Martial Arts Collection Pavilion

Chapter 74 The Yellow Lion of Genius

Chapter 74 The Yellow Lion of Genius

Zhang Aniu had already arrived at the top of the city. He looked nervously at the people who stood at the front of each queue of thousands of people. Those all had ninth-rank cultivation, while he was only eighth-rank. Living in one of them, but he knew very well that his resistance would not last long.

At this time, there is only one Ninth Rank in Duanchangguan. His name is Tu Hu. He has forgotten his name. Ever since his family was killed by Hu people, he hid in a small tree hole on the way to escape. After discovering a murderous tactic.

He then changed his name, and stayed in Broken Heart Gate forever. It lasted for more than ten or twenty years. He went from an ordinary young man to a ninth-rank strength all the way.

At this time, there were so many tribal leaders or gods of war of the ninth rank of the ethnic group outside the Great Wall, but he didn't panic at all. He jumped off the wall very calmly. For martial arts people, these walls are too fragile.

He was holding a blood-stained knife in his hand, but there were two silvery white lights on the edge, which were left when he sharpened the knife in his spare time.

Every battle will stain his sword with blood, and after every battle, he will reopen the sword.

Seeing his appearance, the prairie people showed a trace of restlessness, and a young Ninth-Rank God of War rushed up regardless of the obstruction of the old man beside him.

His name is Huang Shi, and he grew up in the grasslands. He is a genius who practiced martial arts. He beat all his peers since he was a child, and gradually developed a feeling of invincibility, which made his strength rise even faster.

He challenged the leader of the tribe, and finally defeated him, but he did not succeed the leader, but left the tribe to travel around.

At the age of 20, he broke through to the bottleneck of the early stage of Ninth Rank. Fighting against others on the grassland is just a kind of exchange, so he couldn't break through the bottleneck.

So he came to Youzhou, and seeing a Ninth-Rank existence now, how could he hold back his boiling desire to fight.

Holding a totem pole in his hand, he came to the center, where the large area belonged to the fighting place of the ninth rank.

Prairie people respect warriors the most, so they maintain a certain amount of respect for powerful people, whether they are enemies or friends.

When the yellow lion and Tuhu fought, the tribal warriors on the grassland clashed their swords and shields one after another, and the totem slammed into the ground, making loud noises.

The yellow lion looked very excited. The strength of his opponent did not frighten him. As the most talented person on the grassland for thousands of years, he was expected to become the number one warrior on the grassland at the age of 30. His eyes did not look at anyone who was stronger than him. Tu Hu's fear.

The big sword and the totem pole collided frequently. Tu Hu's cultivation level was much higher than that of the yellow lion, and the yellow lion was born with supernatural power, and the totem pole in his hand was powerful and heavy, but the two were at a stalemate with each other.

After all, without the guidance of a famous teacher, Tu Hukong has all the strength but can only be as reckless as a foreign race outside the Great Wall.

This made him invincible in the battle with alien races, but it also made him almost unable to move an inch after he was promoted to the ninth rank.

Every alien invasion would take away the life of a level [-] master who was closed. Last time, his friend was killed by the Eagle God himself after three bloody battles.

They were all proud of being able to hold out until the Eagle God personally fought. Only the most powerful fighters in Youzhou were worthy of fighting the Eagle God.

Now, he was the only one left in Broken Heart Closed. He never expected to meet such a powerful young man in the first match.

This made him more murderous, and he has the ability to fight against himself at a young age. If he grows up, it will be another catastrophe no less than 1000 years ago for Youzhou.

His knife became even crazier, and the tiger's mouth of the yellow lion began to crack, and gradually changed from confrontation to resistance, but the fighting spirit in his body did not decrease at all, but became more and more intense.

After a long time, his eyes lit up. Regardless of his blood-stained hands, he held the totem pole high, and a powerful aura erupted from his whole body, and finally he broke through.

"Kill" As a fighting nation, he has a very powerful control over the true energy in his body. Although he just broke through, the crazily influx of heaven and earth energy into his body caused some troubles in the control of his true energy, but he didn't do it at all. Thinking about it, he still frantically transformed the energy pouring into his body into true qi, and then circulated it in his hands along the meridians, and then swung the totem pole suddenly.

'Bang', Tu Hu's body was blown out like a kite with a broken string.

The leaders of the tribes on the grassland are all warlike beings. They are proud of dying in battle and ashamed of dying of illness. Therefore, they have set a rule on the battlefield in Youzhou. If anyone can defeat the Eagle God, then they will give up the bandits. , and swear by the eagle on the grassland that he will not invade the border during the lifetime of the eagle god.

This rule lasted for more than 3000 years, but there was only one record of the eagle god being defeated on the way. Then, a hundred years later, after the new eagle god came to the throne, he completely conquered this land through his own powerful strength, and ruled nearly three years.

But the people of Youzhou yearn for peace more than they fear blood, so they fight for this opportunity every year.

It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer people with ninth-level strength, but the strength of each generation of Yingshen is getting stronger and stronger.

Tu Hu was hit by the yellow lion and a totem pole and flew upside down. The big knife in his hand fell to the ground, and he looked at his blood-stained hands with some bitterness. In the end, he still failed.

He believed that after a bloody battle, he would not lose by virtue of the magic of the murderous tactic, but unfortunately, he never had another chance.

The opponent sent out a powerful opponent very smartly, which made him unable to absorb enough murderous aura through killing. The natural kindness and simplicity of the people in Youzhou made him hate the prairie people, but he still couldn't condense them in his body. With enough killing intent, every bloody battle will be a leap in his strength, and after the bloody battle, he will stop moving forward.

Now, he has failed and will eventually pass away. The three friends used their lives to plan, but failed at the last step.

Huang Shi, a young genius who arrived unexpectedly, ended their several years of planning and sent him to death with three ninth-rank players, paving the way for him to paralyze his opponents became a fantasy.

Just when he was desperate, a purple sword light shot out, like a meteor piercing the starry sky, and the sword light finally landed in front of him.

It was a handsome man in white clothes like snow, holding a sword in his hand, exuding endless sharpness

(End of this chapter)

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