder brother of the criminal police continued: "According to our investigation, Cai Xingming rented a house in the suburbs last month, and the supplies he bought were taken there."

"Have you investigated?" Lie Fuqing raised his brows.

Cai Xingming was already struggling, and even rented a house in the suburbs, which was very strange no matter how he looked at it.

But the elder brother of the criminal police shook his head and said.

"It's been investigated, and there is nothing unusual."

"Of course you see nothing unusual, let us professionals go and have a look." Lie Fuqing murmured, putting on his coat and preparing to go out.

The criminal police brothers are still very conscientious. Even though the rental house in the suburbs has been investigated, it has been blocked, and no one else can come near it.

Ye Si looked at the furnishings in the rental house and murmured, "There is indeed a problem."

The area of ​​the rental house is not small, with three bedrooms and one living room, which is larger than Cai Xingming's living room, but it does not have any living utensils, only a small table for sacrifices in the middle of the living room, and there are not fresh leftovers on it. , cooked large intestine offal meat.

In the middle is a shrine without any name written on it, which looks unremarkable.

"Everywhere is weird here." Lie Fuqing frowned, looked at the shrine, and intuitively told him that the problem was in this shrine, but he couldn't see any problem.

Li Guo stared at the shrine and activated the identification technique.

In an instant, a sense of weakness swept over him.

If an enemy comes, Li Guo can be taken down immediately!

"That's why I don't like identification techniques." Li Guo murmured, if he identified something with heavy rules, his spiritual power would be taken away instantly, and his mind would be in a trance for a moment. information occupies.

When the strong fight against each other, life can be decided in an instant, and it can only be used when it is absolutely safe
After thinking about it, Li Guo began to browse the information.

[@#¥……¥# (you can’t understand it even if you write it)’s shrine: using a special method to worship this shrine can connect the extraterrestrial creatures @#¥…¥# to the material world. 】

[Usage method: 1kg of animal offal, a bunch of human virgin hair, 1 baby tooth that fell out of a child, a dead cat, 20g of lime powder, 10g of potassium permanganate]

[PS: It’s easy to ask God to send God away, and using uncontrollable power will only pay a painful price]

Obviously, Cai Xingming paid the price for inviting this @#¥……¥#, his whole body was rotten, and he died violently and rotted in a very short period of time.

Then tell Ye Si and Lie Fuqing the information they saw.

"As expected of No. 2 on the local list, you really have a lot of experience." Lie Fuqing looked at Li Guo with emotion, and was completely convinced by this young man who was much younger than himself. Not only was he powerful, but he also had broad knowledge. .

However, Lie Fuqing frowned again.

"The question now is, how did he get this shrine, and how would he use it?"

If Cai Xingming had known it from the beginning, he would not have used the power of the shrine to kill others so long after the incident.

The matter has become clear, what needs to be done now is nothing else but to find out the person behind this shrine.

"In short, the person who can control this thing is definitely not a good person. His purpose is to make people unpredictable, so why did he hand over this shrine to Cai Xingming?" Li Guo was also thinking about this problem. Now that cause and effect have been contaminated, it is necessary to completely cut off cause and effect. Can.

"Today's capital city is really troubled." Lie Fuqing sighed after thinking about it: "It's the transfer of interests between the old merchant family and the representatives of the supernatural beings, and it's this weird thing that comes and kills people invisible."

At this time, Ye Si turned on the 'Vision of the Demon Hunter' again, but this time he found nothing, and only said that the shrine was an important clue that would point to the truth of everything.

It seems like fate, but also like prophecy.

What is the nature of this ability?

The next step is for the investigation team to sort out and expand from various clues. Li Guo has not followed up for the time being, and it will be useless to follow up at this time.

Now it's the second day, Ye Si regained his composure and apologized: "This time I finally have the chance to invite you to dinner, sorry for letting you follow me around these few days."

"It's okay."

Li Guo smiled and said.

Today, Ye Si brought Li Guo to the famous "Yangfujing Snack Street", which is the most famous snack street in Beijing. Along with the fun of Beijing opera, smell the fragrance and find delicious food, lamb skewers, fried belly, grilled squid, lobster, Pork trotters, fried scorpions, fried yogurt, and other popular delicacies.

Li Guo also felt that he had to relax a bit.

After arriving at Yangfujing Street, Li Guo and Ye Si ate to the fullest, unlike other girls, Ye Si was quite unrestrained in eating, eating a squid skewer without restraint.

Li Guo also likes this carefree character.

"Bring some fried yogurt back to Miss Yu Xi, she must like it very much." Li Guo thought to himself, he hadn't seen Yu Xi for a long time. Oh no, there is also Dabai.

Sorry for missing them.

Just when Li Guo and Ye Si were about to continue walking, they were blocked by a person.

It's a man in a suit, he said with a smile.

"Hi, may I ask if this is Mr. Li, the Excalibur beyond Heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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