Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 294, I want to become a fairy, happy as hell

Chapter 294, I want to become a fairy, happy as hell

Ye Feng's heart moved slightly, the sky was thundering and lightning, and an extremely terrifying energy was brewing directly in the sky, in order to test those who climbed into the sky.

"Do you fighters cross the catastrophe to fight against such a terrifying sky thunder?" Yang Suliu looked at the thunder catastrophe brewing in the sky, sweating profusely with palpitations, while Zhang Wei was much better, but he couldn't give birth to the heart to contend with the thunder.

"Fortunately, we awakened people don't have to go through such a catastrophe," Yang Suliu murmured.

Ye Feng didn't move his eyes, as if he wanted to wait and see the whole process of crossing the catastrophe, and said at the same time: "Awakened people are born in accordance with the sky, and are born with supernatural powers, while we ascetics... are fighting against fate, constantly fighting against fate. Resist and keep getting stronger.”

"Self-improvement, self-cultivation, is the true way to fight against fate."

At this time, Ye Li, who was in the distance, listened to these words, but his heart was complicated. He looked at his son in front of him, but couldn't speak for a long time.

"Perhaps, my Ye family is destined to be unable to defy this great world and destiny. But the descendants of my Ye family, maybe they can."

At this time, the entire capital city was covered by black clouds, the sun was gone, the stars were gone, it was like a dark night, and the people in the whole city raised their heads and looked up at the sky. Facing the vision of the sky, they took pictures and twittered. Bo's.

However, the response department and official staff of Section Nine remained silent in a tacit understanding, as if they knew what the situation was, and did not do anything other than posting his ranking just to appease the public.

Li Guo felt that his mind and body were changing to a degree visible to the naked eye. His internal organs were like fire and ice forging, flesh and blood swelled, qi and blood surged, and vitality continued to be generated.

And among the internal organs, the Dantian Lingtai is the most hot and hot.

The aura of the whole body is sucked into it.

The flesh and blood are still there, but the dantian has turned into the prehistoric universe and the chaos of Pangu.

Thunder blared, electric snakes ran wildly, and countless energies of catastrophe fell, but Li Guo lightly exposed it with karmic fire.

"Strange, shouldn't this Heavenly Tribulation be transformed into a modern weapon?" Ye Feng snorted slightly, slightly confused.

The thunder calamity in front of him is the most primitive thunder and lightning, there are no fancy incarnations, only the pure power of heaven's punishment, and it is powerful.

Facing the thunder and lightning from heaven, Li Guo didn't have any fear. He just used karmic fire to expose it on his own. His physical body was tyrannical, and coupled with the entanglement of spirit treasures, the thunder disaster was not enough.

After the thunder catastrophe, a vision appeared in the sky, just like when Zhu Ziheng broke the golden elixir, a thousand swords accompanied him.

Golden lotuses accompany each other, and sometimes kingfishers swim with fish, the sun, stars, birds, and animals.

The vision covering the capital is certainly shocking, but Ye Feng is even more confused: "What is his golden core? Why is there such a strange vision."

"This is the end? It doesn't look very difficult." Zhang Wei put himself in the midst of the thunder tribulation. If he was in such a thunder formation, would he be able to deal with it?

The answer is yes, although it may not be as easy as the person in front of you, but it is possible.

Looking at Li Guo, who was calm and calm, Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing at himself, it's too unreal for him to be number one.

"It's far from over." Ye Feng murmured: "At the time when Zhu Daoyou broke through the golden core, he survived two catastrophes. I don't know how many times Li Daoyou will survive."

However, at this time, the Jieyun in the sky had a strange change. The thunder robber disappeared, but it turned into a piece of golden yellow, entwined with the appearance of a golden wind.

The power of 'Gengjin' and 'Wind' hit Li Guo like sharp knives.

The Taoist robe was torn and tattered, but Li Guo's eyes were still clear.

Golden Wind Tribulation.

This wind hooks not only the body, but also the soul.

The golden wind blows, seductive!
The calamity of the golden wind can only be directly borne by the flesh, and cannot mobilize spiritual power, so it can be resisted by the flesh and blood.

While Li Guo was feeling the severe pain in his body, he could also hear waves of ecstasy and magic sounds accompanying him.
"Does it hurt? If it hurts, come and go if it hurts. If you come with us, it won't hurt anymore."

If you let it go, then go for it.
"Host, do you need this system to help you block the pain?"

"No need." Li Guo's tone was a bit painful, but he was quite firm: "Only this time, I must walk over by myself."

This is a threshold.

Anyone who will help you cross the past is imaginary.

Only by crossing over by oneself can one comprehend the true nature.

The calamity of the golden wind, the test is nothing more than the strength of the body and the perseverance of the spirit. The body has eight or nine profound skills, and it is absolutely not a problem. The only problem is the spirit.

This time, not for you, not for him, not for everyone, but only for myself, to walk out of the road for myself!
I want to become an immortal, be happy all the time!
Li Guo opened his eyes, and the golden wind came, so I didn't move.

Afterwards, the Calamity of the Golden Wind disappeared, and the vision of the sky became more complete. In addition to the previous distracted birds, mountains, rivers and earth, mountains and mountains, and sky-reaching buildings were added upside down in the sky.

At this moment, everyone was stunned for a while, and the people in the capital were also stunned for a while.

Many people think that they have seen many battles, and they have never seen any scenes-but this scene in front of them has never been seen before!
"Is it so exaggerated for you cultivators to break through the realm?" Yang Suliu murmured, a trace of awe finally appeared on his face.

This strange scene in the sky is like a world hanging upside down in the sky, so terrifying.


"No not yet." Ye Feng took a breath.

not yet?
Everyone was a little stunned. Originally, they thought the first two levels were scary enough, so why are there more?

"Originally there was still a heart calamity, and the heavenly tribulation evolved into an ancient battlefield to test the soul." At this time, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "But Li Daoyou, his physical body calamity has not yet been broken."

At this time, Jieyun changed again.

Different from Jinfeng and Leiyun, even Tianjie has majesty and precious appearance, showing the majesty of the sky. At this time, Jieyun has turned into pitch black, chaotic black, extreme black, and evil black.

It seems that all the evil in this world is concentrated in it.

"The third physical calamity." Ye Feng's eyes suddenly became devout and reverent.

"What's the difference between the third physical calamity and the previous one?" Zhang Wei noticed Ye Feng's change, and watched his attitude change from admiration to awe. This change can represent many things.

Ye Feng sighed.

"You know, the last time we had names and surnames in the human world, who was the one who survived the triple physical calamity?"

"Who is it?" Zhang Wei was a little curious, and so were the others around him.

As we all know, Ye Feng inherited all his abilities from the high-dimensional life forms in the other world of 'Penglai', the ancient gods and demons, and also inherited many of Tao Yuanxin's 'insights', which are the most precious knowledge.

"Yellow Emperor."

Lei Jie resisted the pressure with all his strength.

The golden wind calamity is inherited with flesh and blood.

What about today's catastrophe?
Li Guo didn't know, he only knew that these black clouds turned into black mud and fell on his body, and everything around him turned into 'nothing'.

I can't perceive the existence of the system, and I can't perceive the existence of myself. There is only the concept of "nothing" around, just like in the dreamland, the scene when watching the huge corpse of the human-faced spider is exactly the same.

And in 'Nothing', there are some indescribable, twisted existences that can't be seen directly, just wandering around.

Absolute horror, absolute darkness, absolute nothingness.

Li Guo didn't expect that his Thunder Tribulation would have such a moth.

Where is the enemy now, how to break the catastrophe, how to overcome the catastrophe?
At this time, a clear female voice sounded.

"This is the third Heavenly Tribulation, called the Heavenly Demon Tribulation. It is incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and incapable of looking directly at it."

Li Guo was slightly taken aback, but he was standing in front of him alone, wearing a school uniform, a little student-like and pretty, but also very ordinary, like a female high school student that can be seen everywhere.

Li Ran.

The girl who acted as the first time when the world of mortals refined their hearts.

"Li Ran? No, who are you? Li Ran doesn't understand this."

Li Ran is just an ordinary girl with magical powers.

But Li Ran said calmly.

"Who am I, who are you?"

"You are Li Ran, and I am Li Guo."

"No, you are Li Ran, and I am Li Guo." Li Ran said.

"I am you, you are Li Guo." Li Guo heard this, if he had an understanding: "Who am I? Who are you?"

"I am you and you are me."

Li Ran's body dissipated in a puff of smoke, and then changed into another appearance.

A dark but resolute young man.

Li Xiuzhu, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth and carrying a [-] cap, looked a bit chic.

"The Heavenly Demon Calamity is the real calamity, not your calamity, nor the earth's calamity, he is the 'robbery' itself."

Li Guo raised his head slightly, looked at Li Xiuzhu and said, "Are you me too?"

"Well, me too."

"Then, how do I know so much?" Li Guo muttered.

"Well, who knows."

Li Xiuzhu's body turned into dust and smoke.

The souls of the two people turned into a thin line and merged into Li Guo's eyebrows.

Just when Li Guo was about to digest the two souls, he shook his head violently, and the two souls were thrown out between his eyebrows.

The two souls of Li Ran and Li Xiuzhu appeared, both of them were stunned.

Li Guo's eyes became brighter, and he said: "You are Li Xiuzhu, the anti-Japanese fighter, you have good brothers, and your dream is to have a full meal, marry the next door Erya as your wife, and live happily every day. You are Li Ran, Have a crush on my childhood sweetheart, but dare not confess, until the end I was thinking about that ordinary girl with big trotters."

"You, it's you, you are people with independent personalities, people who really live in this world, not someone's wedding dress, not 'me'!"

The eyes of Li Ran and Li Xiuzhu's two souls changed slightly. It was a little complicated at first, but finally turned into a long sigh of relief.

"As expected of me. Oh no, as expected of you."

At this time, the figures of Li Ran and Li Xiuzhu once again merged into the book of strange people in mountains and seas.

The body was disillusioned, Li Guo's eyebrows were tingling, and his soul turned into strength, stabbing towards the boundless darkness in front of him, and a gleam of light penetrated from the outside.

The dawn is finally seen, and the heavenly demon will break through!
Ye Feng, who was outside the court, was also shocked. Seeing a ray of dawn breaking through the black mist, he murmured: "He actually broke the Heavenly Demon Tribulation."

At this time, the vision hanging upside down in the capital city turned into mountains, rivers, vegetation, sun, moon, stars, birds and beasts.

There are more Jinwu Kunpeng, Pangu Nuwa, a look that opened up the world!
"Such visions."

The heavenly demon was robbed, the heaven and the earth turned into chaos, the dragon energy in the capital was surging, and the earth veins were surging and lively, as if they were welcoming something to come.

At this time, the sky and the earth turned into chaos, the clouds of thunder and calamity covered the mid-air of the capital, and roars came from the sky.




Heavenly Tribulation turned into a phantom, projecting the ancient battlefield.

"Here comes, this is the final calamity." Ye Feng pondered: "The ancient battlefield transformed by the catastrophe, let those who respond to the catastrophe respond to the cause and effect of the battlefield. The battlefield transformed by Zhu Daoyou's heart catastrophe is one of the most tragic battles in World War II." , the Normandy landing battle, the responders need to deal with the karma, emotions, and feelings of those ancient undead, and they will collapse if they are not careful."

Yang Suliu closed his mouth, and finally opened his mouth, which turned into a long sigh.

"I have to admit, you guys are stronger."

After going through the tribulations of heaven and earth, there is also the calamity of cause and effect.

This path is much more difficult than that of the Awakened.

After many trials and thorns, it is really the way to fight in the sea of ​​blood!
"This is also the reason why us martial practitioners re-cultivate the mind." Ye Feng paused, looked at Zhang Wei and Yang Suliu, and seemed to be teaching: "Although the awakened ones are born in the sky, they don't need to go through the catastrophe of physically robbing the heart demon. But if you come to watch with my personal suggestion, it is better for you to cultivate your heart. For the strong, the spiritual realm has improved, and it will benefit you a lot. There are no bottlenecks now, and there will definitely be in the future."

Both Zhang Wei and Yang Suliu listened attentively and nodded.

As for whether he heard it or not, Ye Feng didn't think too much about it, anyway, just speak out.

At this time, the ancient battlefield transformed from the horizon finally took shape.

On one side is the gluttonous ferocious beast, which is extremely ferocious, and even if it casts a phantom, it is still intimidating.

On one side, there are burly humans wearing animal skin clothes, holding spears, fighting bravely with the beasts.

Not World War I and World War II, but more ancient battlefields!

Looking at the sky again, the leaders of the two armies roared from the air, fighting for their own groups.

One is ferocious and ferocious, holding a ferocious weapon, it is Chi You!
On the other side is a middle-aged man holding a nine-fold Xuanyuan and riding an iron beast.

The battle between Ren Huang and Chi You.

Fight for your life!

Fight for the clan!

(End of this chapter)

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