Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 332, 8 King Luanyu

Chapter 332, Eight Views Luanyu

On this side, the battle situation is already at a fever pitch. Zhu Ziheng seems to be very familiar with the gates of the green-faced lion king and the nine-headed worm. He even knows the places where the blue-faced lion king was castrated, and he looks for these places to fight.

"Why do you know so much?" The blue-faced lion king looked at Zhu Ziheng in front of him with a gloomy face.

His attack was too targeted, and it was really hard for the blue-faced lion king to regard it as a coincidence.

"You can plant traitors here, why can't we?" Zhu Wuxian said lightly, pointing out the doubts in the blue-faced lion king's heart, and because of internal support, Zhu Wuxian already knew that there was a demon The clan strikes.

You put nails in me, and I put nails in you.

At this time, Zhu Wuxian presented the Fa principles in his hands, and the surrounding space was heavy for a while, making it hard to breathe, and light for a while, making it impossible to focus on it, which was really uncomfortable.

The Nine-Headed Insect can't benefit from the 'Flame Fist' either. His nine-headed and eighteen-eyed body doesn't have any advantage at all when facing the radiation that is released all the time. The nails are peeling off, and the flesh has been suffering from excessive radiation doses.

The green-faced lion king and the nine-headed worm won't get any benefit in the face of the siege of the two. If this continues, they will die and be turned into a specimen and be hacked into pieces.

At this moment, the two monsters had the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts.

"Our plan has been exposed, and he also knows our weakness. Our cultivation bases are comparable, and the chances of winning are not great if we lose our intention to make a surprise attack."

"Without the flesh and blood of the 'baby', the vitality of the human race has not been weakened."

"But keep the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, if we die here, the power of the human race will increase by one point!"


The green-faced lion king finally made up his mind, cut off all the luck in his heart, and changed from "temporary retreat" to "escape".

To escape means to do whatever it takes.

After deciding on all policies, all the other emotions contained in the eyes of the green-faced lion king dissipated, leaving only firmness and determination, clear and even a little calm.

"Nine heads, help me."

The nine-headed worms on the side seemed to know what the green-faced lion king wanted to do, and the nine-headed worms flew to the side of the blue-faced lion king to protect them.

Seeing this, Zhu Wuxian guessed that the situation was not good, and said solemnly.

"He's going to run."

Regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, the imitation of the 'Kongtong Seal' in Zhu Wuxian's hand turned into a huge Kongtong mountain, like a mountain pressing down on the top, carrying the law of gravity and striking down.

'Fist of Flame' Palanque also held his breath and focused his attention, his whole body was solidified, and all the radiation scattered around was condensed in his eyes, turning into death beams, and the destruction rays shot out from his eyes.

With the absolute heat and radioactivity, the life-insulating force directly hit the Nine-Headed Insect.

The power of death radiation gathered and directly took away three heads of the Nine-Headed Worm.

And the nine heads of the Nine-Headed Worm seem to have self-awareness, and it seems that they are really dead when they die, and their necks are turned into dust.

"Second brother, sixth brother, fourth sister!" The other heads of Nine-Headed Insect seemed to be mourning the death of these three heads.

The death of the three heads bought time for the green-faced lion king.

A huge golden bowl emerges from the top of the head of the green-faced lion king, and there are faint Sanskrit characters of Buddha's light emerging, and the tranquility is like the coming of the Buddha's kingdom.

This golden bowl does not show the mountains and rivers, and it is an understatement to 'erase' the thermal radiation rays of Phil Palanque and the 'kongtong pressure' manifested by Zhu Wuxian's gravity law.

At this time, the blue-faced lion king's expression is solemn and precious, just like the second coming of the Buddha, and there is a phantom image of the Tathagata on the golden bowl.

The golden bowl enveloped the green-faced lion king and the nine-headed worm. At this time, no external attack could touch the inside of the golden bowl, not even Zhu Wuxian and Palanque, who were the strongest present.

"These demons and goblins can actually use Buddha treasures?" Zhu Wuxian showed a look of astonishment. He never imagined that the blue-faced lion king, who was full of bloody breath, could use such pure Buddha treasures.

"The Buddha said that all living beings are equal." On the other side, 'Flame Fist' Palank said.

Zhu Wuxian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that some Americans had an understanding of Buddhism.

At this time, Zhu Wuxian was no longer entangled, since the two big monsters had already run away, the target changed to Ruo Jian in front of him.

The demon has been eliminated, it's time to seize the secret treasure!

The temporary cooperative relationship between Zhu Wuxian and 'Yanquan' was terminated, and they returned to hostility.

At this time, both Phil Palank and Zhu Wuxian also saw that a huge blue and white wolf was running towards Huaxia Fang with the rusty sword in its mouth, which looked rather funny.

Palanque is not a fool, he knew it just by looking at the huge husky: "It belongs to you."

No wonder Zhu Wuxian knew so much about the monsters.

It turned out that they also had ghosts inserted into the monsters!
"Do you think you are with the 'demons'?" Palank sarcastically said, as if he was looking for Zhu Wuxian's spiritual loopholes to attack.

In this regard, Zhu Wuxian did not deny it, and said calmly.

"What is the concept of a demon to you?"

"It's not my race, it's a demon."

It is a bit ironic for an American who has always been "open" and "inclusive" to say it. As the most powerful person in the United States, Palanque's zz concept can also represent the zz concept of high-level officials to a certain extent.

All the "openness" and "inclusiveness" are just to snatch outstanding talents from non-ethnic groups and use them for them, and they don't really mean to accept them.

"But for us, no." Zhu Wuxian said lightly: "For us, as long as we agree with our ideas, our nation, and our identity as a member of the People's Republic of China, then we are our comrades, Xiaoha Although he is a demon, he was born in China and was raised by the Chinese people since he was a child. After he became conscious of himself, he was instilled in the Three Views by the Chinese people, so why do you say that he is not a Chinese person?"

Inclusive, naturalized.

Agree with us, you are a good comrade!
After hearing this, Palanke's expression changed slightly.

In the battle of ideas, he really lowered his power.

Immediately, Palanke stopped talking, and radiated arrogance from his whole body, ready to snatch the treasure.

At this time, the auras of both Palank and Zhu Wuxian were weakened to varying degrees due to the battle just now, but the two are still the strongest in the heaven list on the bright side, whether it is India's 'Karna' or Even Egypt's 'Isis' can't escape its edge.

When two people enter the game, it is a battle between dragon and tiger!
Suddenly, a phantom appeared in the air.

At this time, there are geese falling in Pingsha, sails returning from Yuanpu, clear mist in mountains and cities, snow in the sky at night in Jiangtian, autumn moon in Dongting, night rain in Xiaoxiang, evening bell in Yansi Temple, photos of fishing villages, and eight scenic spots emerge.

A Luanyu appeared out of nowhere, and the surroundings carried an aura of wildness and antiquity.

(End of this chapter)

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