Nono from another world

Chapter 170 The Mutated Slug

Chapter 170 The Mutated Slug
Nuonuo turned around abruptly, only to see a mass of black, boneless strange creature struggling on the ground, with black juice constantly gushing out from it, like a mutated slug.

Looking up again, there are several identical mysterious fetishes lying on the wall, their bodies are constantly twisting, and some of them have even reached the top of her head, only a dozen centimeters away from her head .

Nuonuo was startled, and the truth took a few steps back, staying away from these strange creatures. Suddenly, a few black slugs hanging on top of her head fell down, and when they were about to land on top of her head, Liuli moved again, only a gust of wind was heard, and the sword flew over Nuonuo's head, stabbing two slug-like creatures.In this situation, Nuonuo had no way to escape, so he had no choice but to let the black juice drench himself.

At this time, Nuonuo heard Liuli shout: "Go! These things will only gather more and more!"

After Liuli appeared, Nuonuo felt more at ease.Although Yurika promised to protect herself, but after all, her origin is unknown, whether it is an enemy or a friend can not be determined, and Nuonuo always feels a little uneasy when he leaves the back to her.It's all right now, with Liuli here, even if Yurika wants to do some tricks, they can find a way to solve it.Thinking of this, Nuonuo no longer hesitated, and ran directly in the direction where Liuli appeared just now.Liuli swung his sword several times, and the sound of objects falling could be heard continuously.Yurika was also helping, but her method was a little more simple and rude. With a random wave of a pair of mechanical arms, dozens of slugs died.

Nuonuo felt that it was a little uncomfortable for him to just watch like this, so he wanted to wave his big sword to help, but unfortunately, the space here was too small, and Nuonuo was sandwiched between the two of them, so he didn't use it at all. The space, under all kinds of desperation, had no choice but to give up, An Anxin was a spectator.

The three of them retreated while fighting, and they came to a wall in a short while.Liuli looked back and shouted loudly, "There's a cave over there!"

Hearing this, Nuonuo quickly turned around to look, and sure enough, in a shadow, he found a passage wide enough for one person. Looking carefully, there was a space that wasn't too big.Before he had time to think about how Liuli knew this place, Nuonuo quickly got in and shouted: "This way!"

As soon as the words fell, the two people got in, but before they could stand still, the two turned around and started cleaning up the slugs.The ground was already dark, plus the slugs were all black, and there was no sound when they moved. Nuonuo couldn't tell how many of those things were around here, so he could only take a closer look at the light from Lika's body. It was found that the passage outside was already covered with large and small black slugs, and it was unknown where they all came from.

Seeing this, Nuonuo had no choice but to ask Liuli, "Is there any road around here?"

Liuli chopped off a slug, turned her head and smiled wryly: "Don't think about it, there are all these things in other places."

Before the words were finished, several slugs jumped in and approached the three of them.It wasn't because Liuli and Yurika were negligent, but because there were too many slugs outside, and they couldn't stop them no matter how hard they tried.And if this continues, the two of them will be exhausted sooner or later, and Nuonuo will be alone, and there will be no way to stop these disgusting creatures.

After all, Yurika is a robot, so her adaptability is not a problem, and she can use many more methods than humans.After seeing slugs crawling in, she stopped using her mechanical arm to kill these bugs, but switched to using fire.

Nuonuo only heard a few clicks, and saw that Lika's arm turned into a long cylindrical nozzle, and then a group of extremely hot flames shot out from her right hand, and she burned to death instantly. Hundreds of slugs.

However, what makes Nuonuo's scalp tingle is that these slugs don't seem to be afraid of flames, and they don't know what pain is. Even in the face of such a fierce attack, hundreds of slugs still squeeze into the hole.

Seeing the scorched slugs still tenaciously crawling towards him, Nuo Nuo's back suddenly felt cold, and he couldn't help but said, "Let's get out of here, there's nothing we can do about it with so many slugs." block."

Liuli wiped the sweat from her forehead, shook her head and said, "It's useless, these things penetrate everywhere, no matter how far we run, they will still find us."

Nuonuo pointed to the back and said, "There must be other exits behind here. This underground space is so big, it's impossible to have only so few places."

Liuli said with a slightly serious tone: "If you go further inside, although it is very possible to get close to the destination of our trip, you have also seen it, but there are so many strange creatures on the outside, and the danger inside will only be greater , we went, it is very difficult to come out alive."

Nuonuo frowned, thinking that what Liuli said was not unreasonable, but in this situation, if you go, you will die, if you don't go, you will die. This feeds the bugs!"

At this time, Nuonuo suddenly felt the wall behind him vibrate. Before he could react, he heard a "bang", and then he saw a person walking out of the dust in the sky.

This sudden noise instantly attracted everyone's attention, and even those black bugs without much intelligence stopped.This person didn't notice that she had generated such a large amount of energy as soon as she appeared on the stage, and she kept muttering, "What's wrong with blocking the signal... Hey, why is it so bright?" Then she swept around with the light of the fire , Shouted in surprise: "Nonuo, why are you here? And Liuli!"

It was Nim who came, and after saying hello to Nuonuo and the others, her eyes fell on Yurika who was still breathing fire.Nuonuo noticed that Nim's eyes suddenly changed...

Nuonuo saw that there was something going on between the two of them.In order to avoid any conflict between the two and delay the time to run out, she quickly stood up, smoothed things over and said, "Nim, it's just in time for you to come, we can't stay here any longer, where did you come from? Take us away!"

Hearing what Nuonuo said, Nim noticed that there were many dead black bugs around, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked in a little shock: "How can there be such a thing?" The frightened black bugs surrounded them again at an extremely fast speed. Seeing that the place would be occupied by these black bugs in a few minutes, Nim didn't have time to think about anything else, so he quickly greeted a few people and said, "This thing It’s very troublesome, we must not stay here, leave quickly!”

After speaking, she took the lead to jump into the passage she just came over. Seeing Nim's extremely fast speed, Nuonuo always felt a little strange. After all, with Nim's temperament, she would not show it even if she was burning her ass. Be so flustered.This made Nono not only guess, could it have something to do with Yurika?

But when she turned her head, Nuonuo didn't see anything unusual on Yurika's face, as if she didn't know Nim at all.But now is not the time to think about these things, Nuonuo suppressed the doubts in his heart, grabbed Liuli who wanted to break it, and said to her: "You go in first, I will come this time!"

Then, regardless of Liuli's answer, she ran to Yurika and said to her, "Go in quickly, I'll come here."

When Yurika heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said suspiciously, "You can do it?"

Nuonuo was speechless at once, she is not a fool, if she is not sure, she will not rush forward to be a hero, so not only will she kill herself, but also let her teammates die with her, besides being mentally handicapped, she is also a Total asshole.

After silently complaining in his heart, Nuonuo didn't care what Yurika said, but just pushed her back and said, "If you move faster, I think I can see you later."

Yurika didn't understand the meaning of Nuonuo's words for a while, but seeing Nuonuo's serious face, she didn't say anything more, just stepped back silently, and then got into the big hole.

Seeing that all three of them had gone in, Nuonuo started to back away.Perhaps because they realized that the three of them were about to escape, the speed of these black bugs became much faster. In just half a second, dozens of black bugs came in front of Nuonuo, swinging their bodies towards her. Come face to face.

Although Nuonuo didn't know the origin of these bugs, seeing that both Liuli and Nim were afraid of them and didn't dare to let them get close to him, he immediately channeled all the energy in his body and poured it all into his hands on the big sword.Suddenly, a burst of bright white light rose from the cave, turning the cave into daytime.

With the appearance of this white light, Nuonuo's eyes also changed. If she was a little lazy just now, her eyes now became very sharp, even a little cold!
At this moment, everything around her suddenly slowed down a lot, and Nuonuo saw nothing but the dozens of black bugs in front of her, and she couldn't even hear any noise.

After taking two deep breaths, Nuonuo swung his sword violently, and a burst of white light shot out from Nuonuo's sword, slashing directly at the approaching black bugs with a burst of sword wind.

It wasn't until the white light disappeared into the ground that there was a series of "puff" sounds in the cave, and the dozens of black bugs began to spew black juice one after another like balloons that had been poked.

After killing so many bugs with one blow, Nuonuo didn't feel any joy, but frowned.There is no other reason. Although this move is powerful, it consumes some energy in the body. Just now, Nuonuo already felt a little empty in the body.It is conceivable that if she does it a few more times, she will be completely exhausted.

Still too weak...

Nuonuo couldn't help sighing.

However, at this moment, Nuonuo suddenly felt a chill coming from her right abdomen, which made people feel a little chilly, but at the same time felt comfortable all over, as if all the pores of her body were opened at this time.

what happened?

Nuonuo was taken aback for a moment, she had never felt this way before!
But before he had time to feel it carefully, Nuonuo had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart, put away the big sword in his hand and slid in after seeing countless bugs crawling towards him without fear of death.Yurika had been waiting there for a long time, and when she saw Nuonuo coming in, she quickly blocked the entrance of the cave without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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