Nono from another world

Chapter 207 Shocked

Chapter 207 Shocked
After the confession, James stood up, turned his gaze to the person behind him, and said, "As for Li Wei, since the branch has important things to do during this time, we don't have time to take care of him, so we just He can be handed over to the Investigation Bureau. But Li Wei’s attempt to kill his fellow disciples is already a capital offense. If he is not punished, it would be unfair to the people in our branch. So, I will leave this matter to you , Let everyone in the branch see what the fate of being a traitor is! After this matter is over, you, Yuehua, will select five people in there, and let them be responsible for escorting Li Wei and sending him to the investigation bureau."


"Also, don't let this matter out beforehand, at least don't let the people above notice it." James seemed to remember something, and specifically asked.

Hearing this, Yuehua was slightly taken aback, and thought that even James had to take care of his superiors. Could it be that Li Wei's father is really so powerful?In that case, wouldn't Nuonuo and the others be very dangerous?

Before Yuehua could think about it, James suddenly turned his head and said, "Let Nuonuo and the others come over, I have something to ask them."


after an hour.

Standing in the corridor, Nuonuo looked at the heavy door without any patterns in front of her, and suddenly felt a little nervous.After receiving the news from Yuehua, she originally thought that she was ready to deal with the difficult character James, but when she actually arrived at the branch, she found that her thinking was a little too simple.

Not to mention other things, how could James be such a fool when he can become the No. [-] man in the Western Division and manage such a large place?What if he sees some clues? Will he slap the table and run away on the spot?

Thinking that James might break her own neck on the spot, Nuonuo felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet, counterattacking up to Tianling, and she couldn't help shivering.Looking back at Liuli and Nim, they still looked like they had nothing to do with them, and they seemed not worried about the next thing at all.

This made Nuonuo sigh, and at the same time couldn't help thinking wildly, thinking that it's okay for Nim, she is a robot after all, but Liuli doesn't feel nervous at all, could it be that her real identity is actually the same as Nim , is it also a robot?

At this moment, a burst of "squeak" suddenly came from the front, making Nuonuo quickly come back to his senses.She turned her eyes away from the two of Liuli, turned her head, and found that the door of the room had been pushed open, and a...a slightly ugly-looking person came out from inside.

It is not appropriate to say that this person is ugly, but Nuonuo has never seen such a strange-looking person.His head was half the size of a normal person, his facial features were prominent, he was tall and thin, and he was also wearing a black robe unique to the Western Division, but there was no logo on his chest, and he didn't know if he was an investigator.

Nuonuo has experienced too many bizarre things in the past two days. The mutated crystal made her doubt the world even more. Therefore, after seeing this strange-looking person, Nuonuo was surprised, but she did not lose her composure. .And this strange-looking man nodded to Nuonuo and the others, and then turned sideways, motioning for the three to follow him into the house.

Nuonuo took a light breath, followed the man quickly, and entered the huge office.

The office is a large semi-circular room. In the center of the room is a long, heavy black table. The floor is covered with blue-black floor tiles. The arc-shaped walls are covered with all kinds of weapons. There is nothing else, the whole room looks very cold, which makes people feel very depressed.But this is indeed in line with James' personality. If this big man's room is filled with things like flowers, Nuonuo will feel uncomfortable.

After thinking wildly, Nuonuo turned his attention to James behind the table.

He was no different from when we first met, but his expression was slightly tired, obviously worried about something.

James smiled at the three of them, motioned them to sit down on the chair next to him, and then asked straight to the point: "I think you should know the purpose of my coming here. I want to know more about that stone. Some."

Hearing this, Nuonuo's heart skipped a beat, thinking that James really came here for this matter.However, because he had been prepared for a long time, Nuonuo didn't show any strangeness, he just nodded and said, "Of course."

"First of all, that stone can really absorb people's vitality?" James asked directly without going around the corner.

"Yes, after the three of us entered the mine, we obviously felt that our bodies became sluggish a lot. Later, when we fought against that faceless man, we even turned into an old lady." Nuonuo nodded. She has nothing to hide, so when she said it, she didn't have any burden in her heart.

"Then how did you discover and destroy that stone, can you tell me more about it?" James then asked.

"Okay." Nuonuo nodded, and slowly talked about the situation at that time. Of course, this was slightly adapted after her careful thinking for a few days.

Originally, Nuonuo didn't plan to announce Yulika's existence, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that even if she didn't tell about Yulika, James would still be able to find some clues.In this way, some people with ulterior motives are likely to put a big hat on their polar branch, saying that they are colluding with innovators inside and outside.

So instead of making yourself passive, it's better to be frank. As long as you ignore the fact that Yurika and Nim know each other, James should not have any doubts.

Sure enough, because only some details were omitted, even James couldn't tell whether Nuonuo was lying.

"You have gone through the pursuit of insects from the ground, and you have retreated from those strange plants?"

"After that, you fell into an underground cave under the lure of the red-haired monster, and found a woman there? In order to survive temporarily, you cooperated with this woman and went to the lair of the faceless man together. middle?"

"Where did you find the mutated crystal and know the secret of the crystal? Later, you fought with this monster, and you fled with serious injuries. After the woman took you to a cave, she disappeared?"

"After that, you joined Liuli and Nim, and returned to the lair of the faceless man. The three of you worked together, and with the help of the red-haired monster, you managed to break the crystal and put the faceless man to death. Killed?"

Nuonuo slightly made the adaptation, which in her opinion was not a very thrilling thing, but it was no different from a thunderstorm in the ears of James and the strange-looking man.

In order to complete the task, she dared to enter the lair of the faceless man alone, and even took the risk of negotiating with the red-haired monster. How much courage did it take? !
What a feat it is for the three of them to work together to kill a faceless monster comparable to an S-rank!

Besides, those villagers, without them, these people would have died long ago, how could they return to their original state!

James was shocked for the first time. At first, like everyone else, he thought that it was impossible to complete this Transcendent A Grade mission with only the strength of the three of them, but they not only completed it, but also completed it so beautifully .

If it weren't for the traces of those things, James would have thought Nuonuo and the others were bragging.Moreover, according to their description, this mission may not be as simple as Transcendent A Grade. After all, with the value of that stone alone, this mission is comparable to S Grade!
It's just a pity that the higher authorities made a misjudgment in this regard!If S-level investigators are sent in, they will get a priceless treasure!

Thinking of this, a ball of anger ignited in James' chest. He really couldn't understand how the heads of those investigators who collected information were so long that they missed such a valuable thing!

But this is not the time to think about these things, taking a deep breath, James suppressed the anger in his heart, and waved to the man standing aside.The man immediately resigned and went to contact the people who stayed in the mine to confirm the accuracy of the information.

Soon, the news came back.

There are indeed tens of thousands of dead insects underground, those withered flowers are still in the "botanical garden", the black pool does exist, and the nests do have traces of explosions.

The verified news came back one by one, and finally reported to the investigation bureau. The entire investigation bureau was a sensation, and even James couldn't sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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