Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 348, reckless is right

Chapter 348, reckless is right

As for how to rescue Jiang Hua, Li Guo thought about it for 20 seconds and then figured out how to act.

Mang is right.

Take Le Shao hostage in exchange for a hostage!
"Be careful, his target is Le Shao!" Hua Jiu said loudly, his brows twitched as he looked at Li Guo, never expecting that the person in front of him would run directly to Le Shao.

Dare to hold Le Shao hostage in the Walled City, what kind of courage is this?

Are you really not afraid of death?

Li Guo is really not afraid, the whole person is pure and quiet, like a Buddha, but with a flash of his palm, the demon star shoots out, and the red light is entwined, which seems to contain an unknown omen.

The monstrous killing intent burst out from the tip of the gun, and even the most vicious people present couldn't help but feel a shudder down their spines.

Li Guo, on the other hand, was pure and quiet, and there seemed to be a wheel of brilliance flowing behind him.

A young man with pure intentions, holding a demon star gun with a murderous intent.

The two seem to be in opposition, but at this time they are blended together like a piano, they are distinct from each other, and they are harmonious.

"Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people, benefactor, let me go." Li Guo smiled with a flower, his face was compassionate, but the spear in his hand was not like this, and he swept out, killing these young and Dangerous boys with a murderous intent. Sweep away.

Killing intent enters the body, even if you don't die, you can't get up again.

"Aren't you afraid of death? Dare to tie me up here, Xin Liansheng, the inspector will not let you go, you can't escape on Hong Kong Island." Le Shao's relaxed face at that moment finally changed.

Horizontally afraid of being stunned, stunned for fear of dying.

Le Shao only felt that he was afraid that he would meet someone who was stunned, arrogant and desperate!

Li Guo's demon star gun swayed in all directions, with a combination of killing intent and Buddha's intent, standing next to him was like Fudo Mingwang.

Swift, fast, and straight to the point.

Even Le Shao's bodyguards didn't have time to do it, the demon star gun had already reached his neck.

This time, no one dared to move.

If he dared to move, the demon star spear would directly pierce his neck, and everyone would die.

"Don't be nervous. If everyone cooperates, Young Master Le of your company will not suffer any damage. But if you don't cooperate, don't blame a certain gunblade for being ruthless." The gun's killing intent had such a strange sense of killing that everyone present was speechless.

At this time, Li Guo looked at Le Shao and said.

"Young Master Le, it would be fine if you agreed to let Jiang Hua go at first."

"I will believe you?"

"Monks don't tell lies." Li Guo said straightforwardly, playing the role of a monk is quite touching.

Le Shao was dubious, but the people around him had no choice but to believe it, so they could only make a way out and let Li Guo and others hold Le Shao away.

Tonight's Dragon City is destined to be uneven.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the water hit the floor of Longcheng, splashing muddy water.

Li Guo carried the fat Le Shao on his shoulders, and walked lightly, stepping on the water as if walking on the ground, without any splash.

When he came out with Ah Zhong and Li Xiaohua, the younger brother was still trembling while muttering to himself: "I'm all crazy, crazy... how dare you tie Xinliansheng's young master Le, really nine lives not dead enough”

Li Xiaohua's complexion was not very good-looking, and she complained a little when she saw Li Guo's expression. At the beginning, she also believed Li Guo's so-called "hermits have their own tricks", so she went to the banquet with him to find Le Shao to "negotiate".

Unexpectedly, this so-called 'negotiation' turned out to be to let Shao Mang go directly.

This is too real.

At this time, Li Xiaohua couldn't help but talk to Li Guo.

"Do you know what it means for you to kidnap Le Shao directly like this?"

"It's nothing more than being chased and killed by Xin Liansheng." Li Guo smiled lightly: "People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed, those who are in the rivers and lakes will always be awakened, and those who are enlightened will always be free. This is the path Le Shao chose, presumably He will understand."

Le Shao, whose mouth was stuffed with a dirty rag, wanted to say something, but his mouth was blocked, and he couldn't speak. All the cruel words were held in his stomach, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Only Li Xiaohua took a deep breath and said.

"Xinliansheng's Master Le is appointed by Zonghua Inspector Luo Lei to eat this area. It can be said that if Bai is Luo Lei, then Black is Le Master."

This is why Dragon City's 'committee' gave Xinliansheng face so much.

Le Ye is from Luo Lei.

"Inspector Zonghua, Luo Lei?" Li Guo chewed on the name.

At this time, a group of people blocked the way in front of Li Guo. It seemed that the people from Xinliansheng knew the news and sent someone to block the way.

"Let go of Le Shao!"

These people slashed forward with machetes. Although they had no spiritual power, they had a sharp and bloody force.

For these people, Li Guo naturally didn't look down on them, and so did Li Xiaohua.

At this time, Li Xiaohua's fist was shaking, and in the eighth-level punch, a fierce tiger climbed the mountain hard and attacked his spine. The younger brother who took the lead was beaten to the ground, and his body showed a strange 90-degree twist.

This leader boy is obviously not going to survive, being beaten like this, Hua Tuo will not be able to save him in the next life
Li Guo took a look at Li Xiaohua, not too surprised, after all, this delicate looking young lady is also a martial arts disciple, with both vigor and strength.

"Whoever dares to stop again, he will end up in the end." Li Xiaohua glanced coldly, making these younger brothers who were aggressive just now hesitate to retreat.

At this time, Li Xiaohua turned to look at Li Guo and said: "We have captured Le Ye's son, he will definitely arrive soon. When the time comes, we will not only be greeted by people from Xinliansheng, but also people from Luo Lei. When Lei's men arrive, we can hardly fly."

Li Xiaohua is not afraid of death, she is only afraid that death is meaningless.

However, Li Guo smiled.

"No, no, we don't need to escape"

Li Xiaohua looked at Li Guo in astonishment.

"If you don't escape, why break through the encirclement?"

"Where are we going then?"

"Of course I'm going back to Lend Lease."

The rain fell with a patter.


The teacup fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

In Inspector Zong Hua's quiet and book-smelling office, such a voice was very discordant.

Originally, Le Ye, who boasted that he was very good at nourishing Qi, couldn't help but twitched his mouth, his face seemed ferocious, and the expensive big brother Dalian and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground, smashed to pieces.

Detective Luo looked at the furious Le Ye and the broken teacup, and asked in confusion.

"Master Le, what's the matter?"

Le Ye took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

"Someone rushed to the street and caught my son!"

 The new book, "I really don't want to be a superstar" has been published

(End of this chapter)

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