Nono from another world

Chapter 151 Technology Changes Everything

Chapter 151 Technology Changes Everything

"The three of them?" Li Wei raised his eyebrows and said with some disdain, "It's okay to let them fight, but let's forget about dealing with this kind of beast. These beasts are not only strong, but also have extremely strong vitality. It will take a lot of effort It takes hard work to kill one, not to mention that there are so many man-eating rhinos this time."

Nuonuo frowned, and said with some displeasure: "Whether we go or not has nothing to do with you, you are too lenient."

"I'm doing it for your own good." Li Wei didn't care about it, and said with a playful smile, "You haven't fought these beasts before, so you don't know how scary they are. It's fine if you get hurt , it will not work if it delays our retreat."

"Okay, don't say a few words!" Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse, Yuehua hurriedly stopped her, and then turned to Nuonuo and the other three, "If you have any concerns, you can leave first, we will try Let’s try to kill a few, and if it doesn’t work, catch up.”

"No need, I'm quite interested in these beasts." At this time, Liuli's cold voice came over.

Hearing what she said, Yuehua was silent for a moment, and then said: "Well, this operation adopts a single kill mode. You are in a team, and we are in a team of four. Do you have any objections?"

The three nodded at the same time.


As soon as Yuehua finished speaking, she jumped out of the carriage with three figures.Through the small window, Nuonuo saw four figures rushing towards the dozen or so man-eating rhinos at an extremely fast speed, as if planning to confront them head-on.

The pupils of the three contracted violently with the rapid movement of several people. It was not until Yuehua and the others were about to collide with the man-eating rhinoceros that Nuonuo stood up, pulled out the big sword behind his back, and said: " let's go!"

"Wait a minute, I still need to collect some data." But at this moment, Nim's voice reached her ears.

Nim's force may not be the strongest among those present, but she has absolute certainty in analyzing the data.

Just when Nuonuo and Liuli stopped because of Nim's words, Li Wei, who had already run a hundred meters away, looked back at this moment, and seeing that the three of them hadn't made any movement, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "I'm I thought they were really daring to do something, but it turned out that it was just a show, and the people in the polar branch are really a bunch of cowards!"

"Chi!" While Li Wei was speaking, Yuehua picked up a black arrow from nowhere, and shot an arrow at the cannibal rhinos who were running towards them.Suddenly, a black meteor fell violently with a vortex that was hard to see with the naked eye.

The man-eating rhinoceros running in the front stopped abruptly as if it had been hit by some huge object, and then a cloud of blood shot out from him, and its body lost its balance in an instant, ruthlessly It hit the ground hard, kicking up a cloud of dust.

At this time, the distance from the man-eating rhinoceros is less than 100 meters, and the wind speed in the wasteland is very slow and the flow is stable. For Yuehua, hitting the target at such a distance is nothing at all, let alone his That short bow is still a soul soldier, and under the infusion of crystal energy, the arrows it shoots can even reach a distance of about 300 meters.

But this arrow was extremely shocking to Li Wei beside him.However, this kind of shock is not over for Levi!

Just as the man-eating rhino fell and smashed a big hole in the ground, the second black arrow landed on the No. 2 man-eating rhino rushing forward with a shrill roar.

Just like the end of the man-eating rhino just now, this man-eating rhino also fell hard to the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust.Although the two man-eating rhinos are still alive, they have also lost their fighting ability under this attack, and they will not pose any threat to them for the time being.

However, Yuehua's continuous shooting of these two arrows consumed a lot of energy, her breathing became a bit heavy, and her speed also slowed down a lot.But with just a slight adjustment, Yuehua shot another arrow, nailing the man-eating rhino that fell to the ground just now, so that it could no longer move.

Noticing this scene, Li Wei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he glanced at Yuehua beside him in surprise, as if he hadn't expected his strength to be so strong.In fact, it's strange to say that even an old member of his branch has never seen Yuehua's true face, and he doesn't even know his true strength.

Yuehua is like a mystery. In the entire western department, no one except James and the minister should know his origin.What's even more incomprehensible is that Yuehua is not even an investigator, but his status in the Western Division is equivalent to an A-level investigator!

Seeing Yuehua's amazing arrow technique at this time, Li Wei felt a little panicked, both envious and jealous.Although he is currently only B-level, Li Wei has never felt that he is inferior to those A-level investigators, but after seeing the scene just now, for the first time in Li Wei's mind, he thought that his skills were inferior to others. bear it!
However, Li Wei didn't notice that just as he was thinking this way, an evil thought popped out of his head, and then grew slowly as if it had taken root...

At the same time, Nim's eyes had completely turned red, and her body even began to tremble slightly. It seemed that her rapid thinking had also brought her a great burden.

Nuonuo glanced at her worriedly, and was about to say something when the redness in Nim's eyes suddenly receded, and her body returned to normal.Immediately afterwards, Nuonuo saw that the machinist took out a bottle of engine oil from somewhere and drank it.

"Ah!" After a long and pleasant sigh, Nim said unhurriedly, "I have observed carefully. Although these man-eating rhinos are huge in size, their speed is not very fast. Every time they step Sometimes, the right front foot will be put down last, which should be their weakness. It’s just that it’s really difficult to move among so many man-eating rhinos, so we must be fast.”

Nuonuo was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Nim to find the weakness of the cannibal rhino in such a short period of time.Although it is indeed very difficult to deal with the man-eating rhinos, if they can find their weaknesses, it will save a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo couldn't help but stretched out his hand to wipe the trace of crystal liquid hanging from the corner of Nim's mouth, and sighed: "Technology really changes everything."

"Let's go!"

Before Liuli and Nim could think about the meaning of this sentence carefully, Nuonuo rushed out with the big sword in his hand.

At this time, the cannibal rhinoceros had already collided with Yuehua and the others. One side was a huge beast with rough skin and thick flesh, and the other side was an investigator with supernatural powers. As soon as the two sides came into contact, it was a fierce battle .

The appearance of Nuonuo and the others did not attract the attention of any people or beasts on both sides. It was not until the big sword in Nuonuo's hand slashed one of the cannibal rhinoceros that a thunderous roar suddenly sounded, as if it overwhelmed them all. All the voices between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, four or five man-eating rhinos changed their attack direction and ran straight towards Nuonuo and the others.It wasn't until this time that Nuonuo had the opportunity to carefully look at these beasts called "man-eating rhinoceros". It has to be said that this man-eating rhinoceros is indeed huge, at least two meters in length, and has a slightly scorching breath on its body.This caused the rough skin of the cannibal rhinoceros to emit a faint red light.No wonder their skins can be made into combat uniforms, the red light alone is enough to show that they are different.

As the four or five man-eating rhinoceros continued to run wildly, the ground began to shake at a distance, and countless dust was blown into the air by the strong wind brought by them when they ran, making the sky darken suddenly.

However, as Nim said, although these man-eating rhinos are huge and menacing, their speed is not that fast, and their right feet are always half a beat slower.

It's just that it's not so easy to hit their right feet among these huge monsters. Maybe the sword in his hand hasn't come out, and the whole person will be trampled into a meatloaf in the next second!
Since these man-eating rhinos rushed over, Nuonuo only had these man-eating rhinos left in front of him at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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