Nono from another world

Chapter 185 Death Comes

Chapter 185 Death Comes
Seeing that Baker charged in front of the faceless man with a gust of wind, Nuonuo and the three of them didn't stay idle, and immediately gathered all their strength on their feet, and with a sudden step, they chased straightly towards the faceless man. Not long after, I saw a figure jumping up and down in the cave ahead, it was the Faceless Man!
The cave was extremely dark, and Baker had reached an unprecedented speed in order to recapture the necklace. Even though the faceless man was so capable, he seemed a little embarrassed when he was suddenly attacked, although he was not injured. , but this is undoubtedly a slap in the face for the faceless man.

It's fine for someone to appear in his lair, but the other party dares to attack it, it's all courting death!
The faceless man roared angrily, grabbed something from behind, and threw it back and forward.

Nuonuo was running towards the faceless man when she suddenly felt a slight numbness in her neck.

Something is coming!

Acting almost subconsciously, Nuonuo suddenly jumped to the side. At the same time, there was a violent explosion at the place where she was standing just now, and a large area of ​​ground was lifted, causing dust to fly everywhere.Nuonuo took a closer look, and saw that a dagger was firmly nailed to the ground, only the handle was left outside!
And this dagger Nuonuo had seen before, it was the dagger she dropped in this cave when the explosion happened before!
Nuonuo's heart shuddered, the strength of this faceless man's hand was so strong!But she was only stunned for a moment, and then immediately accelerated towards the direction where the faceless man was.

Seeing that instead of stopping, Nuonuo and the other three sped up their speed, the muscles on the face of the faceless man couldn't help but twitched.Looking at Nuonuo's appearance again, the faceless man was even more furious.It naturally remembers Nuonuo's appearance. In its impression, this red-haired girl nearly destroyed its lair, and more than half of its food was blown away. It even almost destroyed the stone in its hand. The culprit!

The faceless man let out a long roar, his body leaped straight away, and fell straight down from the rock seven or eight meters away. Just when it was about to reach the ground, an invisible thrust seemed to be produced under its feet, pushing it to the ground. It pushed the whole person forward!
This faceless man actually ignored Baker and started attacking Nuonuo instead!

Moreover, its speed is four or five times faster than before!
Nuonuo had expected the Faceless Man's actions long ago, so she was not surprised. She just shook the long sword in her hand vigorously, and at the same time, a milky white light enveloped her whole body.

She was able to drive that female worm back to another world, and this time she might not be able to try to kill this faceless man!

"Scatter!" Nuonuo yelled without looking back, making Liuli and Nim move away from him quickly, and surrounded him from the left and right sides, trying to surround the faceless man.

As if the faceless man hadn't seen Liuli and Nim, a pair of pea-sized eyes kept staring at Nuonuo.Seeing that it was seven or eight meters away from Nuonuo, it suddenly stretched out its right hand, and the surrounding air suddenly became agitated, and slowly condensed into a whirlpool, converging on the right hand of the faceless man.After a few breaths, a tornado visible to the naked eye appeared in its hand. This tornado seemed to contain a huge amount of life energy. Nuonuo even felt that the power in his body was slowly passing away, heading towards that vortex!

Is this... the power of that stone?
Nuonuo was taken aback, and Liuli and Nim's eyes widened instantly. They had never seen the magic of that stone, but they only heard Nuonuo's description and knew that this thing could absorb people's vitality.But listening and watching are completely different things. Feeling that the strength in the body is gradually passing away, the body becomes heavier and heavier, and both of them have heavy expressions on their faces.

If they don't want to take away or destroy that stone, then it is undoubtedly whimsical for them to deal with such an opponent.

At that time, even if they were lucky enough to defeat this faceless man, it would be very difficult to kill him, and once he escaped, they would have wasted all their efforts.

There is probably no possibility of taking away the stone. The only thing they can do now is to destroy the stone, and then kill the faceless man!

Just as the two of them were thinking, the energy from the faceless man burst out suddenly, and a gust of wind blew up in the cave, even Liuli and Nim were blown a little bit unable to stand.

Both of them were shocked. Is this the power that erupts after absorbing the life energy of others?It's really scary, can Nuonuo really withstand the attack of this monster?


The vortex in the faceless man's hand turned faster and faster, and when its aura had reached its peak, it slammed onto the ground. There was a loud bang, and the ground under its feet exploded, like Cracks like spider webs immediately spread in all directions.

And the faceless man didn't stop, it took another step forward, and at the same time made a move with one hand, the dagger inserted into the ground suddenly let out a whimper, the handle began to shake violently, and the soil around the blade After being shaken away one after another, half a second later, the dagger let out a groan, and then flew out of the ground by itself, towards the faceless man!


Accompanied by a loud metal crash, the moment the dagger returned to the Faceless Man's hand, it crushed the ground with one foot and accelerated violently again. The distance, in an instant, came to Nuonuo.

At this time, the faceless man's eyes were red, full of killing intent, and the bones all over his body continued to explode.It stretched its body, and slashed down with its right hand. From top to bottom, the dagger burst out with a yellow light like lightning, and went straight to Nuonuo's face.

This is not like the momentum that a dagger can create. With just one knife, let alone a person, even a tank can be split in half in an instant!

Nuonuo's pupils shrank suddenly, and then she let out a yell, stepped on the ground, and also jumped towards the faceless man!

On this big sword that was about to be scrapped, there was a light like daylight shining.Holding the sword in both hands, Nuonuo's body suddenly bent backwards, his whole body was like a long bow stretched into a full moon. The next moment, a milky white light shot out from the big sword, directly attracting the infinite Face man's attack.


The two weapons collided without any fanfare, and immediately burst into flames. The two waves of energy collided together, immediately setting off a hurricane, and the ground centered on the two of them burst open instantly.

The ground cracked into countless pieces, and the soil and gravel flew in all directions, hitting the surrounding walls with a whistling sound, making a piercing bang, and even smashed countless deep holes in the wall!
When Liuli and Nim saw this, they couldn't help being stunned. You must know that the power of these flying stones is no less than the full blow of a C-level investigator.It would be fine if the number of these stones is small, and the two of them can easily hide there, but the key is that there are thousands of these stones, if not tens of thousands. Energy attack.

The two of them no longer knew what expressions to make, this kind of power far exceeded the range that ordinary humans could bear!
Nuonuo, who fought the faceless man with a sword, immediately retreated more than ten meters away, while the faceless man only retreated a step or two, as if nothing happened at all.

However, although Nuonuo was at a disadvantage in this collision, she just felt a little numbness in her hands, and the faceless man was indeed pulled a long distance from his left shoulder to his right abdomen in order to protect the stone he was holding in his left hand. long mouth.It's just that even so, it was only skin and flesh rolled out, leaving a few drops of black blood, and it didn't suffer any serious injuries at all.

(End of this chapter)

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