Nono from another world

Chapter 238 Getting Points

Chapter 238 Getting Points
It's hot, it's so hot!

This is Nuonuo's most intuitive feeling. Just taking a deep breath, she felt that her lungs were already burning.If ordinary people appeared here, they would probably die from heat and dehydration the moment they appeared.

But what surprised Nono the most was not the hot climate, but the long table in front of her.

The table was extremely rough and looked as if it was about to rot.However, even so, the table remained motionless in the surrounding flames, and there was not even a trace of fire on the table.

But after thinking about it, the world inside the mirror is not real, and the table is certainly not real, so Nuonuo was relieved, and couldn't help but feel a little funny, thinking that he really made a fuss.

On the table lay a silver mask and a set of black leather armor.

Nuonuo heard Nim mention it before, saying that in this mirror, if he is not so strong that he is not afraid of being besieged by others and actively reveals his identity, then everyone usually calls each other by the symbol on the mask.And this mask can also change people's voices to help hide identities.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo picked up the voice-changing mask and black leather armor curiously and looked at them carefully.However, he found that the silver mask could even cover the head, and the face was made of layer upon layer of silver threads. Apart from blurring the eyes, it basically had no effect.And the breathing is very smooth, and the air permeability is surprisingly good, and it will not make people feel dyspnea at all.

As for the black leather armor, it was even more miraculous. It was like a living thing. Nuo Nuo just put it on, and the black leather armor began to adjust itself, covering her tightly in a short while.It is worth mentioning that although the black leather armor looks heavy, it makes people feel extremely relaxed and cool when worn on the body, and the original feeling of scorching heat has been reduced a lot.

However, Nuonuo found that his figure looked burly and taller. It seemed that even if he was a fat man wearing this leather armor, others would not be able to recognize him at all.

After getting dressed, Nuonuo suddenly became a bit more murderous, and she couldn't help trying to say a word.What made her a little dazed for a moment was that she heard that her voice had become shrill and thin, like some kind of animal screaming, and it had nothing to do with her own voice at all.

After being surprised for a while, and after trying several times, Nuonuo turned his gaze to the table.She found that in addition to these two things on the table, there was also a wooden board, which was written in the words of the empire: "This trial place is a free battle zone. Anyone you meet is your enemy." .Being killed by someone once, five points will be deducted on the basis of [-] points. Once the score is lower than [-] points, the tester will lose the qualification for the trial and will not be allowed to enter again. Conversely, if he kills others five times in a row, Then you are eligible to enter the heaven list and participate in the ranking. There are many weapons scattered in the trial ground, and the tester can find the most convenient weapon among them. After death, the tester will be sent out forcibly."

After carefully reading it several times and making sure that there was nothing missing, Nuonuo set off.

However, after only a few minutes of walking, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Nuonuo's mouth under the silver mask.

There are no ambushes around here, in fact, there should be no one who can hide in the burning grass and ambush.However, looking forward from where she is now, this place has no end at all, and there is basically no shelter except for some low grass and a few scattered trees around.

That is to say, even if Nuonuo wanted to find a place to hide, it would be impossible, as others would be able to see her at a glance no matter what.

A novice like her must be the focus of others' attacks.And the most abnormal thing about this trial is that because she doesn't know the opponent's identity and cultivation level, even if she wants to ambush others, there is a great possibility that she will be killed by the opponent.

Before he had time to think about it, Nuonuo picked a random direction and started running fast.

However, after only running a distance of more than 100 meters, Nuonuo felt a little hard to breathe.

She hadn't done strenuous exercise before, so Nuonuo didn't think there was anything wrong with the black armor on her body, but when she started exercising vigorously, she realized that the black armor was constantly absorbing the spiritual energy in her body, and the absorption speed Very quickly, after only a short while, Nuonuo already felt tired.

It seems that this place of trial has also tested the endurance of practitioners!No wonder she didn't see anyone along the way, presumably those people are adjusting their state, planning to kill her with the least spiritual energy?

In desperation, Nuonuo had no choice but to adjust his breathing and slowly shuttle through the grass.At this time, a cold light in the chaotic rocks attracted Nuonuo's attention.

This is a long black knife.

Nuonuo couldn't help being overjoyed, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, Nuonuo stepped forward a few steps, and lifted the black long knife.

Just seeing the slightly thick back of the black long knife and the blood grooves on the knife, Nuonuo immediately judged that this knife was in the style of a frontier army.

The long knives of the investigation bureau are generally light and light, and the length will not exceed half a meter at most. The emphasis is on a light and easy to carry.But the frontier army is different, because they have more frontal conflicts, so the thickness of the weapon must be ensured, so as not to cause the weapon to break suddenly, and a heavy knife is sometimes even Can kill opponents by weight alone.

Of course, heavy knives also have obvious disadvantages, the most direct and critical point of which is that most people simply don't have the strength to use it.

But Nuonuo is not an ordinary person, the big knife she had before was a very heavy weapon.Being used to this kind of heavy weapon, Nuonuo only felt that the weight of these knives was not enough, and he would not have any heavy thoughts at all.

It's a pity that her big sword was destroyed by the faceless man, and no suitable material was found to repair it, so Nuo Nuo can only use some ordinary knives during this time.

Now this black long knife is a foot longer than her arm, and weighs about ten catties, which is exactly the same as the knives Nuonuo saw in the west.

Holding the slightly heavy black long knife, Nuonuo suddenly felt a lot safer. She walked to the side of the bush and was about to try the power of the long knife when a dead tree came from not far away. The click of a branch snapping.

someone is coming!

Nuonuo's heart trembled, and he turned around immediately, only to see a man wearing a mask and black soft armor, with a silver spear in his hand, walking slowly from behind.

After seeing clearly the spear in the opponent's hand, Nuonuo couldn't help feeling very nervous.

This silver spear emitting this cold light is taller than Nuonuo himself, so in terms of the length of the weapon, Nuonuo has already suffered a disadvantage.

Besides, the origin of this spear, Nuonuo also paid attention to the news when he was idle before, and knew that this silver spear is a characteristic of the south, and the barrel of the spear is made of special plants, which is not only extremely difficult to chop It is not broken, and its flexibility is extremely good. If you are a master, you can even swing the body of the gun into a semicircle, and use the power of the gun itself to fly people out.The most important thing is that this kind of long gun is extremely light in weight, and it will basically not bring any burden to people when it is used.

Moreover, the equipment on this person already had a lot of scratches and things like that. Presumably this person has been in this trial ground for a long time, and his points have far surpassed her.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo subconsciously glanced at the other person's chest, where a black snake hovering was impressively embroidered there.

When Nuonuo was looking at the other party, the other party's eyes also stayed on Nuo Nuo's chest, and noticed a fiery red phoenix symbol on Nuo Nuo's chest.

"You..." Nuonuo opened her mouth. She originally planned to get close to the other party and ask about the situation in this place, but she didn't know that she had just said a word, and the other party had already made a move.

The speed of this man was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed in front of Nuonuo, and at the same time the spear in his hand stabbed fiercely, heading straight for Nuonuo's vital point.

(End of this chapter)

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