Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 343, Endless Sea of ​​Suffering

Chapter 343, Endless Sea of ​​Suffering

Li Guo heard that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. If he said that he wanted to get close to Liansheng, it would definitely attract suspicion. If this is the case, let him say it himself.

At this time, Li Guo just showed a slightly hesitant expression: "Why is Liansheng?"

"Liansheng is our dock." Ah Zhong raised his head, and said calmly: "In our place, one person can't hang out. You have to worship the dock to have a place to hang out, especially if you can fight like you." Yes, if you want to survive here if you don’t visit the pier, you must either sell fried rice noodles, or work as an apprentice in a tea restaurant.”

Ah Zhong suddenly lowered his voice and said.

"Don't look at me as a boat boy. I earn several times more money than the younger brother in the tea restaurant. I work for a month to eat and drink spicy food. They can't afford the rent for a month. Going to a tea restaurant like you is too wasteful. Slightly."

At this time, Ah Zhong was talking about his eyebrows, and while he was madly dissing his normal business, he was still frantically touting his abnormal business.

From the point of view of a modern person in the 21st century, it is indeed a bit stupid, let's learn about fighting the gangsters and eradicating evil, but at that time, what he said was the golden truth.

If you follow the right path dignifiedly, you will not be able to send it out.

And Li Guo just showed a embarrassed and hesitant expression, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll go with you to see how your 'Liansheng' is doing."

Ah Zhong showed joy, greeted people quickly, and took Li Guo there.

Kowloon Walled City.

The Kowloon Walled City had already been demolished where Li Guo was located. According to the news, almost 2 people were dispatched to forcibly demolish it.

When he arrived at the Kowloon Walled City, Li Guo really felt like he was in a trance, and finally saw the legendary "cyberpunk" prototype.

The crooked building, densely spaced between the buildings, dilapidated and simple, but there is a strange air of red dust and fireworks coming out of it.

The air of mortals here is a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary metropolises, it is simply the epitome of the 'world'!

"In the walled city, some people eat meat and some eat excrement." Ah Zhong looked at Li Guo and said, "Whether you eat meat or excrement is up to you to choose."

"Go in." Li Guo said lightly, stepped into the city, and welcomed the incense.

The incense is blurred, entangled with cause and effect, as if you are in the world of mortals, blurred and intoxicating.

"You know, in the walled city, as long as you have money, you can enjoy everything. Women, Miss Bai, human and snake smuggling, whatever you want, you can find a way here. It's our paradise."

Is it heaven?
Li Guo was noncommittal.

If it were heaven, there would be no such title as "Detroit" in the East.

"Buy and leave."

"Miss Bai, Miss Bai, the purest product."

"Buy a horse."

The filthy atmosphere of the world was disturbing, Li Guo walked in the city, stepped into the sewage, and splashed water, it seemed that every time he was almost stained on his training clothes, but never once.

again and again.

Every time the stain will be scattered when it is close to the practice clothes, there will never be a trace of contamination on the practice clothes.

Out of silt but not stained.

In the midst of the world of mortals, I am the only one who is 'quiet', and my whole body seems to be emitting five colors of light, shining in all directions.

Ah Zhong also noticed the strangeness of the person in front of him, so he didn't say much.

In this darkness, Li Guo is like a candle in the night, shining peacefully in all directions.

The peddlers around were slightly suffocated when Li Guo passed by, and stopped peddling, as if they were afraid of polluting the green lotus.

However, after Li Guo walked over, the people around started to sell again, Miss Bai, buy horses, gamble, women.
After the fluorescence, the darkness remains.

Quiet and disturbed, all for a moment.

The world of mortals is full of bitterness.

Li Guo walked all the way, with a feeling in his heart, when he walked to the front, Ah Zhong said.


Li Guo opened his eyes and saw the real thing in front of him.

He stopped, only to see red lights and candles beside him, and the remains of firecrackers were all over the ground.

pat pat pat.

There are still the remaining sound of firecrackers, accompanied by bursts of festive suona sounds, just like welcoming relatives.

Of course, this celebration is only for places outside the entrance of Liansheng Hall. Inside the entrance of the hall, the statue of Guan Erye stands impressively.

Ah Zhong's face changed wildly, and he cursed angrily: "Pujie boy, you are the bastard of Xinliansheng."

Li Guo was calm on the surface, but complained crazily in his heart. It seemed that he was so weak that he was ridiculed by the flying dragon.

Outside the door, a middle-aged man with a round appearance was sitting on a wicker chair, holding a pipe, breathing gently, surrounded by smoke and fire, deep in the filth, and had a different sense of tranquility.

The tranquility that flows with the filth, not the tranquility that is detached from the filth.

"It's Young Master Le." When Ah Zhong saw the middle-aged man, his breath was slightly suffocated, as if he felt great pressure.

Mingming just uttered wild words when he was in the noodle stall, dismissing Le Shao as useless, but when he really faced it, he resolutely followed his heart.

When Li Guo and Ah Zhong appeared, the younger brother of Xin Liansheng came out, looked down at Li Guo and Ah Zhong and said.

"Xin Liansheng is doing business, and idlers are not allowed to approach."

"We." Ah Zhong really wanted to blurt out that he was from Liansheng, but looking at so many new Liansheng boys, if he said he was from Liansheng, he might die on the spot.

At this time, Ah Zhong didn't know how to answer, but Li Guo said with a faint smile.

"Passing by idlers, just looking for a safe place to stay."

The meaning of Buddhism's quietness is revealed, but it seems to have no effect on this little brother of Xinliansheng. He said impatiently: "Did you understand, we Xinliansheng is doing business, and idlers are not allowed to come near, do you not understand people's words? ?”

"This is obviously the land of Liansheng." Ah Zhong finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"Du Leilou, did you understand what I said?" The younger brother stared at Ah Zhong with unfriendly eyes, and the stick in his hand seemed to be waving.

However, at this time, it was Le Shao who was next to him who was talking.

"Everyone, don't touch Lu, only harmony can make money."

Le Shao stood up. Like his face, he was chubby and looked rather funny. He was holding a pipe in his hand and puffing.

"Today, I, Le Shao, came to marry Miss Li and marry into our Le family. When the time comes, the new Liansheng and the old Liansheng will join forces. Everyone is Liansheng, so why divide the land?"

Le Shao had a smile on his face, and looked quite kind, but there was a coldness in his face, and he looked like a tiger with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Young Master Le kept his eyes on Li Guo, seeming interested.

Faced with Le Shao's scrutiny, Li Guo smiled lightly.

"But now, New Lend Lease and Lend Lease are not one, are they?"

(End of this chapter)

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