Nono from another world

Chapter 17 Bloodstain

Chapter 17 Bloodstain

"Get off the ship. Sister Nuonuo, you are in the logistics, you can stay on the ship. After you get off, it will be the investigator's duty. Of course, this village is still very safe." As the flying ship stopped slowly, Mi You turned around. Head to Nono said.

Hearing this, Nuonuo's head suddenly turned black.Damn, to be despised by such a little loli...

"I'm not only a logistics officer, but also an alternate investigator, so of course I'm going down," Nuonuo said.

"Then let's see if Sister Leina has any objections." Mi You turned to look at the head of the Lena branch who was sitting on the railing unruly as always, but this time she didn't have any wine in her hand, and her expression didn't look like that anymore. The handsome girl from before had melancholy in her brows.

Although there is still a distance between the two parties, Miyou is sure that with Leina's strength, she must be able to hear the conversation between her and Nuonuo.

Miyou and Nuonuo waited silently for a few seconds, only to find that Leina did not respond.

"It seems that Sister Leina agreed. Great, I can investigate with Sister Nuonuo!" Miyou said happily.

Nuonuo rolled her eyes, mother, you were the one who told me not to go... It's hard to guess what a child is thinking.

Although Mi You said that the village was safe, before disembarking, Nuonuo still put on his combat uniform and took the wind-blown sword.

Of course, she won't admit that she can't wait to try out what it feels like to wear this full body equipment.

The combat uniform was very close-fitting and thin, and even though his arms and legs were exposed, he didn't feel cold at all.

Although the logistics uniform was not very good before Nuonuo changed it, this combat uniform made Nuonuo quite satisfied.Even judging by her picky aesthetics, this battle suit is both practical and beautiful.

There is a buckle for carrying weapons on the back of the battle suit. Nuonuo put the big sword on his back, and looked at himself in the mirror again, feeling as if he had transformed.

From the daily cuteness mode, it suddenly switched to the combat mode!
"Beautiful!" After boasting in satisfaction, Nuonuo walked out of the cabin.

Seeing Miyou head-on, both of their eyes lit up.

Miyou's battle suit is like a pumpkin suit, cute and light, which can help her fly better in the air.Nuonuo finally saw her weapon. It was a short staff that looked more like a magic wand. One end was a green crescent-shaped ring, which seemed to be woven with plant vines, inlaid with crystals, and the other end was like a magic wand. It is a solidified and open flower with a very gorgeous style.

And after letting go of her hair, Nuonuo also saw the complete appearance of her, a race from another world.There are two transparent crystal-like horns on the head, and two small wings are exposed behind the ears.

Looking at her, she looked more like an elf. When Nuonuo looked at her, she wanted to grab her, rub her into his arms and touch her head...

"Wow!" Miyou also looked at Nuonuo with amazement, "Sister Nuonuo, if others don't know, they will think you are really an investigator!"

"..." This kid is really good at boasting.

Miyou is obviously very smart, but she doesn't bother to think about how to say these words.

However, because the appearance is so cute, it also seems to have a frank and cute feeling.

For the sake of justice, I forgive you...

"It's okay." Nono said.

Rukia also walked over timidly, looked at Miyou and Nuonuo enviously, and said, "I, I'm not an investigator yet... I don't know what kind of combat uniform I will have in the future..."

Don't be envious, I bought mine... Nuonuo imagined what Rukia would look like in a battle suit.Well, if she designs it, she will definitely design a suit that suits Rukia very well. Hehe, I really feel emotional just thinking about it...


As the commander, Reina's branch leader did not disembark.

So the only ones who actually entered the village were Miyou, Nuonuo, Rukia, and Butler Nim.

The Nim Butler has become a "living map" and a "task reminder collection" as it should be.An antenna popped out of her ear, and she was in touch with Reina Branch Chief who remained on board.

"We should go and say hello to the people on the Silver Moon first. In addition, the head of the Reina branch has already contacted Yue and Liuli who entered the mine by radio, but there is no response yet. The Silver Moon has been here, maybe They will know something about it." Nim seemed to be listening to something through the radio, and then said to the three of Nuonuo.

Rukia seemed very anxious as soon as she landed. She tried her best to hide it in order not to cause trouble to others, but now she really couldn't restrain herself.

She only knew that her sister was missing, but she didn't know how she disappeared.As for the location of the mine, I don't know anything.

These questions can only be known by asking the people of Yinyue.

However, are there any investigators out there on the Silver Moon?
If that's the case, why didn't they go to the rescue when their own people disappeared?

A trace of doubt flashed in Rukia's eyes, she raised her head feelingly, and found that Nuonuo had the same expression as her.

"The people from the Silver Moon are currently living in that castle, let's go now," Nim said.

The castle Nim mentioned was a stone castle on the other side of the village.It should be quite old from the outside, revealing a sense of luxury full of classical atmosphere.Needless to say, this was once the residence of the wealthiest family in the village.

However, with the accident in the mine, the people here had to move out, and the ancient castle like this, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, could only be abandoned.

After entering the castle along a stone bridge, Miyou looked at the delicate garden and fountain, and couldn't help muttering: "The people of Silver Moon really enjoy themselves."

But it's not that the boat can't stay, and I came to the castle specially, isn't it just to live more comfortably?

Although Miyou was a little more direct, Nuonuo also felt the same way about her words.

Rukia didn't react when she saw such a situation, or she didn't have time to think so much now.She just wanted to find the people from the Silver Moon as soon as possible, and get to know the situation first.

Although she wanted to enter the mine immediately, she also knew that Nim and the others would not agree.

One of Nim's eyes flashed red, she glanced at the castle, and said, "Let's go, they're upstairs."

Nuonuo couldn't help but look at Nim again, infrared scanning, this is, this function is really on.

But maybe there is no such thing as infrared scanning in this world, maybe it is some other sensing method.After all, even with superpowers such as psionic energy, it is not surprising that some special technologies come out.

Nuonuo deeply feels that her ability to accept is still very strong, in various senses... But when she walked into the castle, she was still taken aback by surprise.

The house is in a mess, the once luxurious and classical furnishings have become a mess, these are not important... The main thing is the large bloodstain on the facing wall, which makes people feel shocking.

The bloodstain had obviously not been left for a long time, and the color was still dark red.What's even more frightening is that on the ground directly below the wall, there is an obvious bloodstain left after being dragged.

Nuonuo could even imagine the scene where a living person was hit against the wall, then limp along the wall, fell to the ground covered in blood, and was finally dragged away slowly.

It's really scary.

Nuonuo was startled, while Rukia let out a scream, and then covered her mouth in panic.

On the contrary, Nim and Miyou are very calm. Nim is a robot, it's normal not to feel anything, but Miyou is not afraid at all.

"I'm afraid I'm used to it." Nuonuo thought to herself.

But it's nothing, as early as the moment she was rescued by Liuli, didn't she already know what kind of work the investigators were doing?
(End of this chapter)

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