Martial Arts Collection Pavilion

Chapter 18 Murong Xue's Sword

Chapter 18 Murong Xue's Sword

Xiao Meier's expression made Murong Xue feel even more disgusted, a cold light flashed in her eyes, her true energy circulated, and when the mountain wind blew, the ribbons of her dress fluttered with the wind, and a cool and peaceful breath radiated out, and many The disciples who looked at Xiao Meier in a daze came to their senses one after another.

Unconsciously, the elders around these disciples coughed and looked at Xiao Letian, the current head of the Bliss Sect.

Xiao Letian smiled awkwardly, and said: "Sister She is stubborn, I hope all the masters don't mind."

Only then did everyone nod their heads, and looking down the stage, the two of them had already moved their hands.

Although this Xiao Mei'er practiced charming skills, she also has a good cultivation base, the strength of the peak of the fourth rank, so that Murong Xue also felt the slightest pressure.

The coldness of the body and the peaceful mood made her neither sad nor happy, and the sword technique in her hand forced towards Xiao Meier with beams of sword light.

Xiao Meier was not to be outdone, after dodging a series of sword techniques, she kicked her from behind, lowered her head, and flew towards Murong Xue with a streamer straighter than straight.

There is a small hydrangea tied in front of the streamer, just now Xiao Meier kicked here, Murong Xue still looked as usual, unable to see what was going on in his heart, he waved his bare hands lightly, dancing the sword in his hand, and put the hydrangea on the ball. The strength was relieved, and then he swung his sword to block the hydrangea that attacked again.

Xiao Meier had already grasped the two ribbons in her hands at some point, and her hands were running, the ribbons were flying up and down, and the two hydrangea balls were swinging left and right, intending to smash Murong Xue.

The two fought for a long time, Xiao Meier couldn't attack Murong Xue for a long time, she was annoyed in her heart, this Murong Xue was four or five years younger than her family, and her sister who was the head of the Bliss Sect couldn't attack for a long time, how could it spread the word? Don't make people laugh?

The more anxious she became, the more charming her face became, and finally her lips were lightly raised, and bursts of sad and happy singing came out.But it is a disturbing sonic martial art.

Lin Daoru was shocked inwardly, and hurriedly restrained his mind. When he went to look at Murong Xue anxiously, he saw that her brows and eyes were wrinkled, and the sword in her hand became colder and colder.

He cultivated his mind from the top of the mountain, and I thought about the past in the tomb.

There is no sorrow without complaint, no love without heart.

Acacia loves to think hard about the magic method, and realizes the Jade Girl Sutra in ten years.

From then on, I will not be confused by love, and I will not be emotional from thinking.

Silently reading the foreword of that woman, her eyes became clearer and clearer, her whole body was free of distracting thoughts, the power of the swordsmanship in her hand became stronger, and her comprehension at the fourth level gradually entered the middle stage.

Xiao Meier sang, and the disciples around said again, Xiao Letian's face became more embarrassed, but he glanced at his sister worriedly, even Tian Meiyin used it, but the woman was still unaffected. Influence, it seems that this time, I'm afraid it won't be enough.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly looked towards the field in disbelief. He didn't know when the sword in Murong Xue's hand was shrouded in a faint blue light, and the streamer that had been stalemate with Murong Xue for a long time was actually caught She counted her swords and split into catkins flying all over the sky.

A sword light flashed, and Murong Xue's sword was firmly placed on Xiao Meier's neck.

Slowly put the long sword back into its sheath, and said softly that she was offended, Murong Xue turned around and left, returned to her seat, then crossed her knees and closed her eyes, and began to stabilize the cultivation she had just broken through.

Xiao Meier glanced at that figure in disbelief, then at the worried elder brother, couldn't help sighing, and also returned to her seat.

The Haoran Gang has won two games in a row, but the leader of the gang still hasn't left the game. Everyone has no idea whether to fight or not in the last game. In the end, Lin Daoru's second disciple, Li Qingshan, and his third disciple, Wang Goudan, and his fourth disciple, Lin Xiaoya He entered the mountain gate smoothly.

Regarding this Wang Goudan, Lin Xiaoya's name, Lin Daoru, laughed in his heart for a while, and finally got into a prank, and changed the Wang Goudan's name to Wang Chongyang, and Lin Xiaoya became Lin Chaoying.

But these two naughty little guys probably won't be able to cultivate their innate skills and passions.

Lin Daoru sent all the guests away, and taught his second and third disciples the Marrow Washing Sutra that night, and asked them to learn together with his fourth disciple Lin Daoxuan. As for the fourth disciple Lin Chaoying, this body training method was not It was not suitable for her, so Lin Daoru handed it over to Murong Xue, who asked Murong Xue to teach him the secret.

But he didn't want Lin Daoxuan to complain to him the next day, saying that his third disciple bullied him!
It is said that Li Qingshan is only ten years old, and he is a martial idiot, but his third disciple Wang Chongyang is only seven years old. , was about to meditate and practice internal strength for a while.

I didn't expect him to practice alone, and he didn't have the slightest sense of defense. Wang Chongyang was not afraid at all in front of this uncle who was only one year older than himself. He tentatively swept his hands in front of Lin Daoxuan's eyes. After sweeping it, I started to have bad thoughts.

So a basin of cold water was poured down, pouring Lin Daoxuan almost to the point where he lost his true energy and lost his temper.

When Lin Daoxuan went to chase after Wang Chongyang, the little guy had already run away.

Lin Daoru was shocked when he heard this, why did the three junior sisters find a demon king on the mountain?I secretly regret not carefully checking the temperament of these children.

So they sent someone to call Wang Chongyang, and saw that he had a innocent and playful smile on his face, but the anger in his heart could not be expressed.

But if he did something wrong, he had to be punished, so he called his four disciples, told them to squat, and lit a stick of incense behind their buttocks that would take an hour to burn out .One person was given a bowl of water on the head and two knees.

"From now on, you wait for the senior brothers. If one person makes a mistake, all of them will be punished. Dugu Ming, you are the senior brother of everyone. From now on, I will leave it to you to supervise and urge the younger brothers and sisters to practice martial arts."

After everyone suffered, Lin Daoru also decided not to teach one-on-one. Instead, he gathered all the disciples together. These disciples eat and live together, and the relationship in the future is bound to be better.

As for the fourth disciple Lin Chaoying, he was arranged by Lin Daoru to live next door, so naturally he couldn't live in the same room.If they grow up a bit in the future, what if they have to live together.Well, this habit is not good, and it has to be corrected from an early age.

(End of this chapter)

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