Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 334, people without tears are not without tears, but they have not reached the point of sadn

Chapter 334, people without tears are not without tears, but they have not reached the point of sadness
Yin water snake?
Everyone was surprised.

The minimum to participate in the struggle are all level 5 powerhouses. Those at the level of Yinshui Snake are probably not enough to be cannon fodder for others.

But he still went up, and when everyone was afraid to go up, he went to hold the long sword.

At this time, the Jade Emperor's blurred face, which was disturbed by the rules, finally changed.

He was angry.

How dare such an ant rush forward at this time?

The Five Elements Rule just released a trace of the power of the golden element, directly piercing the Yinshui Snake's body from head to tail, splashing blood on the rusty sword, but the Yinshuisnake still tightly bit the rusty sword , the muscles all over the body agitated, like ripples spreading.

"Let me continue!"

The Rusty Sword was spit out and flew towards the Huaxia camp.

This is the last power of the 'Yin Water Snake'.
His whole body seemed to be pierced into a sieve, falling from the sky, gradually losing vitality, and sending the sword into Huaxia with the last ripple.

Everyone in Huaxia was dumbfounded.

Originally, everyone thought that the gloomy former juvenile delinquent, Yinshui Snake, would be a traitor.

Everyone originally thought that the people from the motherland were the least likely to be the traitors.

But no one expected that the person who sacrificed his life in exchange for a chance in the end would be the Yin Water Snake, the one who looked the most like a bad guy.

What is he for?
Is it for the country?Or to atone for what you did before.

No matter what it was for, the Chinese people present only felt sadness in their hearts, but afterward, they felt even more intent on fighting.

Must not live up to!
At this time, the Jade Emperor did not use the chaotic rules to block the next move, but took Shen Gongbao to hide in the Bajing Luanyu.

This eight-view Luanyu is like the most powerful protective secret treasure, and all attacks are turned into air and water.

But the Eight Scenery Luanyu is not intact. Only six of the Eight Scenery projections that originally covered half of the sky are left, and the pictures of "Fishing Village Photo" and "Xiaoxiang Night Rain" have been completely damaged.

Bajing Luanyu fled towards Huaxia Fang, trying to take away the Rusty Sword.

But Rust Sword was also caught by Ming Yan.

"Senior brother! I got it!" Ming Yan's immature face was also a little excited.


Bai Wuji's whole body was activated, and the world was in chaos, leaving only one sword.

You Jade Emperor has everything, but I only have the sword in my hand.

But it is enough to have the sword in hand, I will not be afraid of you if I have it!
Ming Yan held a rusty sword in his hand, and his aura was also rising, as if he was blending with Bai Wuji who was not far away.

A combination of two swords.

Famous sword twins, if you have a sword, you can have me, but you can't have him!

Just when the aura was gradually blending to resist the remaining prestige of the Jade Emperor, a sudden change occurred.

The long sword in Ming Yan's hand suddenly collapsed, and a bright red dyed the surrounding area.

"No!!" Bai Wuji's eyes were about to burst.

There was actually a hand that opened Ming Yan's heart.

The one who broke it was Zu Yuxuan, who was covered in scars and looked like a beast at the end of the road. At this moment, he was almost exhausted, his blood and spiritual power were exhausted, and all his organs began to decay. Only the strength of the last blow was left. The oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, and the lamp is completely dead.

And this last blow, he didn't choose to give it to the strong men who blocked him, but gave it to the little girl Ming Yan.

No one thought that Zu Yuxuan would suddenly explode and kill him to the side.

Because of Zu Yuxuan's blow, all the attacks from the surrounding experts hit him, leaving his body riddled with holes.

"It's enough for me to go to hell with a rising star. Haha!"

Zu Yuxuan grinned ferociously, dropped his hands, and died out of breath.

Ming Yan also drooped limply, his pupils began to slack, and blood spattered from his heart.

"I feel so cold"

"Junior Junior Sister." Bai Wuji grabbed Ming Yan's bloody palm.

"Brother, I'm cold"

Bai Wuji could only hug Ming Yan, who was covered in blood, tightly, as if he wanted to keep her warm, but he didn't care about the peerless sword that fell beside him.

Now, it doesn't matter who takes the sword away, he just wants to hug Mingyan.

The pure white plain robe has been stained with blood, and the bright smoke like a firm yellow flower looks so weak at this moment.

Only me only sword, only brother.

Recalling the past, Bai Wuji only felt remorse. In order to practice swords, he did not take into account the little junior sister who had always defended and taken care of him.

It was only now that the Sri Lankan was about to pass away, and he remembered that all the good things in the past were passing away at his fingertips.

Time does not return, life does not return, beauty turns into torture and purgatory, entangles the soul, and waits for Bai Wuji.

Bai Wuji's cold, dry face collapsed, and a bean-sized teardrop fell on the rusty sword.

On the rusty sword, blood and teardrops mingled, and the rust covering it seemed to be emitting green smoke.

In Jixia College, Ye Tianling lacked interest and seemed to be a little downcast. He was on the balcony, reaching out to catch the clear rain falling from the sky.

The rain fell heavily, passers-by lost their souls, but there was no one outside Changting Street.

Jixia College itself is located in a small town, and looking at it now, it is extremely deserted and a little desolate.

At this moment, next to Ye Tianling, there was a man who looked bald and had six scars on his head, and was wearing a Confucian uniform. The combination of the two on him didn't seem to have a great sense of disobedience.

"Amitabha, Senior Brother Ye Tianling, haven't the three of you been inseparable all this time? Why didn't the treasure of the Middle East accompany them this time?" Fang Ji scratched his big round head, and said with some doubts: "There is a secret treasure in your possession." There are no words in the sky', it will definitely shine when you go there."

There is a wordless book in Ye Tianling's hand, which seems to be of the same origin as Ye Tianling, blending into one.

But Ye Tianling looked down, stretched out his hand to catch the rain, and said softly.

"It's not that I don't want to go, it's that I can't bear to go. Everything is predestined by the law. Since I can't change it if I go, I don't think it's pure if I don't see it."

Ye Tianling's words made Fang Ji a little puzzled, and then Fang Ji slapped his head and said as if he had awakened.

"Brother, did the wordless heavenly script reveal the miracle?"

The Wordless Heavenly Book is a peerless secret treasure handed down by Confucianists from generation to generation. It is said that they know everything about the past, future, and present, but only a few people can see the manifested handwriting on it. Only one person in each generation can read it, and the one who can see it in this generation is Ye Tianling.

And this book without words can manifest everything. If you ask, He may not necessarily answer, and if you don't ask, He may also say.

As if everything was preordained, He only passed on the word on behalf of him.

Ye Tianling held the Wordless Book in his hand, and turned into a long sigh, his expression was a little more mature than before.

Maybe it's just knowing too much.

On the heavenly book, only two lines of characters were written.

"He who has no tears is not without tears, but he has not reached the point of sorrow."

"A peerless sword is not a good sword, and hard work will eventually lead to death."

Ye Tianling turned around and entered the house.

"This is his destiny. It is also his destiny."

(End of this chapter)

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