Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 339, Shelter

Chapter 339, Shelter
The demon star gun suppresses its killing intent, silently retracts it, and waits for the next time it is unsheathed, it will turn into a murderous soldier, smashing and killing all directions.

"This treasure is unruly, and it needs a lot of gentleness to understand it." Jin Wu said with a smile.

Li Guo nodded, he would recite Buddhist scriptures from time to time to warm up the spear.

After thanking Jinwu repeatedly, Li Guo turned around and said goodbye, and returned to Fangcun Mountain.

After returning to the mountain, Li Guo called up the system panel and searched for Buddhist exercises.

Li Guo intends to control the killing intent with the Buddha's will.

While searching, Li Guo said dumbfoundedly: "I, a Taoist priest, use the power of Buddhist scriptures to paint, which is a bit strange."

"Buddhism and Taoism are connected to a certain extent. For example, Patriarch Bodhi was once a Zhunti Taoist and Zhunti Buddha, and a Cihang Taoist is also Avalokitesvara." Teaching the scriptures and comprehending its true law may not be harmful to oneself.”

It seems that the system also thinks it is normal for Taoist priests to recite Buddhist scriptures?
After some searching, Li Guo also found Buddhist exercises, and there are many more
No more thinking about it, quietly selected the exercises, and finally Li Guo chose the "Baoxiang Huaguang Universal Scripture". After practicing, there will be five-color divine light with him, and the Buddha's green lotus is as quiet as light.

There is no other reason to choose it, just because the price is cheap, and there are many supernatural manifestations when practicing, just like the Buddha descending into the world, it can cover up many visions.

And Li Guo didn't plan to practice this technique in depth, he just wanted to imitate his superficial appearance, so that he could have a Buddha's light on the outside, and fight with the inner strength of the Yundaomen technique to cover up the moves he used.

"2000 merit points."

After paying the money, Li Guo still felt a little distressed, it was all small money.
After getting the treasure-faced Huaguang Universal Scripture, Li Guo looked at it for half an hour and then threw it into his sleeve Qiankun.

Close your eyes, there are five colors of Buddha light around you, and green lotus blooms, just like the Buddha descending.

Enough, imitating its appearance, not its authenticity!
"Hey, if I go out with a bald head now, I'm afraid I will be considered a real monk." Li Guo is a little happy with his painting style, imagining what it will be like after he shaved his head.

The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look directly at it.
Of course, Li Guo felt that the painting style of him taking out two micro-punches at random was already strange enough, and adding a Buddhist technique would not be too strange.

After roughly comprehending the true meaning of "good and evil are rewarded" contained in the long sword, Li Guo cast Yimu Immortal escape to leave this world.

After returning to Earth, I found that it was not peaceful here.

'Peerless Sword' Bai Wuji obtained the secret treasure Peerless Sword

America, on the other hand, obtained a large number of monster corpses, and America, which was originally superior in biochemical technology, was half a step ahead.

The division is already obvious. Huaxia puts more emphasis on the way of metaphysics, while the United States puts more emphasis on the way of science and technology.

After a rough understanding of the news on the Internet, Li Guo escaped into Penglai and came to Luo Yantang's office.

At this moment, Luo Yantang was in the office, working while having an infusion.

"Chief Luo, what are you?" Li Guo looked at Luo Yantang's 'tragedy' in surprise.

Originally, I thought it was miserable enough that she was always sitting in a wheelchair, but I didn't expect that her current painting style is even worse.

However, Luo Yantang didn't feel that he was miserable, and just said lightly: "It's nothing serious, there is always a price to be paid for excessive use of abilities, and it will be fine after ten days and a half months of recuperation."

Li Guo understood that it turned out that the ability was used too frequently in operations in the Middle East.

Indeed, it must consume a lot of spiritual power to teleport the strong so frequently, and this time probably hurt her essence.


"It should be done." Luo Yantang put down the material in his hand, tapped on the table lightly, and said, "Really Li, do you know that you have been late?"

Li Guo said frankly.

"I know, I'm being watched."

Everyone gets it and kills it.

Say something from the heart.

Li Guo was a little scared.
Of course, you still have to maintain a calm and calm look on your face.

Seeing that Li Guo was so calm, Luo Yantang felt a burst of admiration in his heart.

It deserves to be the 'Tianwai Shenjian' who accepted the inheritance of Tianwai, and it should live up to this title.

After admiring inwardly, Luo Yantang continued.

"Now you are worth a lot in the black market. There are rewards everywhere for your whereabouts. If you can catch yourself, you can even get 10 billion Huaxia coins and a book of peerless exercises."

10!There is also a book of exercises.

You think highly of me too.

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched.

"It's okay to capture alive."

"Because they seem to be rewarding you for killing you personally." Luo Yantang paused and said: "Of course, the reward has been withdrawn now."


Li Guo was stunned, but he didn't expect Luo Yantang to turn the offensive.

Just now it was said that Li Guoxuan was popular, but now the words have been withdrawn.

What is this operation.

At this time, Luo Yantang's face was proud.

"They dare not hang up."

Dare not
Li Guo carefully chewed the meaning of these two words.

People in the black market dare not do anything, at least they won't stop because they are 'top-notch'.

Can make them dare not.

Li Guo figured out the ins and outs of it all at once, and finally turned it into one sentence.

"Thank you."

It really helped Li Guo a lot, at least he didn't have to worry about being ambushed by reincarnations while walking on the road, which would really affect his normal life.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort. Regarding your strength, even among the reincarnated people, there are not many people who can attack you. It just saves you from being disturbed." Luo Yantang paused and said: "However, you must be careful about the 'Jade Emperor'. According to Lao Luo, his energy level is half a chip higher than him. If it was in its heyday, it would be fearless to face the Jade Emperor with Palanque, but if If we face it alone, we will have more than enough self-preservation and not enough offense.”

The implication is that if Li Guo was ambushed by the Jade Emperor, he would really have to sing a cool song.

Li Guo also knew this truth, nodded and said.

"So I was thinking, should I avoid the limelight?"

(End of this chapter)

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