Nono from another world

Chapter 12 Speed ​​of Ascension

Chapter 12 Speed ​​of Ascension
I don't know how long it will take for the airship to reach its destination. Gradually, there are fewer and fewer traces of civilization under the airship. As far as the eye can see, there are forests that have stood quietly for tens of thousands of years.

The towering giant trees are like umbrella covers, even if you look down from the sky, you can feel the shock at a glance.

If a person stood under such a giant tree, he would definitely be insignificant.

In the distance, there are patches of snow-capped peaks, one can't help but imagine that it is a place where no one has ever set foot.

At the beginning, Nuonuo was very interested in this kind of natural scenery that seemed to exist in the fantasy stories of the earth, but after seeing too much, the novelty faded a lot, and gradually, a sense of drowsiness also hit her. up.


"Nim, what's the matter? Is that new Nono still honest?" In the control room, Reina was sitting lazily on the sofa with her long legs casually resting on the table, her hands still Holding a glass of red wine, shaking it.

"I've never been out." A voice came in response.Immediately afterwards, before Reina realized it, the wine glass that was shaking slightly in her hand suddenly disappeared.

Reina stared at her empty hand that was still holding the wine glass, and blinked.Then, the black shadow flickered again, and in the next second, Reina sat on the sofa in a very ladylike and elegant posture.

The voice then sounded: "Chief Lena, please pay attention to maintaining your image, and don't embarrass yourself as the branch chief."

Leina's eyelids twitched for a while: "It's too much to say that it's embarrassing... But then, that Nuonuo can still stay? At least it's more peaceful."

"Didn't you say that the final decision can only be made after further inspections? Although the polar branch is short of people, and none of the talented graduates are willing to come, but the branch chief, you shouldn't give up on yourself..." The voice said again.

Leina's eyelids twitched even more suddenly, and black lines appeared on her head: "Do you have to tell me all of this... I didn't say I wouldn't investigate her, but I just got in touch with her today. It feels like a very interesting girl. By the way, won't she still go to you? You can also try to contact her."

"Since the branch chief said so..." Nim said.

"I'm just suggesting! Proposing! In addition, if you get in touch with her, don't say anything unnecessary..." Reina quickly reminded.


After hearing that Nim agreed, Reina let out a long sigh of relief.

"By the way, what is the current speed of the Polar? When will it reach the target location?" Lena asked suddenly.

"According to the current speed, we can probably reach the target location tomorrow night." Nim replied.

"Tomorrow night?" Reina seemed to be thinking of Rukia, and frowned slightly. "It will be troublesome if she is crying on my boat. Let's increase the speed to the fastest. Yue and Liuli may also need support."

"Well, in this case, our consumption will change from one crystal a day to three crystals." Nim said seriously, "But our supplies are very small, even if we return to Oslim City for an emergency applications, and only a small fraction of them. So, IMHO, we are poor..."

"Ah, is that so..." Reina's expression became awkward.Although she is the head of the branch of the Polar, she has always been very indifferent to economic matters, and these matters are handled by the housekeeper Nim.

If Nim said he was poor, he must be really poor...

It was unbelievable that they were so poor.

"Excuse me, branch chief, do you still need to speed up?" Nim continued to ask.

A look of pain flashed across Lena's face, then she gritted her teeth and nodded: "Go ahead."

After all, it is to save lives!Big deal, then tighten your belt.

"I have to find a way to save money in the future." Reina said depressingly.

At this time, she habitually shook her hand again, then reacted abruptly and shouted: "Nim, my wine!"

"Economy, start with you." Nim's voice, which had never been ups and downs, sounded.


On the deck, Rukia's thin body was still hugging her knees and sitting under the mast.Overhead, the specially made sails were whistling, and the sound of the wind was like someone crying.

Even with Rukia's physique, after staying at high altitude for a long time, she felt a little numb from the cold.She looked at the sea of ​​clouds that had become pitch black in front of her, and said to herself in her heart: "Sister, you must be fine."

In order to be able to board this ship, she, an ordinary student of the Psychic Academy, thought of many ways, and finally found the opportunity to meet the branch chief of this ship, that said to be very arrogant woman, Lena.

When we first met, she really felt that Lena was very arrogant. The black and gilded Alien Investigation Bureau uniform was casually draped over her shoulders, and her long legs in boots walked in a hurry. The eyes, the most amazing thing is that there is wine in his hand at any time...

To be honest, Rukia was a little nervous to ask such a polar branch to rescue her sister and the others.Moreover, she has been told more than once that the polar branch will be sent, which means that the Foreign World Investigation Bureau has given up on her sister and others, and let her accept the reality.

Accept the truth?How could this kind of cruel and unknown reality be so easy for people to accept?
As for the polar branch, although no one said anything clearly, it can be seen from their sympathetic eyes that the reputation of the polar branch is really not very good.Rukia also knew in private that the polar branch is in the Foreign World Investigation Bureau, known as the branch at the end of the crane, and among the hundreds of branches, it is the undisputed worst branch...

"No matter what, I'm still very grateful to everyone who came to rescue my sister..." Rukia touched the deck below her and thought to herself.Although she did feel a little uneasy after knowing so much negative news about the Polar Branch, she didn't intend to anger the Polar Branch because of it.

For those who can save her sister, Rukia is still very grateful.


At this moment, Rukia couldn't help but sneezed.Somewhat surprised, she grabbed the mast and stood up, her short hair was blown into a mess by the strong wind.

"Speed ​​up..." Rukia looked forward, with a hint of surprise on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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