Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 308, This thing is destined for me in the West

Chapter 308, This thing is destined for me in the West

Yang Dieyi stood in the wind and sand, like a strong woman who was independent from the world, looked up at the temple, and whispered.

"Do you know what the professor told me about Loulan when I was in a college history class?"

"Why..." Chenglou was also attracted by the woman in front of him, not only her appearance, but also her temperament, which was as fragrant and gorgeous as a flower, and behind this gorgeousness was hidden mystery and strength.

"He said that the reason for Loulan's demise is actually not important because of the climate, the environment, or even internal affairs. His demise is a historical necessity." Yang Dieyi stroked his forehead s hair.

Cheng Lou blurted out.


"Because of being weak, because of fate." Yang Dieyi said lightly: "As a small country in the cracks, Loulan is on the main road of transportation, between the big Han in the Central Plains and the Xiongnu, between the two countries, there are no people inside and outside, and both countries are against this. The country is staring at it, as long as this country still exists in this world, there will be no peaceful days, and its demise is doomed."

For some reason, Chenglou felt a hint of sadness coming from it, and he seemed to feel the same way.

"Yes, we are weak. If I am strong enough to fight against the wind and sand and against this bad weather, the two central investigators will not die, and their lives will not be lost. Why are we not this Loulan? Caught between big countries, We are like ants, and we are like ants in front of nature."

This expression of compassion like a woman's, hurt by others instantly pierced Yang Dieyi's heart.

Her heart hadn't been throbbing this much for a long time.

After this time, talk to him.

"Chenglou, after everything is over, I will give you a surprise."

"Surprise?" Chenglou was a little puzzled, but Yang Dieyi pecked his face.

This made the unattractive dark young man's face turn red instantly.

"You you you you you what are you doing!"

A narrow smile appeared on Yang Dieyi's always stern face, his eyes squinted like crescent moons.

"This is the interest, the rest, I will tell you after everything is over."

Looking at Yang Dieyi who was leaving, Chenglou suddenly felt a sense of vitality.

It seems that the colors of this world are not so dull.

When you are happy, you are pretty like a girl, youthful and sour, and love lingers in your heart.

Beautiful and youthful, Li Guo watched the encounter between the Huaichun girl and the boy, and felt a little bit of intolerance in his heart for a moment, but in the end he still suppressed this bit of intolerance.

Yang Dieyi, she has a young girl Huaichun, her pure and beautiful side is true.

But she also has a murderous side!No respect for innocent lives.

I have 'died' in her hands three times, at least I have a good cultivation base, if it is an ordinary person, facing such an attack and killing, I would not have the strength to resist at all.

Just like what Yang Dieyi said, she takes it for granted that the weak die, and puts herself in the position of the 'strong' who can deprive others of their lives for granted.

"A thorough Darwinist, because I feel that Loulan is 'weak', so his death is 'doomed', and it probably is the same for other people. If he is small, he is destined to be eaten away. down man"

Gathering up the last trace of compassion, Li Guo turned into a ball of wool and stuck it on Yang Dieyi's shoulder to 'observe secretly', always watching what he was going to do.

At this time, Yang Dieyi and Chenglou also opened their hearts and got closer, and Yang Dieyi also said frankly.

"I want to visit the temple, let's go together?"

"Okay." Chenglou's tone was a little broken, at this moment he was like a little boy who was worried about his gains and losses, and he was afraid that the kiss just now was just a dream.

Yang Dieyi giggled, thinking it was quite fun to tease Chenglou, so he reached out and pulled Chenglou to the temple, taking the dominant position.

After taking Li Chenglou into the ruins of the temple, Chenglou was immediately attracted by the scenery inside. In an instant, he changed from a young little brother to a man addicted to archaeology. .

"This is the man with wings in the murals of the ancient Loulan Temple. It is the place where Indian mythology and Buddhism were preached."

Chenglou wanted to touch the mural, but he was timid and didn't dare to reach out, for fear of breaking the historical jewel, he just ignored Yang Dieyi beside him.

Where can a woman have murals for fun!
Yang Dieyi smiled knowingly at Chenglou's obsessed and focused look, and at the same time moved his fingers slightly, a row of small sandstorms turned into sand blades and scratched his skin a little bit, and a drop of blood seeped out.

Walking in the wind and sand mausoleum all the year round, there are some bruises, minor wounds are not a strange thing, as the person involved, Cheng Lou doesn't care about the extra wounds on his body, he still looks at himself and doesn't respond.

Blood dripped directly on the ground of the Buddhist temple.

And this piece of blood seems to blend into the ground, and it resonates and reacts with this piece of land.

At this time, the Buddhist temple vibrated and spread like ripples, as if it wanted to use it as radiation to shake the entire Loulan ruins.

"What's going on? An earthquake?"

The members of the surrounding archaeological team were obviously panicked.

The same is true for Chenglou, but at this time, Yang Dieyi comforted beside Chenglou: "Calm down, there will be no major problems, I will protect you"

"You protect me? I protect you."

At this time, Chenglou stubbornly stretched out his hand to protect Yang Dieyi. Although he was trembling with fear, he didn't show his timidity in front of the goddess.

At this time, Li Guo suddenly felt a force pulling the spiritual power in his body, which was at a higher level than his own!

Can no longer be turned to stone!

Even if it turns into sand and stones again, the breath of life will be exposed, and it will be difficult to explain when it is discovered.

With a sudden change in his mind, Li Guo appeared directly before the breath of life was exposed, and appeared in front of the temple in the image of a white-robed Taoist.

It's just that the face still maintains the deformed state of eighty-nine profound arts, turning into a Taoist with a look of compassion, imitating a faint Buddha's light all over his body, and there are both Buddhism and Taoism in his breath.

After Li Guo appeared, Chenglou and the others were stunned for a while, and they didn't expect that they actually acted like a living person right now.

Yang Dieyi's eyes were vigilant and murderous, and he was about to ask, but Li Guo turned back and asked directly in a slightly puzzled tone.

"Who are you? What's the purpose of coming here?"

"I still asked who you are!" Yang Dieyi said vigilantly, moving his fingers secretly, almost wanting to use his ability to secretly kill the person in front of him.

Regardless of cause and effect, even if he is innocent, he still treats it with the heart of killing!

In the face of Yang Dieyi's change, the sympathy in Li Guo's heart completely disappeared. What was in front of him was not a little girl in love, but a murderous female devil.

For this reason, Li Guo's face remained unmoved, and he put his hands on his back, and said lightly.

"Who am I? I should come here for the gods that will come out of this place."

"Sacred object." Chenglou's expression was dull, and his expression became more confused.

Yang Dieyi's energy-raising skills were not in place, and Li Guo caught the momentary suffocation.

Li Guo, on the other hand, looked normal and continued.

"This thing is destined for me in the west, so why not come here to pick it up?"

(End of this chapter)

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