Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 311, the villain is magnanimous

Chapter 311, the villain is magnanimous
History is like a bright mirror, always strikingly similar to the present.

On this point of view, Li Guo didn't think there was anything to refute Yuanshi Tianzun.

"So, even if Gu Loulan worshiped the ancestor spirit of Zhurong Vulcan, he could only worship in secret in this ruins like an underground cemetery." Cheng Lou seemed to have suddenly realized.

"Of course."

Yuanshi Tianzun carried his hands on his back and said, "If they are strong enough, none of this will be a problem."

The problem is that Loulan is not strong, so he can't control his own destiny, so he died.

The weak and the strong
Going forward, the front is different.

A gray mist shrouded the front, apparently created by extraordinary power.

"You need to take it back for testing."

One of the members of the archaeological team just wanted to say something, Yuanshi Tianzun said in an extremely indifferent tone: "You, go to the front."

"I'm going?" The members of the archaeological team were a little stunned. They didn't know what Yuanshi Tianzun meant, and retorted: "I don't know what the composition of that fog is. If you go forward rashly, there may be."

"I said, you go."

Yuanshi Tianzun said unmoved: "If you don't go, it's not 'I'm afraid' there will be danger ahead, and you will encounter danger immediately."

As you can see in the picture, Yuanshi Tianzun's coercion was fully released, making the members of the archaeological team stiff and unable to resist.

Cheng Lou also said in astonishment.


"Didn't I tell you just now?" Yuanshi Tianzun turned around and said with a slight smile: "Whether it is a country or an individual, the fate of the weak is to be dominated by the strong."

Yuanshi Tianzun's actions did not contain any fireworks, as if he was just telling a truth.

Cheng Lou's expression was dull.

Just now I was still feeling sad about Loulan's subjugation, but I didn't expect that when I thought about it, I and the others would also become swords and fishes, to be slaughtered.

But just like what Yuanshi Tianzun said, there is still a way to survive, if you stop moving forward, you may die on the spot.

However, at this moment, Chenglou gritted his teeth and picked up a piece of broken stone from the ground and pressed it against his neck.

"Huh?" Yuanshi Tianzun narrowed his eyes.

"Don't think I'm a fool." Chenglou took a deep breath and said, "I've seen it for a long time. What you need is not our archaeological team. What you need is me, right? ?”

"What do you want?"

"Let them go, I'll go with you." Cheng Lou said calmly, "Guarantee their lives and let them leave here safely."

Yuanshi Tianzun squinted his eyes, looked at Chenglou, and then at Yang Dieyi.


At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to use the art of causal manipulation to let Chenglou, a "weak person", understand what it means to be a man as a sword and me as a fish.

Just when he was about to control Chenglou's cause and effect, a red light flew out from the mist, covering Chenglou, forming a shield, the law of cause and effect, and the supernatural powers did not disturb.

In this underground ruins, Yuanshi Tianzun has no way to control Chenglou's 'fate' with his own karmic secrets!
"Are the ancestral spirits sheltered here?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked into the mist, and finally said: "Yes, I will let them go, and you put down the stone knife."

"You swear." Cheng Louxue was smart and asked Yuanshi Tianzun to swear.

Yuanshi Tianzun said after a moment of silence.

"If you break your oath, you will be struck by lightning."

A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost—but not a cultivator. The oaths all have the meaning of the way of heaven. If you violate the oath, you will be struck by lightning.

After hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's oath, Chenglou finally put down the stone in his hand.

But after the two archaeologists knew that they were safe, they turned and left without looking back, but they didn't look at Chenglou who rescued them.

Escape is important.

Yang Dieyi on the side said with a slightly complicated expression.

"For such a person, is it worth sacrificing your life? If you rescue them, they won't even look at you."

"I didn't save them to make them thank you, but to ask for their wishes." Chenglou didn't have much emotion for the two who ran away, but said in a very calm manner: "I don't want to see them anymore To the point where a companion who was traveling with him died in front of him.”

The deaths of Mr. Wu and Mr. Zhang dealt a great blow to Chenglou.

In fact, neither of them died, and they used another vest to dangle in front of him.
Hearing Chenglou's words, Li Guo felt a little emotional in his heart, this is a really good person
Yuanshi Tianzun directly asked Chenglou to open the way, but Chenglou did not refuse.

Cheng Lou bullied himself forward, and wherever he went, the gray mist dissipated automatically.

At this point, the situation is quite clear.

Three extraordinary people, one ordinary person.

But the three extraordinary people have to rely on this ordinary person to move forward in this tunnel!

keep exploring.

"Why me." Cheng Lou choked out these words after a long time.

He pays himself that his life has always been ordinary, but today he has become the 'special' one.

A powerful transcendent needs him as an 'ordinary person'.

"You are a blood descendant of the Loulan royal family, and you are 'destined' to come here to break the seal of the ancient ruins." Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly, the 'destined' in his tone was unusually vague, as if it was because of this.

Chenglou didn't say much anymore, whether fate or destiny, it has come, so he had to move forward.

The road ahead is confused, and it is impossible for Cheng Lou to say that he is not afraid, but now, the drive of curiosity stimulates his adrenaline and dispels fear.

What is under the Loulan ruins?
After passing through the fog, he suddenly understood, and the scene in front of him made Chenglou terrified.


Behind the mist, there is a complete building complex, with two temples in the middle faintly visible.

Judging from the layout, this is a replica of the former site of Milan, but the underground city wall did not dissipate due to the invasion of wind and sand, but stood erect in it, looking quite magnificent.

Cheng Lou murmured.

"There is actually a replica of the ruins of Milan underground. Why do Loulan people do this?"

"Loulan actually built a ruin underground." Yuanshi Tianzun's tone seemed to be a little confused. I don't know why there is an underground palace similar to the capital of Loulan.

He only knows that there is a secret treasure born here, and he just wants to swallow the secret treasure here.

At this time, seeing that he had reached his destination, Yuanshi Tianzun also turned to look at Li Guo, and said calmly.

"Quasi-speaking Taoist, please."

It seems that he is inviting Li Guo to enter the Loulan Underground Palace, but in fact, his body has been agitated, implying the intention to make a move.

Li Guo pretended not to know, put his hands on his back, and said with a light smile.

Just as Li Guo turned around, the crisis had already struck, and the line of cause and effect was pulled, as if he wanted to use the law of cause and effect to plot.

Li Guo was not ambiguous, however, the karmic fire long knife, stained with raging flames, can't be cut without a thousand knives.

Thousands of knives were slashed out, and this Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have a causal prediction, knowing that the knives would come here, and dodged in advance.

"As expected of thousands of causes and effects, the Yuanshi Tianzun who started everything." Li Guo squinted his eyes and said, "But you are still far away."

I saw two arms growing out of Li Guo's ribs, and the other two arms were holding the Thunder Jue and Fire Jue, thunder and fire mingled, and the entire ruins of the underground palace were filled with thunder clouds and fire clouds, and attacks were everywhere.

Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed slightly.

Especially in this narrow range, even if he could visually detect the attack based on cause and effect, he still couldn't dodge it.

The equivalent is large enough and the AOE range is wide enough to ignore all fancy moves.

"I didn't expect that the quasi-mention of the Western religion is also in the Jindan stage." Yuanshi Tianzun squeezed the magic formula with his hands, and controlled the sand barrier to resist the thunder and fire. After thinking about it, he turned and said, "Yang Dieyi, don't you want to do it?"


Yang Dieyi was also unambiguous, her figure surged, and the sand all over her body turned into wild sand. Although she was only at the peak of the foundation establishment period, her wild sand technique was also effective in the desert home court.

Kuangsha attacked Yuanshi Tianzun, as if he was going to be buried in him.

This made Yuanshi Tianzun slightly stunned.


"Don't think I don't know what you've done." Yang Dieyi's tone was indifferent, and he didn't realize that he was a second-five boy at all, or that his relationship with Yuanshi Tianzun and Li Guo was the same.

"Hey, it seems that the people in your team don't have a good impression of you."

Li Guo's eyes narrowed, and within three or two breaths, he was already close to Yuanshi Tianzun, ready to kill him with a single sword.

At this time, a purple talisman appeared in front of Yuanshi Tianzun's hand.

Li Guo couldn't be more familiar with this talisman, it is exactly the same as the 'Purple Talisman·Dun' produced by the system!
The figure gradually turned into nothingness, and Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep look at Li Guo and Yang Dieyi.

He has already 'seen' from the cause and effect, if he stays here again, his life may be lost.

Planning and lurking, painstaking efforts, are not as important as life.

"Damn it." Yang Dieyi didn't want Yuanshi Tianzun to run away, she was a reincarnation, and she was quite afraid of people from the heavens coming to find a place, but the power of Zifudun was not something she could stop, so she had to watch Yuanshi Tianzun's attack The figure disappeared.

At this time, Li Guo had already withdrawn his other two arms, and said with interest as he watched Yuanshi Tianzun disappear.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that his mission has not been completed."

"Even if he himself is not enough, 'Tianting' will definitely have enough reincarnation points to bail him out." Yang Dieyi said with a gloomy look in his eyes, seeing that Li Guo didn't intend to fight anymore, he also withdrew the madness around him .

Li Guo nodded secretly. It turns out that the reincarnated person needs to pay points to be released on bail if he fails to complete the task.
It seems that for 'Fengshen Yanyi', mission failure is a 'crime'
"My mission is a chain mission. I have to enter the ruins of the royal family. Only after entering can I get the next mission instructions." Yang Dieyi was honest with Li Guo at this time, as if with the intention of surrendering.

Not to mention Yang Dieyi's previous ruthless killings, just becoming a second-five boy just now, and now his behavior of surrendering is full of flaws.

"Then why are you dealing with 'Yuanshi Tianzun'?"

Yang Dieyi said calmly.

"If people offend me, I will offend others. Since Yuanshi Tianzun came in, he has been manipulating my line of karma."

She discovered it, and discovered the line of cause and effect as the peak of the foundation establishment period.

Yuanshi Tianzun probably thought that she could not see the cause and effect, so he 'refined' her cause and effect unscrupulously, causing her to die unknowingly.

Li Guoruo said thoughtfully.

"You can 'see' see"

"The secret method I cultivated has been strengthened in the Gobi desert, so I can feel it naturally." Yang Dieyi said calmly, with clear eyes.

"Then why did you surrender?" Li Guo asked with interest.

"Because you are stronger than me."

At this time, Yang Dieyi paused and said: "In order to survive and become stronger, I am willing to do anything, and it is not difficult to bow down."

Yang Dieyi is a real villain, but he is frank and open, and will not pretend to be a gentleman in the face of life and death.

In other places, Li Guo actually appreciates Yang Dieyi's "true villain" and "magnanimous" side a little bit.

Just think about it, how could it be the generation of Yi who can fight in the reincarnation of the ten thousand realms?
Just as Li Guo was feeling emotional, he sensed a small void arrow coming from outside.

Carrying a strong wind, it seems to be able to break through all evil.

The little arrow in the void was not aimed at Li Guo or Yang Dieyi.

It's a building!

(End of this chapter)

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