Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 75, It's Raining, Pack Your Shirts

Chapter 75, It's Raining, Pack Your Shirts
One after another special police armored vehicles drove into the Dijingwan community, which made the people in this wealthy community have some curiosity and doubts.

The special police car drove in to arrest criminals?what is this else.

"First, don't be impulsive."

"Second, never let any of the evil spirits go."

"Third, absolutely trust your teammates."

"The power of human beings has its limits. In most cases, unity is the magic weapon for us to overcome difficulties together."

When he arrived at the scene, Gu Taisan's originally decadent eyes had gradually become sharper.

"Boss, my [seventh sense] has sensed it. There is indeed a powerful evil here." Ye Tong frowned, with a thin trace of sweat streaming down his forehead.

Gu Taisan did not doubt Ye Tong's words.

Ye Tong, a person with perceptual ability, looks like a bit of a stick, but in fact, he has a well-developed six senses that can collect information that ordinary people can't. Gu Taisan pondered.

"Aaron, you and other colleagues block the scene, assault team, follow me."

A policeman named Aaron blocked the scene together with other ordinary policemen, each of them felt like an enemy.

Even Ye Tong clenched his pistol tightly, and followed Gu Taisan forward with sweaty palms.

Now that the department is scarce, the whole team will follow after receiving the report and confirming it.

This is why Gu Taisan is so thirsty for talents.

"Isn't the boss filthy and terrifying?" One of the little policemen who looked quite tender swallowed and murmured.

Even though he was beaten to death, as a young man who was a small co-op not long ago, it is still a bit uncertain for him to face the once illusory 'ghost' all of a sudden.

"I said it's not scary, do you believe it?" Gu Tai had no expression on his face, showing no consolation at all: "After death, a person will become a so-called soul, and there is a certain chance that the soul will become a soul, and the soul also has a certain chance. Become a ghost. Among ghosts, bad ones are called evil. Generally speaking, ghosts are very rare things, and even fewer can be called evil. After all, even if some ghosts want to They don't have the ability to do bad things, right?"

Most ghosts are incapable of exerting physical influence on the physical plane.

The little policeman complained.

"Then why can we meet twice in a row?"

"Maybe. It's because of our good luck?" Gu Taisan said with a faint smile: "Evil is very rare. What we will face in the future will not be these wandering ghosts, but people with abilities."

"Boss, it seems that from the moment I joined the team, you always emphasized that our main enemies are people with abilities."

Ye Tong couldn't help but ask, his boss seems to be putting too much emphasis on capable people rather than ghosts and monsters.

Frankly speaking, he thinks ghosts and ghosts are more terrifying.

But my boss seems to be more afraid of people than ghosts and monsters.

Originally, he shouldn't have nagged so much when he was away on a mission, but Gu Taisan made an exception and said one more sentence in order to ease the emotions of these recruits.

"Humans know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people are poisonous. People are three times afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are seven times afraid of people."

"When people become crazy, they are much more terrifying than ghosts."

Before Gu Taisan had time to train the recruits, several people ran out from the villa.

Seeing someone running out, these recruits raised their guns nervously one by one.

"do not move!"

"Oh, don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm a good citizen!" Yang Heng was stunned when he saw a group of heavily armed special police in front of him, why so many police officers quietly surrounded his door.

"Don't move, we need to confirm your identity."

The man in a black suit behind him took out an infrared-like detection device, scanned several people, and finally confirmed.

"A living person."

At this time, the team members still did not put down their guns, but they had already lowered their vigilance.

Gu Taisan stepped forward and looked at the nervous Yang Heng and the others and said.

"Don't worry, we are the police. We received a call from Zhan Tianyang saying that there is a ghost here. We have confirmed that there is indeed a ghost here. We are here to deal with this ghost."

Speaking of which, Gu Taisan also showed his police officer ID.

"Police. Deal with ghosts."

This scene made Yang Heng feel awkward, and his mind didn't turn around for a moment. He didn't expect that group of pastors to call the police, and the police actually came. The contrast is not so strong anymore.

"Isn't the existence of our police to serve the people? Catching ghosts and exorcising demons is also within the scope of serving the people." Gu Taisan said indifferently.

"Um, why did I have to suffer so many days if I knew that calling the police would be useful?" Yang Heng smiled wryly. These days, the master and the great god also worshiped him, but he never thought of calling the police.

This is the fault of fixed thinking, and Gu Taisan does not blame the person in front of him for not calling the police in time.

After all, psychic powers have only just appeared not long ago, and before the awakening of psychic powers, it is guaranteed to be hanged up as a harassing phone call.

In the era of psychic awakening, zf must keep pace with the times and fulfill zf's duties.

"There is already a master in there to solve the problem." Yang Yue couldn't help but said.

"Master? You mean there are still people inside?" Gu Taisan narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Yue and the others: "Why didn't he come out with you, the one inside is a powerful ghost."

According to the information obtained, this is the evil that can use the ability, and it is also of the force and gravity system.

That's why the whole team was mobilized, and the reason why he, the captain, still came - was to add a safety guarantee to his team members, so as to prevent accidents when his team members couldn't stand it.

Gu Taisan thought that the 'master' invited by Yang Heng was similar to those pastors.
"The master you invited really wants money and life. He still doesn't run away. This is not a fake ghost, but a real evil." Gu Taisan pondered: "Prepare for a surprise attack."

Without saying a word, Gu Taisan commanded his team to rush in. All the team members surrounded the villa and quietly moved towards the house.

Just as the team members approached, everyone present felt a slight sense of disobedience, and raised their heads to look at the sky in unison.

The night, the sky, the dark clouds began to cover the sky.

"It's raining, put away your shirts" yelled the aunt in the distance, and the commando members could hear the quiet surroundings of the villa where needles could be heard.


Rain, did not fall.

What fell was a thick thunderbolt. Just like that, it broke through the roof of the villa and smashed into the interior of the villa.

The commando teams were all stunned, and even Gu Taisan was shocked by this sudden scene, and forgot to respond for a moment.

Thunder fell.

It fell into the villa, fell into someone's hands.

on someone's knife.

A faint voice came.

"This knife, the name is not willing."

"It is the knife that cuts you."

Gu Taisan felt that he might never forget this person and this knife for the rest of his life.

Thunder poured it.

Cut obliquely with a knife.

Such as a misty gentleman.

And invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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