Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 320, time is in a trance

Chapter 320, time is in a trance

Shen-zinko's "solar ripple breathing method" is indeed a model of a pig eating more, throwing it out when in doubt, it works.

After Li Guo wrote and recorded the method of the solar ripple breathing method, he handed it over to the official.

And Luo Yantang is also knowledgeable, looking at the method of sun ripple breathing method, he murmured: "Not bad, this skill is quite basic, and it can be practiced at three o'clock in the afternoon when the sun is at its peak."

At present, most of the kung fu and awakened people are unable to practice at the third quarter of the noon, when the yang energy is the strongest and the yin energy is the strongest at the middle of the day.

In the words of metaphysics, the yang energy is at its strongest at three o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be inhaled along with the spiritual energy to damage the meridians.

In official words, strong yang qi directly enters the body and causes burns in the throat and meridians, while yin qi can cause frostbite.

It is best to practice when the yin and yang are balanced. For example, when the purple air comes from the east in the early morning, the same is true for cultivation. The plan for a day lies in the morning.

In the real world where resources are controlled and Tiancaidibao is not running all over the place, the advantage of being able to practice at noon is great, which is equivalent to a few hours more exercise time than others for no reason.

No wonder Luo Yantang was so happy.

Looking at Luo Yantang's joyful face, Li Guo said with a half-smile, "You know so much, you can see the magic of this technique at a glance."

"It's all taught by the master." Luo Yantang didn't shy away from the knowledge he knew.

Li Guo frowned and said.

"Your Excellency Master is"

"The Chief of the Ninth Section." Luo Yantang said calmly.

Head of Section Nine.
The Chief of the Ninth Section is extremely low-key, hardly showing his face among the public, and Li Guo is not very familiar with what kind of person this mysterious strongman of the Ninth Section is.

Looking at it now, it seems that he also has some understanding of metaphysics.

"The official is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Li Guo felt emotional, and really wanted to see who the head of the ninth department was.

After chatting with Luo Yantang for a while, Li Guo was about to turn around and leave Penglai. Before leaving, Luo Yantang gave Li Guo a key.

This key is the official promise to Li Guo to "buy road money", and it is currently placed in the warehouse.

If you do what you say, you will give as much as you say, which is definitely a lot of points for Li Guo.

I went to the warehouse to have a look, and found that it was really materials from one place. However, most of these materials were low-level materials that Li Guo didn't like. The material is also barely.

Looking at the materials in this place, Li Guo said after thinking for a moment.

"Half of these materials should be donated to the government, let's donate them to the sergeants."

The main reason is that the material is low-grade, which is of little use to Li Guo today, and by the way, he also made a favor.

Luo Yantang nodded to express his thanks.

"I thank you for them."

"If you want to thank Pindao, please help investigate the mythological changes in these worlds, not just the world of the 'Zhu Rong' totem." Li Guo said after a pause, feeling that the myths are inextricably linked. Make people care.

"If you don't tell me, we will investigate." Luo Yantang smiled and said: "These local myths and legends also help us understand these different worlds, and the most interesting thing is that the myths and stories lead to the same goal."

Li Guo didn't say much anymore, and swung his sleeves with one hand to gather up the remaining low-level materials. Although talking is better than nothing, it doesn't hurt to eat a piece or two while meditating.

After doing all this, Li Guo turned and left.

Looking at Li Guo's back as he turned and left, Luo Yantang said thoughtfully.

"Is there something in the sleeve? It seems that his inheritance is really not simple."

Li Guo returned to practice in the house assigned to him in Penglai.

This is Li Guo's first visit to the house in 'Penglai'. It is 100 square meters, hard-decorated and simple-decorated, with some simple furniture.

It was once Li Guo's dream to have such a house in a third-tier city.

Past, present, Future
After expressing his feelings about the impermanence of fate, Li Guo sat down to practice, swallowing the aura of this place.

Although the concentration of aura is not as mellow as that of Fangcunshan, but because of the opening of the door to other worlds in this world, the rules of the world have reversed penetration, so that the aura here has some five-element zodiac signs, which is of great benefit to those who practice the five-element zodiac signs .

Especially for Li Guo, the aura of these five elements and zodiac signs is much better than Fang Cunshan's mellow and high-concentration aura.

Breathe out the aura, absorb the breath.

Li Guoduan is sitting indoors, with his primordial spirit and soul, and the golden core is circulating.

The five elements, zodiac signs, yin and yang impurities, and all kinds of power here are fed back to the golden core and to the physical body.

The entire room is covered by the stars of the universe and the map of the world.

The Jindan Primordial Spirit sits high on the body, as if watching the whole 'world', watching the entire existence of the body.

Li Guo is 'watching' himself.

Not because of narcissism, but because the matter of 'Zhu Rong''s physical body actually brought a lot of shadows to Li Guo.

King Loulan fell into the temptation of a trap during his training, and got the exercises given by Zhu Rong. His "shape", "truth" and "principle" were all approaching the fire god Zhu Rong.

Every time he cultivated deeply, his physical body and soul did not belong to him, and he didn't know it until he was replaced in the end, which really made people break out in cold sweat.

The more Li Guo thought about it, the more he felt cold sweat. In the myths and legends, there are not a few powerful people who practice the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, and the most famous ones are Yuan Hong, Yang Jian and Sun Wukong.

Then, the truth of your own form.Did you walk towards the shape of these three mighty beings?
If I walk towards these three powerful shapes, will I be replaced one day?
Therefore, Li Guo used Yuanshen Jindan as his 'eye' to examine the physical body.

See if there are any traces left by human beings, and what to 'guide' yourself into.

So far, there is no trace of being guided.

'I' is 'I'.

There is no risk of 'self' being replaced, at least temporarily
Li Guo heaved a sigh of relief after the golden core fell back and returned to his body.

All the skills and painting styles on my body come from the system, so it can be said that I rely on him. It would not be surprising if he really guided it deliberately.

But for now, there is no need to doubt the system brother.
Li Guo also kept a mind in mind that he wanted to incorporate some other changes on the road of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, and step out of his own "truth" and "reason".

This is not to forcibly deviate from the road, worrying that one's own form and truth will approach the ancient power.

But to move towards a higher realm, one must have something of one's own.

Unchanging, unmoving and immortal is the 'principle' researched by Li Guo.

Based on the eighty-nine mysterious skills, following the principles of heaven, the path of incarnation is the right way.

"Gradually discover your own path"

Li Guo calmed down and began to practice.

There is no time in the mountains, and there is no time in cultivation. In Penglai, there is the energy of the five elements, the rules of spiritual energy, and the energy of red dust and fireworks.

The complex atmosphere is quite helpful to Li Guo's comprehension.
When he opened his eyes again, he felt a sense of trance.

I looked at my phone (Penglai has a built-in base station and has an internal network), and five days have passed.

"It takes five days to open and close the eyes." Li Guo thought that his cultivation cycle might be getting longer and longer.

During the foundation building stage, once you close your eyes, it takes several hours to open them.

At the golden elixir stage, once you close your eyes, it lasts five days.

If one reaches the realm of Nascent Soul, Transformation God, or even a higher realm, will the concept of time become more blurred, and even if one closes one's eyes, one will see vicissitudes of life when one opens one's eyes?
It's no wonder that the lives of immortal cultivators are always incomparably long. If the life span is not longer, who can withstand this somatosensory time?
Just when Li Guo got up and went to the balcony to stretch, he found that someone in the neighbor was also practicing.

This person looks to be about 30 years old, but he has white hair, and he is wearing a water-colored Taoist robe. The spiritual power of his body is chaotic, and the yin and yang are chaotic, intersecting each other, just like the yin and yang of Pisces.

As if sensing Li Guo waking up, the young man also opened his eyes.

The eyes are one black and one hundred, as if they contain the truth of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the young man seemed to be very familiar with Li Guo, and said with a smile, "Young fellow Daoist Li, don't come here without any problems."

"You are."

Li Guo was a little confused at first, but after looking at the yin and yang polarities in his eyes, he suddenly realized.

"Fellow Daoists!"

His smell of pure Tai Chi and the true method cannot be concealed.

Unexpectedly, he also broke through the golden core stage, and he has been extraordinary since then!

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for stepping into this realm."

(End of this chapter)

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