Nono from another world

Chapter 1 Awakening

Chapter 1 Awakening
Lin Daowen felt as if thunder was thundering in his head.


A flash of lightning flashed before his eyes, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

His vision was blurred, as if covered with a layer of white veil. He vaguely saw the surrounding situation. Some places in the dark environment were emitting a faint red light. Look, he looks like he's in a cave.

where is thisLin Daowen remembered that he suddenly felt a burst of dizziness inexplicably in the process of climbing the mountain for surveying. A black vortex seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and he was unconscious the next moment.

Did he fall into such a cave?Lin Daowen quickly checked his physical condition. His body seemed to be intact, and his limbs could move, but he was a little weak and dizzy.Rolling all the way down, it shouldn't be so lucky, right?If you're really lucky, you won't encounter such a thing.

"Is anyone there?" Lin Daowen struggled to sit up, but his whole body was still limp and he couldn't use any strength. He tried to call for help, but all he heard was his echo and the red dots that were still flashing.

He was shocked to find that his voice was a bit weird...even at first he almost thought it was another person shouting in the cave.His voice at this time sounded a little hoarse, but it was vaguely like a girl's voice.

He frowned and coughed twice again, feeling his throat was a bit dry, and the sound he made still made him startle.

"What's the matter, this is..." Lin Daowen was a little flustered, but what made him even more flustered was the current situation.The environment he was in quickly drew Lin Daowen's attention away.

The cave is very empty, there is a lot of space above the head, and those red lights are everywhere.During Lin Daowen's struggle, he felt something sharp pressed against his palm, and he felt a warm feeling. He looked down and saw a cluster of dark red crystal minerals, which were translucent and covered with turbid red lines. Well, the warm feeling comes from this crystal, and those red lights that flicker in the cave are just such clumps of dark red crystals.

The warm feeling entered Lin Daowen's body along the palm of his hand, making him feel very comfortable.

Lin Daowen has never seen such a crystal. As a student of the University of Geosciences, and he has good grades, Lin Daowen's familiarity with minerals is far from expert level, but crystals, which are common Minerals can tell their composition, various colors, and even grade division standards by opening their mouths.

And this kind of dark red crystal that generates heat... He searched through his memory, but couldn't find any relevant knowledge.

Could it be an undiscovered new mineral?

But at this time, Lin Daowen saw two railroad tracks on the ground next to him through this faint red light.This is the narrow gauge railway used in mines.Finding this here means that this is not a cave, but a mine.

Are these crystals already being mined?It's strange, he hasn't heard of it at all. It stands to reason that the discovery of this new mineral should cause a sensation in the world...

Lin Daowen's excitement just now because of the accidental discovery of a new mineral suddenly faded away.However, this is a mine, which means that he can be rescued soon, right?

But when he took a closer look, Lin Daowen's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.The narrow-gauge railway is full of rust, and the gaps are covered with black weeds. At first glance, it has not been used for a long time.

This is an abandoned mine.But why?There are so many dark red crystals, how could they be abandoned?It is simply inconceivable that such a precious new mineral was thrown here.

The heat emitted by the crystal slowly flowed through Lin Daowen's whole body along the palm of his hand, and he felt as if he had regained a little strength.After standing up slowly.Lin Daowen glanced at the clump of crystals, and finally couldn't help but picked up a stone from the ground, and struck at the root of a crystal.

Such new minerals must of course be taken out.In this way, even if he is not the first discoverer, his graduation thesis has been completed, and the experience of falling into the mine shaft this time is worth it.

This dark red crystal is not considered hard. After Lin Daowen knocked it a dozen times, he heard a "click", and he quickly caught the fallen crystal in his hand.

The dark red crystal continued to emit warm heat, and at the same time emitted a faint red light, like a torch.Lin Daowen simply held it in his hand for lighting, then walked slowly along the narrow-gauge railway, looking for the exit.

In the process of moving forward, Lin Daowen has been observing this mine with novelty.After leaving the huge cave he was in just now, he unexpectedly entered another cave, which stretched continuously.The entire mine seems to be composed of countless huge cave connections.

Lin Daowen was amazed, but at the same time had a little doubt.Their school has organized exploration of this mountain many times, and it has long been proved that the geological structure is relatively special, which is convenient for students to study on the spot. They have no idea that there is such a honeycomb-shaped mountain structure inside.

And looking at the height and size of these caves, unless the entire mountain is hollowed out, there is no such scale.But in that case, that mountain might have collapsed long ago.

The more Lin Daowen walked, the more weird he felt.He even had a weird thought, as if he was no longer in that mountain, but came to another place.

"anyone there?"


Lin Daowen walked along the narrow-gauge railway step by step, the light emitted by the dark red crystal was very weak, but the warm feeling made Lin Daowen's physical strength gradually recover.Probably because of weakness, Lin Daowen felt that his body seemed to be much lighter than usual, and his steps were smaller than usual, as if he had become weaker.

It seems that no search and rescue personnel have searched here yet, and his call has never received any response.But in such a strange space, even just his own voice can make Lin Daowen feel at ease.Moreover, if there are search and rescue personnel nearby, there is a greater probability of being discovered earlier.

"Hey! Someone doesn't have it!"

His weird voice still echoed in the cave, but this time, after his voice disappeared, Lin Daowen suddenly heard a very slight soft sound coming from ahead, creaking, as if someone was walking.

Lin Daowen's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

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(End of this chapter)

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