Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 337, Everything has its own falsehood

Chapter 337, Everything has its own falsehood
the same person?

Li Guo was a little taken aback.

At this time, Suzaku walked towards the classroom and said.

"Student Jinwu, the principal has something to ask for you."

Jinwu, she is Jinwu?That round of sun hanging overhead?
No, if it was her, shouldn't it be the sun setting now, right now, the sun in the sky is still flying freely
Suzaku at the side saw Li Guo's doubts, and whispered, "This is a ray of distraction from the Golden Crow coming here."

Li Guo was stunned, and as soon as he raised his head to think, the Golden Crow had already appeared in front of Li Guo.

Without seeing clearly how she moved, she just appeared in front of Li Guo.

"Mr. Principal, do you need me?" Jin Wu's smile was very gentle, like the sun of the first shadow.

Li Guo didn't expect that it was Jinwu who came to look for him.

At this moment, Li Guo was caught in infinite entanglement, should he be called Senior Jinwu now, or classmate Jinwu.

It feels a bit inappropriate to call it anyhow!

However, the Golden Crow seemed unexpectedly understanding, and said with a smile: "In the Oblique Moon Temple, my identity is a student of your academy, you can call me by my real name."

so gentle.

Li Guo breathed a sigh of relief and coughed lightly.

"Ahem, classmate Jinwu, I came here to ask for something."

"What's the matter?"

Li Guo told Jinwu his intention to refine the treasure of killing the face.

Jin Wu's face remained unchanged, and after thinking for a moment, he smiled lightly.

"Okay, bring it to my palace after school."

"Thank you." Li Guo was happy, he didn't expect the Golden Crow Great Sage to be so easy to talk to.

"It's a trivial matter, and it's easy to do. Since the principal asks for it, the students will do their part." Jin Wu smiled softly, and that warm smile was like a stream of spring water, warming people's hearts.

It's really gentle enough.

Of course, Li Guo was still a little surprised, how could such a gentle person know how to refine the treasure of killing appearance?

While waiting for the school to dismiss, Li Guo couldn't help asking Palace Master Suzaku beside him.

Li Guo always felt that Jinwu's situation was a bit strange.

"Is she a man or a woman?"

"This." Suzaku paused and said, "I don't know either."

"Could it be that the Golden Crow is an asexual creature?" Li Guo frowned, and asexual creatures are actually not uncommon.

For example, in the real world, clownfish can repeatedly jump between females and males.

But Suzaku shook his head again and said.

"That's not the case. The real reason is that I've 'forgot' her gender."

"Forgot?" Li Guo thought for a long time, but couldn't think of this answer.

At this time, Suzaku looked at Jinwu who was seriously solving the problem, with complex expressions in his eyes, as if he felt the same pain.

"She is the strongest spirit beast in this world, and she has almost the longest lifespan. Her powerful cultivation has given her a long lifespan, but it also gave her a long loneliness."

"She is strong, she is lonely, and she wants to escape from this cage. The long-term useless efforts made her almost go crazy. Once, she couldn't control her killing intent and wanted to destroy this world to escape from here."

Li Guo was terrified when he heard that.

Destroy a realm.

This kind of killing intent is really scary to hear.

"What then?"

"It's okay if you can escape, but the final result is that most of the living beings in this world will be destroyed, and the exit of this world will still remain motionless." Suzaku sighed and said: "After this incident, Jin Wu calmed down, and felt ashamed in his heart, almost going crazy. In order to atone for her sins, she erased her 'self', and at the same time issued an instruction to herself. After that, she would erase her 'self' every five years, so as not to go crazy again and harm the creatures in this world. After erasing, she doesn't even remember her own gender. But it doesn't matter, as long as she can escape from this world, she doesn't care about anything."

Li Guo really shuddered when he heard this.

No wonder she was able to refine the treasure of killing appearance.

The creepy thing about this killing intent is not that she is targeting other creatures in this world, but that she is targeting herself.

To be so cruel to oneself is to kill a wolf.

At this moment, the school is closed, and the three classes this afternoon are math-math-math.

The Jinwu girl (?) came to look for Li Guo with the exercise book, her soft smile was like a stream of spring water: "I've been waiting for a long time, principal."

After hearing what Suzaku told about the secrets, Li Guo dared to call Jinwu sister classmate, so he hurriedly said.

"Senior Jinwu, it is because the poor way has overstepped."

"Mr. Principal, you don't have to be so restrained." Jin Wu smiled, his temper seemed to be so gentle forever.

After thinking for a while, Li Guo also said: "Why don't we call you Jinwu's classmate inside the academy, and call you Senior Jinwu outside the academy?"

She is a student in the school, but she is the scorching sun in the sky outside the school.

And Jinwu girl is not entangled, her character seems to be so easy-going, she smiled.

"Just follow Mr. Principal's order."

After saying that, Li Guo handed over the fragments of the Chiguan demon star in his hand to Jinwu.

In Jinwu's hands, this Xingyun full of destruction and killing intent was trampled in her hands like an ordinary stone.

After a while, Jin Wu gently stroked the stone and praised.

"Yes, it is indeed very suitable for refining the treasure of killing appearances."

"Then Senior Golden Crow." Li Guo asked cautiously.

Jin Wu put down the demon star fragment and said with a smile.

"Of course, this favor can't be done in vain. Mr. Principal, you have to do me a favor too."

"What's the matter?" Li Guo pondered.

As a result, the Jinwu girl (?) handed Li Guo a piece of rice paper with a topic written on it.

It is known that in the four-span cone P-ABCD, PA is perpendicular to the plane ABCD, and the bottom surface ABCD is a right triangle.

1. Prove that AB is parallel to plane PCD.

2. Prove that BC is perpendicular to plane PAC.

3. If M is the midpoint of PC, find the volume of the Mitsubishi cone C-MAD.

Li Guo worked hard and finally solved this problem.

A big math problem in high school made Li Guo break out in cold sweat, and he was so exhausted after comprehending the exercises.

It's been so long since I graduated from university, and I have almost forgotten all the knowledge I learned from high school. Fortunately, I have cultivated so well that I have reached the state of Golden Core. Otherwise, I'm afraid I might not even be able to draw auxiliary lines.

And Jin Wu also said with the original expression.

"I see. As expected of the principal."

"Haha, it's a trivial matter, it's not a big problem." Li Guo wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally saved his dignity as "Principal Li".

However, when reviewing the past high school knowledge, Li Guo suddenly felt that he had realized something.

I have a different understanding of the so-called 'truth'.

This made Li Guo couldn't help feeling that this mathematics is worthy of being the original way.

Everything has its own falsehood, and it is true that only numbers count as geometry.
(End of this chapter)

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