Martial Arts Collection Pavilion

Chapter 121 Lin Daoru returns to the Heavenly Palace

Chapter 121 Lin Daoru returns to the Heavenly Palace

Hearing the man's shout, Wukong stopped instantly. He glanced at Lin Daoru with some joy, seeing his clear eyes and restrained divine light, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly gave up the Buddha, went up to pay homage, and called him Master , there were faint tears welling up in the eye sockets.

Now the six-eared macaque is locked in the sky prison for cultivation, and wants to truly refine the origin of chaos in the body, so as to control evil thoughts and killing intentions.He felt ashamed of Lin Daoru in his heart, and felt ashamed to face his master and senior brothers, so he didn't see anyone.

Wukong has the same root as him, and he has the deepest understanding of the six-eared macaque. Sometimes he can hardly imagine that the six-eared macaque who loves his master so much would beat Lin Daoru to pieces and damage his soul.

He could understand the guilt of the six-eared macaque, so after several visits to no avail, he stopped going to the sky prison and guarded Lin Daoru's reincarnation with peace of mind.

Now that the reincarnation of Master Shizun is complete in the tenth life, he only needs to refine the body of the deity to restore his previous strength, and maybe he can go a step further. He was so excited that he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lin Daoru was stunned. Seeing his tears streaming down, he hastily touched his head with his young body, and there was a trace of love in his eyes. He glanced at the Buddha, and saw the memory and love in his eyes. Envy, although the crack in the west sky only appeared in a short period of one year in the heaven, but it has been a hundred years in the human world. The west sky is located on Xiniu Hezhou, so it naturally belongs to the human world.

Thinking of the century-old bloody battle of Buddhism, guarding the people of Liming in the west, but there is no hatred in their hearts. Even if they have calculated themselves, for me, it can be regarded as an end to the cause and effect with the west. After Wukong became a Buddha, the Buddha's position was perfect, and his luck was improved to a higher level, but now because of himself, he defeated the Buddha and could not return to his position. In the time of the catastrophe, the West fell and burned the lamp instead.

When he looked at the Buddha without hatred, he found a difference again. A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he bowed to the Buddha, and then said: "The meritorious Buddha is safe and sound?"

When the Buddha saw Lin Daoru talking, he knew that he had no more chances. He said to Lin Daoru, "Congratulations on the return of the Celestial Master."

There was no other expression on Lin Daoru's face, he smiled as always, and said: "It's been hundreds of years since we parted ways with Master Sanzang, alas, this matter is over, and the cause and effect between me and Buddhism is over. How about it?"

Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha was stunned for a moment, then pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed, and said: "In this case, let's let it go."

Lin Daoru nodded slightly, and then said to Wukong, "Let's go."

Wukong was taken aback for a moment, then took Lin Daoru's hand, glanced at Zhantan Gongde Buddha, and flew away without saying a word.

Lin Daoru, who hadn't flown for a long time, laughed out loud, and the depression accumulated in his heart for hundreds of years disappeared, and he got rid of reincarnation and returned to his previous life. During the reincarnation, he also gradually understood the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, The fear in the Scripture Pavilion is not as fearful as before.

The seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion has been opened, and it is a place to gather merit.

Fighting against the heaven and the earth with only one hand, a warrior also needs merit and virtue to be close to him. If he does not cultivate, then when he is fighting with a person with great merit and virtue, there is a great possibility that he will disturb his mind for the way of heaven and make a momentary mistake.

You know, often two people of equal strength, a momentary mistake is enough to change a person's life and death.

Lin Daoru reincarnated ten times, and he was a kind person in every life. In addition, he believed in the golden body and continuously benefited the people of the three realms, which also brought him a lot of merit.

The more merits Lin Daoru has in his body, the more appropriate he is to the way of heaven. His reincarnation body of the tenth life is the holy body conceived by the merits, luck and beliefs in the Sutra Pavilion. After rebuilding, It will definitely be a thousand miles a day.

From the beginning to the end, the Martial Dao Cangjing Pavilion is operating according to his will, and there has never been a situation that endangers him, even if his fate is manipulated by others, then he will work harder until there is To be able to stand in front of that person one day and tell him that Lin Daoru is qualified even if he is manipulative and exploited (his life is no longer what the heavens of this world can calculate, so he has gradually realized , Behind the Martial Arts Pavilion, stands an existence that has transcended the Three Realms.)
After the reconstruction, Lin Daoru will transcend the Three Realms, reach the other shore, and meet the person who manipulates his own destiny.

He never thought of resisting, nor did he think of submitting. In the dark, he only felt that that person was inextricably linked with him. Although it made him worry, it would not harm him.

"Master, we're here." Just as Lin Daoru was lost in thought, Wukong's voice came from his ear.

Lin Daoru suddenly woke up from the state of being absent-minded. At this time, outside the Nantian Gate, there was a large crowd of people gathered. Among them, there were millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, and the people standing in the front were all It was only a six-eared macaque with its hands and feet tied up like a rice dumpling with a fairy rope.

His eyes were red, but he forced himself to smile. While enduring the huge torture and controlling his killing intent, he tried his best to smile, to welcome the return of his master.

When Lin Daoru looked at him for the first time, the guilt in his heart had been eliminated, and Lin Daoru's loving gaze had not diminished in the slightest. From his gaze, the six-eared macaque saw love and encouragement, and he immediately Gritting his teeth, he shook his body violently, and fell to his knees on the ground. He kowtowed respectfully to Lin Daoru, and then signaled to the heavenly soldiers and generals to drag him back into the prison.

The six-eared macaque is probably the most special existence in the sky prison. If you think about it, you can apply for it, which really makes other monsters envious.

Lin Daoru did not let him go directly, but stepped forward a few steps, summoning the heavenly soldiers and generals to keep him behind, he gently touched the six-eared macaque's head, and suddenly appeared in front of him A golden monkey with six ears, as soon as the monkey met the six-eared macaque, it seemed to meet a close relative, disappeared in Lin Daoru's hands, and appeared in the heart of the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque was stunned for a moment, and its mind settled down. It suddenly found that the original heart of chaos in its body was suppressed by the little golden monkey. The golden monkey was the golden body of the six-eared macaque. The sixth layer was condensed, and it was born adhering to the original force of prayers for compassion from all living beings in the three realms. The golden body condensed with faith instantly restrained the origin of chaos in the six-eared macaque, which made him very excited and happy in place Bouncing around.

He was already tied up like a rice dumpling, but he jumped up and down like a bug, making people laugh.

The six-eared macaque didn't take it seriously at all. When he felt that the source of chaos in his body could no longer affect his heart, he hurriedly yelled to ask the nearby heavenly soldiers and generals to untie his immortal rope.

The heavenly soldiers and generals around you looked at me and I looked at you, all wondering whether they should agree. The general who controlled the immortal rope looked at Lin Daoru inquiringly, but he saw Lin Daoru slightly Nodding his head, Dang Lian was overjoyed and hurriedly called out the Jue, and the bundle of immortal ropes slipped from Liu Er's body.

(End of this chapter)

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