Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 314, wedding dress

Chapter 314, wedding dress

"For so many years, you haven't looked in the mirror." Li Guo narrowed his eyes, and while controlling the maintainer's water mirror, he said: "You didn't realize that your 'shape', 'truth' and 'reason' have moved towards that mirror." Has the direction gone?"

King Loulan looked up at the zenith, and the Vulcan God of Zhurong worshiped above also had a human face and a beast body, exactly like him.

"So, if you worship Zhu Rong, you will become his shape? That's obviously impossible."

Li Guo looked at the restless King Loulan and said, "What did you do back then?"

What have you done?
"Did I sacrifice to Zhu Rong in secret back then, hoping that the God of Fire would come to protect Loulan and drive out all the invaders." The King of Loulan seemed to be recalling, but also seemed to be introspecting, and murmured: "One day , I got his 'inspiration', I got his inheritance, he whispered in my ear, whispered, telling, telling the greatness of the flame, telling the innate first flame, the first flame , the first aura."

While telling the story, King Loulan had some gloomy smell all over his body.

It seems that what is being told is not the greatness of Vulcan, but an evil spirit living in the Nine Netherworld, doing some unspeakable things.
Feeling the gloomy atmosphere, the corners of Li Guo's mouth twitched and asked.

"Then, then you will continue to practice."

"Yes, and then I feigned death to retreat on this, and practiced Zhu Rong to pass on my secret method. My cultivation base is improving every day, and my ability is getting stronger every day. It is all given by God Zhu Rong." King Loulan seemed to recall the pain. He said ferociously: "I have achieved success in cultivation, I want to go out, I want to save my Loulan country, but I didn't expect those bald donkeys to say that my way was wrong, but that I was wrong from the beginning! I don't believe it, I don't accept it! If I was wrong, they should have been able to kill me instead of suppressing me!"

"Since you choose to suppress, it means that they are not as good as me! Since"

At this time, Li Guo's voice was like cold water, extinguishing King Loulan's arrogance, and said leisurely.

"Are they not as good as you, or are they not as good as Vulcan Zhurong?"

For this reason, Li Guo pursued the victory and continued: "Do you still remember how you were defeated and suppressed back then? Can you still remember everything?"

Faced with Li Guo's crazy question, King Loulan's expression was dull, and he froze in place, not knowing how to answer for a while.

It seems that the memory is indeed a little fuzzy.

Why. Why is it blurry?
"Who are you?" Li Guo asked.

"I am King Loulan." King Loulan emphasized, but the word 'I' has been a little shaken.

"Who is the King of Loulan?" Li Guo squinted his eyes and asked, "What's your name, how many people are there, how many fields are there, and how many acres are there?"

"I" King Loulan only felt that his figure was surging, and his eyes seemed to turn into magma: "Who am I!"

The aura surged, King Loulan seemed to be on the verge of erupting at any time, and the surrounding fire was interpreted to the extreme.

"That's what senior Yu Xi said, you're on the wrong track."

Li Guo said indifferently: "It is impossible for you to cultivate the skills of the innate gods with a mortal body that has not obtained supernatural powers, but you can make achievements in this way, why. Of course it is because of your body Gradually approaching the body of the innate god."

"Your 'form', 'truth' and 'principle' are all approaching the innate fire god named Zhu Rong. The one who practices this technique has never been the 'King of Loulan', but another existence."

"And what King Loulan did, everything he did... was just making a wedding dress for a certain existence! This technique is a trap, a way to make a wedding dress for others. Is this still possible? right?"

Li Guo's voice was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

As soon as he finished speaking, King Loulan stopped going crazy, his expression was calm, and his eyes stared at Li Guo indifferently.

That look.

It's like the high gods are staring at the ants.

Far away in the TLF Basin, at the Flame Mountain.

The scientific expedition members of the investigation team were wondering: "Hey, the satellite shows that the temperature here has begun to drop and has completely dropped to the same temperature as other areas, but the temperature in other areas has begun to rise sharply, and the rate of increase is still very high." quickly."

The captain of the scientific expedition team put his arms around his shoulders and frowned.

"what's the situation."

"The temperature has begun to rise near the northern border of RQ County, Zhizhou, X**YGLMG. The heat source has been determined, and it is seven kilometers away from the south bank of the Kongque River." One of the scientific expedition team members is reporting the situation.

Outside the specially-made armored caravan, the scorched land has begun to recede, and it no longer affects the scientific expedition team.

"Boss, it looks like the heat source has shifted." A member of the scientific expedition team said, "Should we shift the destination and investigate there?"

The female team member arched the belly of the expedition team member and said.

"The boss said that our duty is to follow orders, not to..."

"We'll move there immediately."

The captain of the scientific expedition team pondered.

The female team members looked stunned. Didn't they say before that the truth is not important, and obedience to military orders is the most important thing? Why did they suddenly change their minds now?

Facing the doubts of the team members, the captain just said lightly.

"Although the temperature there was originally quite high, it was very gentle and barely enough for people to survive. There are still many people staying behind and not evacuating. If the temperature rises at the speed of the report, the temperature there will directly rise to the current level of the 'Flame Mountain'." To what extent, guess what will happen to the people there if they don’t evacuate in time.”

Everyone's faces changed.

If the temperature there rises sharply to the level of today's Flame Mountain, it will really turn into a hell on earth!
Just as several people were about to evacuate, they found that the guide hadn't boarded the car.

"What's going on, find that guy quickly," the captain scolded, if he didn't find that guide and take him away, he wouldn't be able to get out of this uninhabited Jedi with a radius of tens of miles.

However, at this time, a gust of wind and sand blew by, and a large piece of bones was exposed under the assault vehicle.

The female team members were not weak women either. When they saw the exposed bones, their expressions changed, and they moved forward to use their abilities to get the corpses out.

However, when looking at the corpse, everyone's expressions changed wildly.

Isn't this Lagan's corpse the guide?

"Since this is the guide's words, then who is the person who assisted us in the past two months?" The captain calmed down, checked the bones, and determined that the time of death was two months, which coincided with the time he came here.

wizard's death
The disappearance of the fake guide.
The temperature shifts variably.
The captain's mind sank slightly.

"It's a conspiracy."

The sky is burning with his rage, the sea is boiling with his rage, and the earth is browned with his rage.

When the eyes of the 'King of Loulan' turned into ruthless and desireless, like a thing of heaven, the 'fire phase' of the entire area was boiling.

"It almost looks like an ancient god."

Li Guo looked at the 'King of Loulan' floating in the air, and probably guessed something.

The ancient power, using the corpse to revive the soul, borrowing the bone to rebirth.

Transform the "shape", "truth" and "reason" of this "King of Loulan" into the shape of Vulcan Zhurong.

At this time, the "King of Loulan" didn't say much, and raised his hand, a gust of fire wrapped around him, as if he wanted to burn Li Guo, an ant, this time, he didn't even let Chenglou go, and the attack range covered it .

The consciousness of this 'King of Loulan' has probably been completely replaced by 'Zhu Rong', and his relatives do not recognize him.

Just when this ancient god descended, the Mountain and Sea Strange Beast Record had also successfully connected, and the supernatural power connected the two realms, using Li Guo as a matchmaker to form a pathway.

A white beautiful figure appeared in front of his eyes. There was no other action, no other words, only a sword across the sky, and only the light and shadow of the sword remained between the sky and the earth.

The youth of that sword.

This is the first time Li Guo has seen Yu Xi strike with all his strength. If the target of this sword is himself, he may be cold.
But this amazing sword was not aimed at the 'King of Loulan', but towards the underground palace.

"No!" The 'King of Loulan' who had turned into a Vulcan seemed to have been touched by something, and he reached out to stop Yu Xi.

However, Yu Xi's sword light was faster.

Destroying the dead, the sword light flashed, and there was only a silver glow in the air.

With one sword strike, the underground palace built in imitation of the Loulan Kingdom was cut off.

"My concubine said you were wrong, not just referring to the original owner of this body." Yu Xi carried a long sword on her back, standing in front of her like an orchid in an empty valley, and said in a ruthless and indifferent tone: "Zhu Rong Vulcan, you are also wrong."

When the underground palace was destroyed with a sword, King Loulan's body began to expand, explode, and melt
"Carry on his body, bear his karma. Since you bear his physical body, you should bear his karma." Yu Xi stroked his long sword lightly and said, "But his karma is extremely fragile."

Selling the underground palace is equivalent to selling the 'cause' planted by King Loulan.

'Zhu Rong', who was reborn from the body, cannot use 'cause' to achieve 'effect'!
One step wrong, step by step wrong.

Collapse step by step, collapse step by step!

At this moment, the ancient god with the human face of the beast god roared mournfully, as if he was terrified and angry because of death.

But in the end, he gradually calmed down, the collapse of his body was irreversible, and his true spirit was once again pulled into the endless river of fate.
"This is the wrong way." 'Zhu Rong' raised his head at this time, a trace of doubt and longing unexpectedly appeared on his gradually collapsed face, he looked at Yu Xi and said, "So, is anyone going the right way?"

After a moment of silence, Yu Xi said.

"Reproduction and inheritance, complex replacement, endless reincarnation, is the 'right' of life."

This 'Zhu Rong' was said by Shen Yan.

"Everyone understands the truth, and it is possible to see through it."

(End of this chapter)

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