Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 304, so close to the end of the world

Chapter 304, so close to the end of the world

'Big fire' is Zeng Xuchun's description of this climate change.

There is always such a time every month, the weather in XJ will become extremely hot, so hot that people can be burned to death directly by the heat.

But this kind of "big fire" is regular, and it will come every 28 to 30 days, and it will last for three hours. During this time, everyone living here will return home to avoid the fire. .

Zeng Xuchun was very accurate in calculating the fire. He clearly remembered that the last fire came 22 days ago.

Now that the fire has started 5 days earlier, how can this keep Zeng Xuchun from trembling?
"There is a saying that people are not as good as heaven." Zeng Xuchun took out his wallet, looked at the photo of his parents far away in his hometown, and said with nostalgia: "It's really the same as your father, you are going to die here. .”

Zeng Xuchun's father, who was also an officer and soldier on the border, died unexpectedly because of an accident.

So Zeng Xuchun has a kind of nostalgia for the frontier guards, a sense of mission, and feels that he must inherit his father's will and his way.

Even if the climate became like this, he did not accept the country's transfer and returned to work in a comfortable place.

The heat of the sun gradually increased, and the heat gradually increased, making Zeng Xuchun feel a little dizzy.

Now it is no longer a symptom of heat stroke that can be relieved by drinking water.

A few vultures flew across the sky, and those vultures saw Zeng Xuchun who was infinitely close to death, but they didn't run down, and they sped up and fled without even looking at him again.

It's too hot, and the vultures can't stand it. They have to find a shaded place to avoid the scorching sun, so that they can give up the delicious food in their mouths.

Just as the vulture left and Zeng Xuchun was about to fall to the ground and faint, a sword shadow crossed the sky.

The sword curtain covers the sky and the scorching sun.

At this time, Li Guo came to Zeng Xuchun's side, gently supported his body, and said softly.

"Don't worry anymore"

"Why?" Zeng Xuchun murmured in a semi-conscious state.

"Because I'm here."

Li Guo looked at the semi-conscious Zeng Xuchun, heaved a sigh of relief, and finally caught up.

When he noticed that the temperature of the sun suddenly began to rise unreasonably, Li Guo realized that something was wrong, and immediately opened up his spiritual power, and ran towards the place where cause and effect were connected, and finally saw the dying Zeng Xuchun.

Fortunately, we caught up.

If he didn't catch up, this strand of karma would only be the eternal pain of Wuling Immortal.

"Fortunately, it's just a slight heat stroke, and it's not a big problem." Li Guo said lightly, hanging the fountain of life on him, nourishing his body and mind with aura.

The flowing light long sword turned into a sky curtain, blocking the wind, sand and the sun, creating a quiet place for the two of them.

Just when Li Guo was about to send him back to the barracks, he suddenly felt that someone appeared in front of him!

Faintly I could see a young white-robed monk and a tea stand with bowls of cool mung bean soup.

Not to mention that I didn't see the tea stall and the monk when I came here, just that he stood motionless in the wind and sand is enough to show his miraculousness.

"Benefactor, do you want a bowl of mung bean soup?" The white-robed monk said with a smile on his face, his tone was calm, like a reborn Buddha.

Li Guo glanced at the cold mung bean soup, shook his head and said, "The poor don't need it, but he does."

"Amitabha, you can feed him the soup." The white-robed monk smiled and handed the mung bean soup to Li Guo.

Li Guo was also unambiguous, and fed mung bean soup to Zeng Xuchun.

This mung bean soup seemed to have the tranquility of Buddhism, once it was fed to Zeng Xuchun, he would wake up leisurely, it was more effective than any panacea.

At this time, Zeng Xuchun looked at the Taoist priest and monk in front of him blankly.

After seeing Li Guo, Zeng Xuchun recalled that it was the Taoist in front of him who saved him.

"Thank you"

"It's okay." Li Guo said with a smile: "If you want to thank, thank this mage. He woke you up."

Although the fountain of life could wake up Zeng Xuchun, it was not as immediate as the iced mung bean soup.

Zeng Xuchun looked at the monk again, and thanked him for a while.

"Amitabha, the poor monk just did some insignificant things." The monk said indifferently, as if it was his due responsibility to save a life.

"Dare to ask what the mage's name is." Li Guo looked at the monk in front of him, and found that he couldn't tell the depth of the monk.

His cultivation base, his ability.

Judging from Li Guo's senses, he seems to be integrated into this world, and seems to be an independent existence.

His cultivation base is unpredictable, at least not weaker than himself!

Another golden core period!

But Li Guo was still a little puzzled, the Golden Core stage in front of him seemed to be somewhat different from the Golden Core stage or level 5 powerhouses he had seen.
"Amitabha, the poor monk's dharma power."

Li Guo didn't react when he heard the monk read out the dharma name, but Zeng Xuchun was taken aback for a moment, and then said in astonishment.

"You are the Master of Fa Neng?"

"A poor monk can't be called a master." Fa Neng clasped his hands together and said with a nonchalant smile, "It's just an old monk who sells mung beans."

"It's really you, I thought it was just a legend."

Zeng Xuchun murmured in disbelief: "It is rumored that Master Fa Neng gave mung bean porridge to passers-by in this TLF 80 years ago. He has been doing one thing almost all his life."

Li Guo searched his memory, and finally remembered who this Fa Neng master was.

He was also on a CCTV program, and he was one of the top 2005 people who moved China in 10.

Only do one thing in life.

That is to bring a bowl of cool mung bean soup to hungry passers-by in the deserted Gobi to dispel their enthusiasm.

Li Guo still clearly remembered that the Fa Neng master on TV was a thin old man with old and tattered clothes, how could he be the same as the monk exuding lotus Zen in front of him!


Li Guo couldn't help but feel admiration. It may be easy to do good deeds for one day, and it may not be difficult to do good deeds for a month, but it is not difficult to do good deeds for a lifetime.
That would be quite difficult.

And most importantly, his powerful cultivation, which seems to blend into the world, is also shocking.

Where did it come from?
"Amitabha." Fa Neng said with a smile, "The poor monk is a TLF monk. When he went down the mountain to buy things by chance, he saw a thirsty passerby die by the side of the road. From then on, no one died of hunger and thirst. , So I made an oath in front of the Buddha that I would never see hunger or thirst, and with the body of a poor monk, I will help people in times of crisis."

Great wish.

Li Guo understood where Fa Neng's cultivation came from.

The great vow made by the Buddha, if you practice this vow all your life, when your spiritual energy recovers, you will ascend to the sky, and you will step into an extraordinary realm from then on.

One step Dan realm——

"The mage's cultivation base, the poor Taoist admires it." Li Guo said with a look of admiration.

"Amitabha, the poor monk has no other wish, but just to give this passerby a bowl of mung bean soup."

Faneng smiled and handed Li Guo a bowl of soup as well.

Li Guo didn't refuse, took the mung bean soup and drank it down.

Refreshing and nourishing the body, the heat is completely eliminated, as if it can directly isolate the heat.

There is only one thing to do in life, even if the cultivation base is as high as the sky, it is only one thing to do.

However, after Li Guo put down the bowl, he shook his head and said.

"It's just a mage, there is one thing I don't understand about Pindao."

"Why don't you understand?" Fa Neng clasped his hands together.

"Your great wish is to let people in XJ die of heat and thirst for no reason, but now this XJTLF has undergone a mutation, making the heat here even more unbearable, and even some creatures with strong heat resistance cannot continue to survive. " Li Guo pondered: "With your cultivation level as a mage, wouldn't it be easier to fulfill the wish if you thoroughly investigate this matter?"

Solving the heat problem here is the fundamental solution, a more direct method than distributing mung bean soup.

If the hot summer problem here is solved, coupled with the revitalization of spiritual energy and climate change, transforming this place into an oasis, it is equivalent to the fulfillment of Fa Neng's great wish.

Hearing what Li Guo said, the lighthearted smile on Faneng's face finally disappeared, replaced by sighs.

This sigh is helpless and incompetent.

How can Fa Neng not know that solving the fundamental problem is equivalent to solving his problem, but he can only chant the Buddha's name and speak lightly.

"A place so close is the end of the world."

"So far away?" Li Guo chewed, his ears pricked up, he really didn't know how people who make great vows work.

At this time, Fa Neng said leisurely: "The poor monk is very close to this person who is hungry and thirsty in the XJ Gobi Desert."

It's not difficult to understand, when Zeng Xuchun was in a coma due to heatstroke, Fa Neng appeared directly in front of him, as if teleported, appearing in this world.

Fa Neng pointed to the tea stand and said.

"However, beyond the poor monk and the tea stand, it is far away."

So far away.

Li Guo suddenly understood.

Because of the great wish, he became an alchemy, but because of the great wish, he was bound.

The only place he can appear is in front of 'hungry and thirsty' people.

If you can't leave the tea stand, where can you go to investigate the cause and effect of climate change here?

Li Guo secretly slandered inwardly, the cultivation method of this great wish is too useless, knowing that there is a fundamental solution, but he is bound by the so-called great wish.

The rules of the world are not smart at all!
"Back then, the poor monk was about to die, but because of the power of his great wish, he was fed back by this world and achieved this body in 'Nirvana', but he was also bound in this world." Fa Neng's calm expression showed a trace Reluctantly said: "This place is full of hunger and thirst, and I vow not to become a Buddha."

Hunger and thirst are not empty, vow not to become a Buddha.
(End of this chapter)

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