Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 324, 'There is a ghost inside, stop the operation'

Chapter 324, 'There is a ghost inside, stop the operation'

Shen Gongbao, a man from Heaven?

Li Guo's eyes froze slightly, he didn't expect Tianting to get involved in this matter, so if he went, wouldn't he want to meet people from Tianting?

However, Li Guo's eyes remained unchanged, and he said: "This name is good, it should be a fairy in Chinese mythology."

"It seems that Mr. is quite familiar with Chinese culture." Shen Gongbao said with a smile: "It is indeed the case. The organization I belong to is named after the ancient gods and gods. One day, I plan to replace the truth with the false, use the gods to prove the way, and suppress world."

Li Guo's brows twitched wildly when he heard it, but his face remained motionless, as if he didn't hear it.

It seems that this Shen Gongbao is trying to lure people into the Heavenly Court?
And Shen Gongbao didn't care about Li Guo's attitude. Anyway, the words had already been brought, and they took Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan to march unhurriedly. About 10 minutes later, they arrived at a restaurant. Chinese people, the dishes are a fusion of Middle Eastern dishes and Chinese dishes, and they seem to have a lot of flavor.

Don't say how strong it is to operate normally under such circumstances, just because he opened the restaurant in such a chaotic area is enough to show that he has two brushes.

"Sit down, we have reserved a room." Shen Gongbao said with a smile, and brought Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan into a room.

There were two people sitting in the room, both of whom looked Asian.

When seeing Li Guo, the eyes of one of the white-faced Asians instantly became gloomy: "Brother Shen Gongbao, why did you bring a pervert?"

He saw Li Guo's Middle Eastern appearance and thought he was a local.

"Brother, we are not looking for a blind date when we are looking for opportunities. What race and country does it matter?"

Shen Gongbao put his hands on his back, didn't respond to the scolding, and smiled as usual: "These two are the ones who can wield knives in the face of 'Isis'."

The white-faced Asian was a little surprised, but he just dismissed it.

"This only shows their loss of humanity. Being able to wield a knife at the 'mother' does not show how powerful they are."

Although his mouth is not forgiving, the white-faced Asian has lost his previous firm attitude, but he is still unhappy.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao introduced Li Guo.

"This is Cheng Huanxi, the 'Sura Broken Soul Knife', whose cultivation is at the Golden Core stage, which is what we often call a level 5 powerhouse. This is the 'Evil Ghost Face' Jin Xiyao, who is also at the Golden Core stage."

The unforgiving one is called Cheng Huanxi, who seems to be from China, but Li Guo always feels that there is something wrong, and the other relatively silent Asian is Bangziren.

Although there was no fluctuation on his face, Li Guo was still puzzled in his heart.

Jin Xiyao and Li Guo, the devil's face, have heard a little bit about it. Although the stick is tightly covered, the news that they have a level 5 powerhouse still spread like wildfire.

Cheng Huanxi really had no rumors at all.

Could it be the person who secretly broke through among the reincarnated people?

Li Guo thought inwardly, and also reported his name: "I am Mud Abdel."

When the man named Jin Xiyao saw Zhu Lanshan's name in the newspaper, he also followed him for a while.

And Zhu Lanshan didn't blush or pant, and faced it with his head held high. In front of the people of Bangzi Kingdom, it was just right to pretend to be a native of Chao County.
"Everyone comes here for wealth and opportunity, so naturally we must work together to maximize the benefits, so I hope everyone will not make noise and doubt each other." Shen Gongbao sat at the head of the seat and said: "Unity, strength is great! "

Neither Jin Xiyao nor Cheng Huanxi refuted this point.

It is an eternal truth that unity is powerful, especially for those "lonely people" who are fighting for themselves.

"Then, if only one treasure is found, how will everyone share the profit?" Li Guo leisurely brought up a topic that should be raised the most, but also the least.

If there is only one secret treasure, what should I do?
Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, the other two were silent and looked at Shen Gongbao.

"Of course it depends on their ability." Shen Gongbao said lightly, but he didn't shy away from this topic.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became a little subtle.

Li Guo was a little shy, and he was worthy of being an 'atmosphere destroyer'.

It was immediately obvious that the cooperative relationship between Shen Gongbao and the other two was very subtle, and it was even a subtle one that might betray the water at any time.

"You said that we gathered together because we were not strong enough, and we need the power called 'collective' to share some benefits in this maelstrom."

"But the power of the collective must be twisted together to become a force. If the 'collective' fights on its own, it will be counterproductive."

Li Guo stood up, turned around and left: "There is an old saying in Huaxia, you don't agree with each other if you don't agree with each other, excuse me, please leave."

Li Guo pulled Zhu Lanshan and turned around to leave the hotel without stopping, but Shen Gongbao didn't stop him, but said with a little regret.

"It's a pity that there was no consensus."

Shen Gongbao paused and said: "Two fellow Taoists, since buying and selling can't be done with righteousness, why don't you drink a cup of tea before leaving?"

"We're not thirsty, let's say goodbye."

Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan left safely, but Shen Gongbao didn't stop them, but watched them leave leisurely.

At this time, Cheng Huanxi said calmly.

"Aren't you going to stop him?"

"There's nothing to stop." Shen Gongbao squinted his eyes and smiled: "As he said, if you disagree with each other, don't conspire with each other. Keep a line in life so that we can meet each other in the future. It's like doing business. If you can't agree, you'll break up." Well, there's nothing to argue about, is there?"

This is not business.
However, Jin Xiyao, who was relatively silent in the team, also stood up and said.

"But what he said makes sense. If there is only one treasure, how can we share the profit? There are three of us. If this is unclear, I can only leave."

Shen Gongbao smiled and said nothing.

Without getting an answer, Jin Xiyao turned around and wanted to leave.

At this time, Shen Gongbao stood up.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay. Why don't you drink a cup of tea before leaving?"

After going out, Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan left generously.

Zhu Lanshan turned around to look at it from time to time, but said in surprise, "They didn't come after them."

"Maybe to Brother Shen, the two of us are just dispensable cannon fodder, even that Brother Bangzi is the same." Li Guo stood calmly, walking around the courtyard, quite elegant and unrestrained. It's quite against the law for a Middle Eastern face to do so.

Li Guo, who had just heard Shen Gongbao say that he came to find someone in order to gain 'collective' power, knew there must be a fraud.

As a reincarnator, he certainly will not lack the power of the 'collective', and he also belongs to the forces of heaven among the reincarnated, and the power of the 'collective' is stronger.

If you are looking for collective power, you are looking for cannon fodder, right?

The only thing Li Guo can be sure of is that.

This time Tianting got involved.

And it was mixed in as an independent force!

Thinking all the way, Li Guo also analyzed many doubts.

Shen Gongbao's attitude just now is very interesting.

Originally, Li Guo thought that the reincarnated people would at least recognize his identity as a Chinese, but when Li Guo deliberately asked the question just now, he didn't mention his identity as a Chinese, and he regarded it as dispensable.

Combined with the previous series of actions of Tianting, such as assisting American spies to do things in Shushan, does it mean that Tianting's overall attitude towards the concept of the country is very vague.

Just as the 'capitalists' have no borders, these 'reincarnations' have no borders.
"If the Heavenly Court is involved in the entanglement on behalf of a single force, it will be quite troublesome."

Just as Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan had just walked out of the door, the sky suddenly burst into light, a red brilliance dyed the entire sky red, it seemed to be the brilliance blooming from a certain place.

The divine light changes, the brilliance blooms, and the power makes people fascinated.

Both Li Guo and Zhu Lanshan had greed in their hearts, and finally cut down the greed.

"It really is a treasure that touches people's hearts." Zhu Lanshan said with emotion, and also felt that greed is really a big poison, and it is quite difficult to get rid of it completely.

But Li Guo pondered: "Don't worry too much, even if the rare treasure is born at that time, the one who gets it in the end may not be the first one to get it."

Although the flickering red brilliance is very attractive, this area is very peaceful, only a few powerhouses around level 4 heard the sound and left, and the 'first-rate' and 'top' hidden in the dark are still untouched move.

Because everyone knows a truth, even if someone is lucky enough to win the treasure, but after winning the treasure, whether to keep it or not is another matter.

Everyone wants to be the queen oriole.

No one is stupid, and no one wants to be the first bird.

Li Guo took out the mobile phone specially prepared by Luo Yantang, and there was a notice of a secret operation on it. Although Li Guo and other powerful people were not expected to cooperate in the action, it was better for people to know after all.

At this time, in the 'chat room', many people were diving anonymously, and Luo Yantang also issued a series of next action instructions.

However the instruction aborts on one.

'There is a ghost inside, stop the action. '

(End of this chapter)

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