Nono from another world

Chapter 10 Your Office Location Is Quite Special

Chapter 10 Your Office Location Is Quite Special
"It's here." Miyou greeted Nuonuo and got out of the car here.

Looking up at the building, Nuonuo saw three big characters "Parking Station".

This building is indeed like a station, and there is a huge wall clock hanging on the top, which is a bit retro.

Pedestrians are constantly coming in and out of the gate, and many people are carrying large and small bags of luggage. It looks quite prosperous, and the throughput of passengers is not small.

But for a person who has seen the Spring Festival travel season, this person is really nothing.

After entering the station, Nuonuo found that Miyou didn't go to pick up the tickets or buy tickets. In fact, it was an empty hall as far as the eye could see. There were only rows of seats for people to rest, and there was no place like a ticket window.

When Miyou led her out of a passage, Nuonuo was dumbfounded.

The scene before her eyes was completely different from what she had imagined, and it could be said to be incomparably shocking!
Dozens of huge ships floating in the sky look simple and huge, even masts are all available, and different flags are floating on the top.But these ships are all floating in the air.

At a glance, Nuonuo even felt as if he was standing on the bottom of the sea, and then looked up to see many such huge ships passing above his head.

On the ship, there are passages hanging down. There are people in work clothes busy up and down with repair boxes on their backs, and many people are loading luggage on board or off the ship.

"This is a flying ship from another world." Miyou observed Nuonuo's expression. This little girl likes to see what she knows, but it shocked Nuonuo. This probably gave her a little sense of superiority. He beat himself by a notch.

Nuonuo is an adult, and she has already figured out Miyou's little thoughts, but she is also happy in front of Nuonuo, because in this way, Miyou will enthusiastically introduce everything to her without her asking questions. .

Children really understand...

"Don't look at them as if they are made of wood, but they are actually covered with a special layer of metal, which is very strong. This also uses crystals as energy. A ship can consume one crystal in a day. It is simply The gold-swallowing machine. But it is the most important property of the empire."

Seeing Nuonuo looking at her, Miyou added embarrassingly, "Sister Liuli told me this."

It's Liuli again... I used food to lure Miyou to call her sister step by step. I don't know what method that cold Liuli used?
And listening to Miyou's tone, when talking about Liuli, her eyes are full of admiration...

"A single crystal consumes a lot." Nuonuo thought to himself.

A single crystal is enough for an ordinary family to consume for a month, but this behemoth can be consumed in a day.

"These ships can even pass through the passage to another world when the passage to the foreign world is opened. Of course, not every ship can do it." Miyou looked at the sky for a while, Suddenly pointing to a position on the right side, "Ah, unexpectedly, the Han Ye is here today. Sister Nuonuo, look, something like the Han Ye can travel through different worlds very safely. The original responsibility of the Han Ye is It is also used to shuttle between this world and other worlds, for example, it was used when going to our country of extreme night."

"I miss you so much..." Mi You stared at her eyes.

Nuonuo also looked over with bright eyes, the Han Ye really had a different style of painting from the other flying ships around.The volume is larger and the decoration is more luxurious. There are wide platforms like wings on both sides. The dark muzzles are distributed on the platform and are clearly visible.

Its appearance also seems to be plated with a layer of silver, which is radiant in the sun.

Nuonuo looked at it, his heart was burning hot, he could travel to other worlds... If he drove this thing back to the earth one day, would he be regarded as an alien invasion?
Either way, here's a hope of going back...

"This is the flying ship of the Han Ye branch." Mi You said here, envious and a little disappointed.

Nuonuo knew that she remembered what the couple on the tram had said again, this Hanye branch really looks awesome...

"Where's the flying ship of the Polar Branch?" Nuonuo quickly changed the subject and asked.

"Oh, there." Miyou quickly raised her finger.

Even though he was mentally prepared, when he saw the flying ship of the Polar Branch, Nuonuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In comparison, it really is very shabby...

Without comparison, there is no harm.

The airship of the polar branch is like a ship that is about to be decommissioned. Even the appearance looks a bit dull, and wear and tear can be seen everywhere.

"The environment where the polar branch is going is often very harsh, so the outside doesn't look very good. But the inside is still okay~" Mi You explained with a smile.

Nuonuo gave her a distressed look, um, say whatever you want, as long as you are happy.

"Let's go there. Today is a temporary visit. The airship can't stay at the dock for long." Mi You coughed dryly, covering up the inexplicably heavy atmosphere just now, and said.

Nuonuo is neither an investigator, nor a member of the polar branch, but Yue and Miyou were able to bring her to the boat, and Nuonuo was still a little moved.They are all kind and good girls, knowing that she is alone and helpless...

Damn, so why am I so miserable after time travel?
I have decided, from the moment I board the boat, I will never be a hard worker again!
"Hey, this is the alien who was picked up by you?" As soon as he got on the deck, a short-haired woman appeared in sight. She was sitting on the railing in a casual posture that made others feel terrified for her. , put a pair of long legs outside and dangled, feeling that if one is not careful, he might fall off this floating flying ship.

She was holding a red wine glass in one hand, which was half full of bloody wine, her face was also slightly flushed, and she looked radiant.

And the words she shouted made Nuo Nuo, who had just climbed onto the deck and was making up her mind, almost spit out.

The person involved is here, and this short-haired woman is too rude to speak...

However, her unruly image and gorgeous appearance formed a contrasting cuteness, especially those big white legs in short skirts and long military boots, which were really eye-catching.

Nuonuo couldn't take his eyes off at once.

The short-haired woman just smiled when she saw Nuonuo staring at her without blinking.

Sure enough, just like what Yue said, this girl from another world was a little dumbfounded.

But after seeing a real person, I feel that this kind of dazed look with wide-open eyes is also quite cute...

"Yes." Miyou flew over happily after seeing the short-haired woman, and introduced, "This is Sister Nuonuo."

"Hello, I like a young girl like you who has not experienced much in the world the most, and is as pure as a little flower." The short-haired woman rolled over from the railing with a smile, and her wobbly body made people wonder She sweated deeply.

The short-haired woman walked over with a pair of long legs, then stretched out her hands, and supported Nuonuo's shoulders on both sides. This action made her full breasts close to Nuonuo's, and she was still shaking from side to side. A deep white groove on the bottom made Nuonuo feel as if his eyes were going to be dazzled.

Why do the girls in this branch have this habit of talking with their chests when they disagree...

"Although Tingyue said that you look weak, when she asked Liuli, she only used the phrase 'I fainted for some reason' to describe you, but well, since you have been picked up by us, then I won't drive you off the ship easily. If you can't be an investigator, you can do logistics work." The short-haired woman said.

Nuonuo suddenly woke up from the deep ditch in front of her eyes.

logistics?Although I am happy to do things like warming the bed, if I only warm the bed, what is the difference from a hot water bottle that can be replaced at any time?
"My goal is to be an investigator." Nuonuo said seriously.

"Really?" The short-haired woman laughed.

Seeing that she didn't seem to believe it, Nuonuo repeated again: "So even if you are doing logistics work at the beginning, don't treat me as a real logistics worker, because I will become an investigator sooner or later."

Only then did the short-haired woman face up to what Nuonuo said. The smile on her face disappeared a little, and her attitude became more serious: "Are you sure? It's not easy to become an investigator."

"Of course." Nuonuo said, took out the crystal, held it in his hand, and punched the air with the other hand.

Although it was short, there was indeed a "bang".

Nuonuo lowered her fist and looked at the short-haired woman.

The short-haired woman hadn't spoken yet, but at this moment, a soft voice suddenly came from behind them.

"It's just this level, but you can't be an investigator."

Nuonuo frowned suddenly, who is disrupting the situation? This is it!
(End of this chapter)

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